View Full Version : Advise needed on Coomera river please

04-01-2007, 11:38 PM
Not wanting any ones secret spots just general help as I will be taking the kids there next couple of days (weather permitting) in the boat.

Is the ramp I can see beside the M1 ( google earth) the best or only ramp to use and if so how secure is it there for the car & trailer ?

We will be chucking hardbodies about and may take the crab pots so with this in mind would I be better going up or down river from the M1 bridge ?

Are the canals in this area worth a shot ?

What species are found in each area there & what tides fish best ?

I am open to PM's if anyone would like to help and wishes info remain private. ;)

05-01-2007, 05:37 AM
Mate, fish above and below that ramp. Good ramp. Be aware going upstream at low. Decent rock bar just west of rowing club. I prefer the stretch from the bridges down to santa barbara. Use the fall of the land to find drains and rockbars. Plenty of fish here.

05-01-2007, 03:52 PM
Thanks flick

Any other advice anyone ?

05-01-2007, 07:01 PM
There are a number of other boat ramps. One at John Siganto Park, right upstream near the weir (above the rock bar) Also a couple of others down stream between the highway and Sanctuary Cove. Check out your Street Directory and you should find them.

I use the one at the highway as I live just a few minutes away.

Lots more boat traffic on the river these days with all the development in the area. The boat ramp and car park has been improved greatly, but it gets a lot more use as a result.

Never used to get my crab pots raided on the Coomera. Now it happens regularly. Fishing is pretty good at times, but can be patchy (for me at least). Haven't got a Jack this season yet. :'( :'( :'(. Perhaps that's the fisherman, not the fish.