View Full Version : Navman and others cheap

19-08-2004, 10:39 AM
I really tried hard to buy my new Navman 5500i from local suppliers. I gave them ample opportunity to get a half decent price and came closest at Ingham Bait and Tackle (thanks Nugget). But none of them came within $200 (most were $300+) of www.emjay.net.au. No credit cards, just very fast service and brilliant prices. I'll buy the accessories locally.

Any dealers out there, please explain how these guys do it!

19-08-2004, 12:43 PM
Whiteman - Dont know about the Navman gear but I have been shopping around for prices on a Raymarine DSX600 and they are just around the average price. Their Garmin GPS's are pretty dear for the likes of a 126/8 too. Do they do better deals over the phone or something ??



20-08-2004, 04:11 PM
Thanks for the tip Whiteman. I know where I'll be spending some coins soon.
Cheers Ron

20-08-2004, 05:01 PM
Don't go to crook on your local bloke,Matt(emjay) services the south coast Tuna fleet with sounders valued between 25K and 55K each this gives him incredible buying power when he orders in a few recreational units,coupled to this he is a top bloke so he passes on the savings,an added bonus is the after sales service,an email with any queries on the gear you have purchased is normaly answered within a couple of days.

21-08-2004, 04:02 PM
Buying power is a wonderfull thing , but so is customer service.When your navman poo's itself i bet you run to your local dealer.I have seen it many times before.I bet you are the type that buys his gear from #######.
regards mac

21-08-2004, 04:43 PM
Look mate I've been screwed over by the local Humminbird dealer as well as the local Minnkota bloke,I wouldn't piss in their ear if their brain was on fire,this bloke offers great service as well as back up,I won't deal any where else for electronics.My local tackle store will match the local discounter so I shop there no worries,I don't have a Navman, but if my Furuno shits itself it will definately be going back to emjay,at least I know that he will do his best to fix it at the right price.If this bloke is getting up your nose,so be it,you don't have to deal there,but don't go round putting shit on people who like to make their money go as far as it can.

21-08-2004, 05:14 PM
Was interested to look at the site mentioned up the top and found the prices for garmin stuff $10-$50 more exensive thatn the original prices before being discounted by Bias boating.

Eg Garmin Gps 72 Emjay $365
Bias $359 slashed to $299

Garmin Street plotter Emjay $1699
Bias $1649 slashed to $1495

But then Furumo model 1623 Emjay $2199
Bias $2395

And Furumo GP1850WF Emjay $3139
Bias $3695

I don't care what people say about supporting the local guy. If it costs me the same i will buy it from him. But if i can save $100's :o :o then i know where my money will be going.

This notion of buying elsewhere and then getting advice from the local guy is just rubbish.

If he doesn't like it then he better start looking after the customers just as much as he wants the customers to look after him.

I don't think my local tackle shop is struggling, and what do i get if he makes record profits and doesn't pass them on to me... the consumer.

p.s. my last purchase was a 12ft surf rod.
Rod at local store ... $99
at a.mort $67

Who's the idiot if I spend $32 more for the same product? Me or the tackle store?

21-08-2004, 05:53 PM
I think you'll find the manufacturers that he discounts are the ones that produce the commercial grade sounders,ie Koden and Furuno,somewhere along the way he must have struck a deal with Navman.check out his price for an FCV 582 L $1,799 that is a steal.

24-08-2004, 09:55 AM
I didn't get a special deal over the phone. The price is on the web site. The Navman 5500 with fuel gauge works a treat. Did 180km in the past 3 days and I'm very happy.

I also have a Navman fishfinder which I bought with the boat. When it needed attention the boatshop told me to go to Navman direct. So who needs a local middleman?

29-08-2004, 04:09 PM
I think you will find that in many areas of trade the internet is going to do away with the "local" who does not quite cut it. Note that any "local" that has the inclination can start pushing the boundaries of local and thus ship interstate etc. What will happen is that experts in GPS's sounders etc crop up that are true experts in their field and actually know their products and sell in qty and ship all over the country. Offering value and good aftersales service.
My local suppliers don't sell enough of their gear to really know their stuff so you either have to inform yourself and then tell the local what you need and what you are prepared to pay or get a better deal when you can. I'll pay extra for service but not BS.
Trade will change and I suggest buying shares in the freight companies.

04-09-2004, 05:27 PM
Whiteman, what did you pay for the 5500i with fuel gauge andC-map?? if you dont mind my asking:).
Reason i ask is ive been looking at that plus the 5600.

06-09-2004, 07:18 AM

The prices are on the emjay website and I don't have the invoice at home so look it up. However, I can assure you that after 2 months of looking for good prices (and this included U.S.) emjay was a street ahead for both the 5500 and 5600. Something to look at with the 5600 - it is big and heavy and there are reports the cradle is not strong enough to hold it upright in chop. The 5500 seems OK. Check this with Al_NFI.

06-09-2004, 08:38 AM
:)Appreciate that Whiteman. Mate took the plunge and bought the 5600 from the Boatshow..Pricewise emjay would have been just a Shitehair cheaper but when you take the $$ for freight it worked out coupla dollars cheaper from the Boatshow so nuthin in it worth worrying about ey :).
Next i need to get me the fuel flow sensor and units complete.
Will keep an eye out for what you said re the cradle , anyhow these units have top warrenty and backup so dont think that should be too much of a worry(hopefully).
Need the bigger screen as my sight aint as good as it once used to be lol.
tell me, you fit the unit up yourself??..reason i ask is i need to pass the Antenna lead through my Targa piping make it all neat n tidy and was wandering about the part attatches to the unit??.
Need to cut n fit a new one or comes apart okay??.
Actually i get it tonight so should be able to see for myself :).BUT!!!! the suspence is killin me lol..

07-09-2004, 11:23 AM

Hope you enjoy the 5600. Lovely big screen although the 5500 is OK for my old eyes. My 5500 has the in-built antenna so I couldn't help you although I wired it in with Fuel meter myself. Very easy.

Read the manual, take it out a couple of times then re-read the manual to get the most out of the options. It's great the way you can configure the data screens to see what you want rather than what the factory dictates. I also missed the feature where you can zoom in closer than the map. This is part of the setup.

07-09-2004, 12:18 PM
;)Yep allready read through the Manual three times...Downloaded another from the Navman site a full A4 size and placed in plastic folder..just need fit n play around with it now :).