View Full Version : Sounder ???

28-12-2001, 04:43 PM
Hi all,
I am interested in buying a new sounder. I rushed in and bought a Hummingbird NS25 GPS/Sounder unit while I am happy with the GPS the sounder is not the quality I was led to believe. I mainly fish Morton Bay and on the reefs out from South Passage bar. I will probably spend about the $1000 mark to get a good sounder. So I am after some advice from someone with experience using the sounders as opposed to just trying to sell one. The sounder needs to be able to accurately show the different bottoms and I would like to be able to set the zoom at any depth and size that I require. Any help would be appreciated.

28-12-2001, 04:56 PM
The sounder with power and pixels l like is the garmin FF240 very impressive.

l also liked the X75 and the X 85 but they both are finished and thier replacements l think are the X81 and X91 they are a few months away...

The Garmins are impressive definatly worth a look...

good luck in your decision,just one tip never buy a combo sounder and GPS the sounder is never as good as they are packed up to be ;D


28-12-2001, 05:54 PM
Travis is right with the choice of sounders, The x85 would be the one you would be happy with, As it has more power outpu than the x 75 which you will use in the deep blue ocean.
The setting's you wish to use are available on the x85 and will cost under $1000. they should have one on demo somewhere as you can try the simulator on the set.
have fun.


10-01-2002, 03:45 PM
Thanks Travis and Tonyp for your thoughts on what sounder to buy. I was leaning towards the X85 so I will go and see what sort of deal that I can get for one.

10-01-2002, 04:52 PM

I've got the Lowrance x85 and I'd recommend it to anyone. Easy to use but jam packed full of features for its $850-900 price tag. They give good detail and by playing around with the sensitivity and grayline you can find whatever you're looking for. The automatic setting is generally good enough for everything you want and it has a good zoom, etc. I don't think you would be disappointed. Happy hiuntin'.

Cheers ;)