View Full Version : Fish finder/Sounder

21-03-2004, 08:57 AM
Being a keen fisherman that I am - I've finially been given approval from the Minister of War & Finance (the wife!!) to buy a boat! While I would love to go and buy a 30ft game fishing boat - I'm limited to money (wife!) and the fact that the boat will have to be able to be handled by me and my four year old Deckie! So I'm currently aiming to buy a 3.9m Quintrex Dart/Trevally! Now the next mountain I have to climb is What sounder/fish finder to buy? Do I buy it new or second hand? I would like to spend no more than $500.00 - What do you guys recommend? ???

21-03-2004, 09:07 AM
try this thread

http://www.ausfish.com.au/cgi-ausfish/board/YaBB.cgi?board=Classified;action=display;num=10793 48751

21-03-2004, 01:55 PM
$500 will buy a pretty nice sounder!

23-03-2004, 03:42 AM
I just bought a sounder from the USA. It is an Eagle Sea Ranger 240DF and is a dual frequency sounder with temperature and speed. It looks great in simulator mode and I will be giving it a run this weekend.

I've seen it for $500-$520 here in Australia but I picked it up 2 weeks ago at Boaters World in LA for US$149. With the exchange rate at the time it cost me $190 Aussie.

Sure can save a lot when buying from OS!