View Full Version : Broken sounder
17-03-2004, 05:26 PM
A little while a go I took my boat out in a bit too heavy a swell and as I was going along the boat was getting knocked around abit and the sounder stoped working.
now everthing works on it except the depth. it has speed and temp but no depth reading at all. also no clicking noise is coming from the transducer any more.
can any one help me with any advice?
17-03-2004, 05:45 PM
first and i dare say you have check your conections fuse and last of all try to get another transduce and test that to see if it is the tranducer or accual sounder
18-03-2004, 07:49 AM
While on the subject, what does that 'clicking' sound on your sounder actually mean/do?
I know it is not the best (esp in eustary) to leave your sounder on when at anchor cos it scares the fish away, is it because of this noise? or the sonar working? The clicking is quite noticeable when the motor is turned off.
18-03-2004, 11:30 AM
it in some models is just the sounder working but it should only be notacable on the big transducers
i have followed these type of post on this and other web sites and from what i can gather it accualy does nothing to the fish and do not get spooked i guess they just don't hear that type of sound :D
18-03-2004, 01:25 PM
That's good to know they don't get spooked (an old fisho mate told me that), but I will still turn it off anyhow I think, unless drifting. No need to waste power when at anchor and you may be there for awhile, plus, you use your sounder to get to a good spot, so once you're there, you're there I suppose! At the end of the day, I think the "ticking" noise still annoys the hell out of me anyway when all is quiet. [smiley=brood.gif]
18-03-2004, 02:45 PM
my x85 does it but only in the shallows out on the deep you don't notice it but your not half wrong it sure can get anoing if it s dual ferq try seting it to the lower one 50hq i think or could be other way around
20-03-2004, 12:39 PM
Thanks for the replys Guys
I re-checked the fuse and it is still working so it is not that unless there is a hidden fuse for the transducer.
I will see what I can do about trying a nother transducer over the next copple of weeks.
thanks again
20-03-2004, 03:36 PM
dillon that is the best way to do it your just got to go through everything and try to rule it our and soon or later you will find what the problem is and hopefuly it is only some thing small :)
16-06-2004, 05:19 PM
It has taken a while but I finaly found the problem , I tried a nother transducer which failed, and checked all the wiring I could only to still see nothing, then every thing electrical except the motor stoped so I took it to a sparky, the result was that the + conection to the switch board was faulty somewhere along the line and not alowing enought power to the sounder or any thing else. so it will be fixed by next week.
17-06-2004, 11:03 AM
'clicking' sound on your sounder actually mean/do?
The clicking sound is the sounder firing sound waves thru the transducer
no click no work
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