12-05-2002, 07:57 AM
Hey yet again i'm looking for information http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm7.gif but arn't all fisherman.
im looking to buy a fishi finder. i can spend up to $500
but that is maximum. i usually fish in the swan river and around garden island.
is a gps worth getting? or does it come with the fish finder?
could you make some suggestions and try to include the price........thanks http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm26.gif
im looking to buy a fishi finder. i can spend up to $500
but that is maximum. i usually fish in the swan river and around garden island.
is a gps worth getting? or does it come with the fish finder?
could you make some suggestions and try to include the price........thanks http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm26.gif