View Full Version : WHAT sounder & G.P.S. are you using

01-05-2004, 03:32 PM
i was going to put up a poll but its more a survey as to what every one prefers to use ???

in the process of updating my electronics ???

deep water sounder and agps that can hold plenty on way points ??? :D

01-05-2004, 03:41 PM
I have an X85 Lowrance 50/200 Khz trans and Garmin 126. I have been having a close look at the Raymarine DS400X or 500X for a replacement. They look good for the biccies. The GPS is fine but ideally I would like to get a plotter like the Garmin 176C or the 276C (when it gets here).



01-05-2004, 03:45 PM
5 .. greg
i use the same as you now ;D

01-05-2004, 03:52 PM
yeh lowrance x85 combined with a eagle gps
oldies but they still work ok and if i had more money i would upgrade but now going to upgrade the boat insted to a streaker and that comes with lowrance x15mt sounder/gps

01-05-2004, 04:09 PM
Peter, you need a sounder with Big Kahuna's.

HAS to be colour.

I use a Furuno 668 and Garmin 126. will upgrade to the Garmin with Blue Chart soon.

GPS waypoint storage is important, but not as much as a very good plot page/ system. And with the Blue Chart ( as opposed to the C-Map ) contours and water depths are included. This type of unit is a must for deep water.

Phill ;)

01-05-2004, 04:17 PM
blue and c-map
they are different
what garmin model
just think i once had a furuno663 and gave it away because i thought it was getting too old :P :-[

01-05-2004, 04:23 PM
.... and a gps that can hold plenty on way points ??? ....

Like how many waypoints can one actually use or reqiure at once ??? far more important to be able to download/upload/interface whatever unit to a PC.

Cheers, Kerry.

01-05-2004, 04:26 PM
far more important to be able to download/upload/interface whatever unit to a PC.

Cheers, Kerry.

gezz i'm just able to understand how to turn on my computer let alone that things you say that sounded like alian talk to me

when i get my new unit in my new boat i will neeed you to guide me thought all this techno stuff kerry ;)

01-05-2004, 04:28 PM

computer on board the cat would crack me up ;D ;D
i guess thats why the gps should be able to hold a lot of way points
BUGGA i am flat out trying to remember to put my lunch into the boat????

01-05-2004, 04:29 PM
just got a huminbird matrix 20 with gps and you can down load and upload from your PC and upgrade the unit when new features are available haven't used it yet but am going to take a spin on the dam very shortly

cheers gary

01-05-2004, 04:46 PM
As Phill said it needs to colour and we use a JRC ff50 which im really impressed with.
As for a GPS we have been using a Lowrance for many many years and has performed good but we purchased a Garmin 182c last year as we really wanted a GPS with a map so we could check out all the reefs out from Hinchinbrook and it was just a great asset to have in those areas. I even find it to be handy around the bay and offshore. In my opinion blue map are alot better then c-map as far as detail goes and even the rescue guys use them.(so im told) I believe the most important part of a gps and even your fishing is that your unit has a good plot page and u understand how to use it to minimise miss judged anchor drops and scare the crap out of a good show of fish. Pete its best to go and have look at these units and buy what suits you.
Cheers Greg

01-05-2004, 05:06 PM

ff-50 or a furuno 600 whats you opinion
i know you are using the ff-50 has it got any short comings
i have seen and used the 600 .. the one we used last weekend at d/i.
the gpswe used was agarmin 182 not sure whether it was a c model or not
it appears to be a good gps and plenty of plot screens and stored info i think?????
these two units look the part so far :o

01-05-2004, 05:14 PM

To poinpoint the sometimes small areas as far as fishing goes you will need a good GPS that will put you spot on the mark. I've talked to guys in the aviation industry and all they use is Garmin.

After sounding around an area and determining what is good & bad ground, you need to then be able to locate what you have determined is good ground so we use a Koden CVS832 sounder which we have found to be reliable in deep water 50/200 HTZ.

01-05-2004, 05:16 PM

The only difference between a 182 & a 182C model is the colour.

01-05-2004, 05:20 PM
hey roota

i fished out of d/i last w/e only new to the area and fished in close and went wide later in day
just learning what is required eg sound around looking and then anchor????

bait what is the best and what are you using???

what bait for reds and do you catch reds during the day or fish nite for them????

01-05-2004, 05:21 PM

01-05-2004, 05:27 PM
I have now got most of the east coast blue maps in my computer and i can tell you its great. I can enter gps marks, set out trips/routes on the pc and down load it to the gps unit.
In general its just handy to have the maps to look at and see your fishing spots/areas and even look at depth changes in certain areas which may contain fishing grounds/reef
Heres one of a few maps that do the fraser area. I can also put my pointer anywhere on the map and it gives me exact gps marks for that spot. I can also zoom up the map to an 80ft radius to look at spots really closely.
Cheers Greg

01-05-2004, 05:38 PM
Pete i havent used a Furuno 600 myself but when we were looking at buying i found the definition to be better on the JRC and easier to read from all angles. I have used rootas sounder and also find it a good sounder and about $400 cheaper.
Cheers Greg
Pete Reds will take anything at anytime but you just need lots of luck mate and the right grounds. Big baits big hooks are best ;)

01-05-2004, 05:49 PM

how do you get the blue maps into the pc
if i was to get a blue map burrow how????

01-05-2004, 05:54 PM
A kind friend had bought the cd rom so he could download the charts into his gps and kindly gave the disk to me to download into my pc. I think it cost over $300 just for 1 unlock code to do an area but the disk has all maps on it

01-05-2004, 06:09 PM
arrrrrrr a friend of mine has the same program how i come to think about it
how good i will find out in the next couple of days

downloading/ up loading a gps doesnt need any power on the unit????

01-05-2004, 06:20 PM
G'day Snapper,if comparing the Furuno FCV 600 L to the JRC FF 50,you should take into consideration that the Furuno is only 350 watts(maybe 300 watts) compared to the JRC's 600 watts,they both have the same pixel count,same size screen,between these two I would choose the JRC.On my boat I run a lowrance Global Map 1600 with my local chart,prety average unit but gets the job done and has excellent waranty.For a sounder I've got a Furuno FCV 582 L with an Airmar P66 Triducer,in my opinion it's prety hard to beat for a recreational unit.

01-05-2004, 07:07 PM
I have a Garmin 126 GPS, and the Matrix 125 sounder, plug them together to get a 3d (isometric) view on the Matrix. plus have the barometer module too

01-05-2004, 09:53 PM
just think i once had a furuno663 and gave it away because i thought it was getting too old :P :-[

my boats got a 663 and a furuno navigator,
might be a bit old but it's still pumping out a
nice picture.

02-05-2004, 02:22 AM
I just purchased a Raymarine LC 435 Plotter and a Navman 4500 Sounder I haven't used them yet but they appear to be quality units.

02-05-2004, 04:01 AM
Furuno GP 1650WF Plotter/Sounder.

My first post here at ausfish related to some trouble that I was having with it. An intermittent fault whereby the alarm kept sounding and a messaging of internal battery low. When returned after 3 weeks (under warranty) it was "fixed" to become a permanent fault. :-)

There wasn't even an invoice saying what the fault was!

Anyway, I went off at 'em saying that we weren't pissing around with 3 hundred bucks worth of hummingbird here, I was 3 grand light and wanted some satisfaction pretty quick. They've put a new PBS in it now, and I'm about to test it this arvo.

Been a cracker though, whilst it was working.......first time I've seen prawns on a sounder and didn't even realise that a sounder was good enough to pick 'em up.


02-05-2004, 04:27 AM

computer on board the cat would crack me up ;D ;D
i guess thats why the gps should be able to hold a lot of way points
BUGGA i am flat out trying to remember to put my lunch into the boat????

On board computer? no not in your context but that's really the direction things are going. No the computer upload/download is really a must reagrdless of what type of GPS/plotter it is. As when something goes a little astray (for whatever reason) if the "lot" are sitting solely in a GPS you will loose the lot.

"But able to hold a lot of waypoints" ??? but just how many waypoints do you really need or better still how many do you really use, think about it.

The more waypoint storage units have the more crap people tend to put/store in them.

Really most units come with far more waypoints anyway than most require.

downloading/ up loading a gps doesnt need any power on the unit
it does, no power, no work

Cheers, Kerry.

02-05-2004, 04:30 AM
The only difference between a 182 & a 182C model is the colour.

And the difference a "C" makes

a bit over twice the price


different screen sizes


different screen resolution


about a 3 fold difference in power consumption

Cheers, Kerry.

03-05-2004, 03:17 AM
I have a Navman 5600 Colour Plotter with C-Map and User card with user card and PC Planner for the home computer. Plotter is good, PC Planner is crap, the new upgrade should fix the minor problems.

Sounder is a Furuno 582 FCV 16 Colour thing, very nice unit. The price in Australai for these is starting to drop.

I have owned a Lowrance LMS350A Plotter Sounder for last 8 years before this upgrade. Very Good package

The Navman and Furuno were purchased from the States saving about 30% on the retail price here. The service I was offered in Townsville when I wnet to buy local was pathetic so I went overseas. Warranty is the risk. The Navman was purchased in the states and shipped direct from New Zealand. ::)


03-05-2004, 05:40 AM
lowrance lci 15ci.....color with gps.....great unit..
download a working simulator at


03-05-2004, 08:38 AM
does any one have any maps/gps marks around jacobs well/goldcoast/ area they are willing to share, i dont get down there much and i spend more time trying to find good spots then fishing, i live at warwick so when i do go i dont have a lot of time, PM any info so as not to put it on the board if you like

cheers gary

03-05-2004, 12:50 PM
I use a Navman 450 or should it be try to. Not impressed at all. For Gps use Garmin GPS12 hooked up to Toshiba Libretto laptop running OZIEXPLORER and scanned Qld Transport chartsand some BSB charts downloaded from the net.

03-05-2004, 02:14 PM
I'm using a Humminbird tribeam and a Magellan 315 gps handheld mounted on the dash. Not a flash set up but it works. I'd love to have a colour sounder and plotter but gotta pay the bills... :-[

04-05-2004, 03:12 PM
Spotted a Furuno FCV-582L,on a ad 4 Leisure Marine in
Bush & Beach ,May issue,,,,,,,,, $ 2995
They seam 2 B going down quiet rapidly & a very good unit....

05-05-2004, 04:05 AM
Spotted a Furuno FCV-582L,on a ad 4 Leisure Marine in
Bush & Beach ,May issue,,,,,,,,, $ 2995
They seam 2 B going down quiet rapidly & a very good unit....

even down to $2799 at other places.

Cheers, Kerry.

05-05-2004, 04:32 AM
I'm using a GarminMap 76 and Eagle dual freq. sounder (can't remember the model). Both work well but I haven't shelled out the $200-300 for a map yet. Bloody expensive!

05-05-2004, 02:47 PM
G'day all, I use a Matrix 35 sounder the quadrabeam model which is awesome in water up to 160 ft but after that the side structure locating beams have to be turned off but then you have a choice of using 83khz or 200khz beams or a combo view. It also hooks up to my gpsmap60c which is a 256 colour handheld GPS as I need it for hiking etc, it is loaded with bluecharts and is an awesome fishing companion.

The cost was somewhat expensive and I had to do without a few things but well worth it, I could probobly drive blind and not hit a sandbar, bluemaps also have many wrecks and areas of interest well worth going to have a sound over but it has about 62 maps i use all overlap and show different things but that is another ballgame.

05-05-2004, 05:34 PM
guys have just got my hands on the new humminbird matrix 97 color unit ......used it on the weekend out at hutchies and offshore ......extremely impressed .....same deal as gary's ....can up grade software via download on the internet and very simple to use ......great unit worth getting in and having a look at one and well priced!

05-05-2004, 07:57 PM
Nothing flash , Lowrance X 51 I think, and for a GPS I use a Magellan Meridian Marine hand held , whish is handy because I can use it anywhere, including driving around in the city or scrub..

08-05-2004, 11:57 AM
As long as you have a sounder with plenty of punch you are set. Must have grey scale if black & white but colour is better of course. A sounder with 300 watt rms has heaps of grunt.
I took out the deep sea comp for CADAFCA (Cairns and district amature fishing clubs association) using a Garmin FF100blue. I had perfect bottom definition while planing at around 25 mph in 50+ metres of water. the big trick is setting up your transducer. This sounder cost me under $400.
Good luck with your upgrade

09-05-2004, 05:41 AM
Just picked up the Matrix 55 (yes it's grey scale) for $885
Chart plotter, dual beam sounder, navionics gold cartography
Instalation is Saturday arvo, testing Sunday (if the bloody rain goes away)

Previous to that was using a Garmin GPS 12 handheld and a Eagle Fish ID 128 (old and cheap, but showed how deep the water was, just)

09-05-2004, 01:15 PM
A fortnight ago I picked up a Lowrance X125. I can't believe how good a sounder it is for under $500. Every couple of years I go in to buy a new sounder and I am always blown away at the new features, ease of use, definition and improved signal processing in mid range equipment. We still run an old Furuno 663 for reef and deep water work. It still does the job well. GPS is an old Lowrance Globalnav II which is ready for an upgrade probably to something like a Seiwa Tigershark unit.

Cheers Neil

09-05-2004, 02:40 PM
question for ya`s

a mate uses afuruno 600L
daul freq. color
i have just seen a furuno LS 6100 color sounder
ARE THEY THE SAME maybe the 6100 is a later version of the 600 ????
what power has the 6100 compared to the 600L?????
if the LS 6100 suits my needs then i have a lowrance X85 for sale around ???? $350

09-05-2004, 04:12 PM

The LS6100 is a grey line model, and the FCV600L is the colour one almost the same as a LS6100 but with a few more features. Is also around $1000 dearer($1700 or there abouts) than the LS6100.

Regards Andrew

09-05-2004, 05:23 PM
thanks very much andrew
now i know.
i`ll wait untill i can manage a color one

11-05-2004, 07:06 AM
"deep water sounder and agps that can hold plenty on way points"

What do you mean by a deep water sounder? 100m, 200m, 1000m? It all comes back to kilowatts. Was on a boat the other weekend that supposedly had a 1kW transducer but we dropped bottom at about 320-330m. We did get a slight trace at 360-370m but that was not real good for a 10" JMC costing thousands. My next sounder will be a toss up between the JRC FF-50 which seems to put out its rated 600 watts or for a budget the X-15M with the 1kW transducer. All of the 300 watt sounders like the Koden CVS-108 I am currently running and the 5" and 6" Furunos are a waste of time over the shelf and only read to about 170-180m. I love the display and ease of use of my Koden but a mates Furuno with its reds and green colours seemed to show the wire weed off Rainbow better. The JRC really seems the goods from what I have seen and heard about it plus the price seems reasonable for what you are getting. Don't discount the X-15. The "Outsmart1" guys (gun fishos from the Sunshine Coast) are running one and rave about it. A lot cheaper option. Also don't discoun the Raymarine gear. Was dissappointed by a couple of Raymarine units I have used but this new stuff looks the goods but expensive. The one unit was suppossed to be 600 watts but dropped out at around 170 metres.

As for GPS I am getting away with an Eagle Explorer handheld. Benefits of it are ease of use, its power as in being able to access a lot of functions without having to go into multiple menu screens and being able to zoom right down to a 0.1 plot screen. It is great for uploading and downloading GPS points out of Oziexplorer. If buying new would be keen on a Navman because of the benefits of the fuel computer. Lowrance stuff still seems to lead the way for its menus and user friendliness. Looked at the way a C-Map loaded up on a 10" Furuno and didn't like the look of it. Navman looks good. Was using a Seiwa 10" the other day which looked nice but I didn't like menu functions and waypoint editing stuff. Have used the small Garmins quite a bit. They always seemed to update slow against my Eagle, the menus were clumsy and they only zoomed down to 0.2 on the plot screen. Newer ones might be better. Would like to see the Garmin cartography in action. Nothing wrong with C-Maps. We were fishing the Canyons off Cape Moreton in 1000 fathoms the other week and all of the canyons showed up perfect on the C-Map. Talking of computers on boats, I saw the Endeavour program linked to a GPS running on the bridge of a big cat and that looks like the ultimate. Just a monitor and mouse upstairs and the computer safely down near the galley.

12-05-2004, 12:27 PM
just got a lowrance x51 sounder and a lowrance ifinderpro, just saving the dollars to get a map,cant find any faults with the setup

12-05-2004, 12:40 PM
Smithy - Which Raymarine units are you talking about ? The new A series ? I have had a look at the 600 and it looks good for the price tag.

Would like to get some feedback from anyone who has purchased one. Had heard they had shipment delays in the states due to t/hull xducers but cant find too many negative comments about their performance.



20-05-2004, 05:13 AM
Russ, my partner in crime, had a look at the C-series Raymarine stuff at Glass Craft the other day. Might check out the A-series this weekend at Sanctuary Cove. Also found out another reason why I hate the little Garmins. Couldn't get a cursor location up with Lat and Long on it on a GPS12. Can you do that on the 126-128's etc. etc.? My little Eagle/Lowrance can do it!

20-05-2004, 03:19 PM
i now use a Humminbird Matrix 25 with the optional GPS Receiver and the Weathersense Accessorie.. one top unit with awesome resolution for what i do


21-05-2004, 04:53 AM
i just repalced our humingbird parramount to a raymarine and boy what a big difference and now i only need one unit on the console as it is a gps sounder in one love the unit although i may never try it in 300mtrs of water it works great at 80mtrs deepest i have takin it so far


24-05-2004, 06:17 PM
last year replaced the humminbird wide eye with a Furuno LS6100, still mucking around with the transducer placement but very happy so far.
And they are definately not colour. Pity.
I have the garmin 12 mounted in some moulded pvc pipe. works a treat but i am looking at upgrading to a chart plotter/map.

29-05-2004, 03:41 AM
A mate of mine recently bought a Navman Tracker 500i. He is seriously dyslexic and is having trouble reading the instructions, so has given it to me to look at. My first read indicates to me that to be accurate it also needs a DGPS receiver to be connected to it. All I could find on the web was 000's of $'s. Is there a cheaper way? Any info on this tracker would be appreciated.

The tracker doesn't have the facility for maps - but is there somewhere that you can download maps from (for Northern NSW) so that I can manually transfer some GPS marks from interesting looking depths on the map??? (if that makes sense)

Many thanks


29-05-2004, 07:29 AM
the 500i is the very basic of Navmans plotters.. it only has a digital display of co-ordinates and stuff, and you wont be able to manually upload maps or anything to it because its not designed for that.. your probably looking at $1500 for a decent Navman with the maps and such that your after, or you could get a Humminbird Matrix 67 which has colour mapping, colour sonar and nice big easy to read screen for around the same price


29-05-2004, 03:43 PM
G'day Tony,I personaly think that the unit is going to be fine as far as accuracy goes just the way it is,I'm not even sure if there is a beacon in this area that is opperational,I'm in the local club and none of the boats have a DGPS reciever fitted.As far as the map goes,if you would like to Pm your phone number to me I can help out.

30-05-2004, 10:34 AM
hay guys
ive got a furruno gp31 gps and a Koden CVs118 colour sounder duel beam.
the furruno LS6000 is a colour model.
been window shopping for new sounder and gps unit and have come to the desition that JRC something 5000 or 500 chart with sounder in 1 unit it seams very user friendly and has good chart info like the post from Reefmaster.

31-05-2004, 04:17 AM
I am currently looking at the new Raymarine C-Series.

They are a combination Plotter/Sounder/Radar unit that can show either of these as a single page, 2 or 3 on the screen at any time, or all 3 on a single overlayed page.

The radar interests me for Gummy Shark fishing in Westernport Bay at night which has unlit markers and buoys in it, and blokes in little unlit tinnies etc.

Does anyone have any experience with these and their new digital sounders?

Anyone else use radar?

- Bean

31-05-2004, 12:08 PM
the guys at springwood marine informed me that DGPS has been dis continued, the beacons that where transmitting have now been turned off.
how true that is i don't know.
i was trying to get info on DGPS for my furruno gps unit.
was told no longer available.

Cheers Cloud 9

02-06-2004, 06:59 AM
using a lowrance lcx104C sounder/gps and have a navman 5500 as my primary plotter... Both awesome units

02-06-2004, 10:19 AM
I'm waiting for this to hit our shores. http://www.garmin.com/products/gpsmap276c/

02-06-2004, 12:32 PM

JRC Plot 500F or whatever it is was definately the pick of the units I saw at the Sanctury Cove Boat Show. 600W and around $2,100. It supersedes the FF50 which Reefmaster has. Lowrance X-15 is still a prospect for us with the 1kW transducer but you are looking at $2,500. How do you find the CVS118? I have the CVS108 which I expect is the old CRT version of your flat screen digital. I love it but it is only 300 watts and drops out at 170-180m.

17-06-2004, 03:47 PM
So much good info in this post I've decided to put it back up the top. Answers many of my questions & others.
Thanks guys.

19-06-2004, 05:03 PM
Lowrance x85 sounder and Lowrance global map 100 GPS
both are good but the screen on the gps is a little small when you are bouncing around the briny.

I'm in the process of swapping them over to a new rig so cannot vouch for the deeper water capabilities of the x85 until I test it out.

Did use an LMS350 for a while which has the same power as the x85 and it was great for reef fishing in up to 80m.