31-10-2004, 04:25 AM
Looking at getting a new VHF radio.
DSC is avaliable on the new Navman units but is it necessary, or even activated in Australia yet ??
31-10-2004, 07:39 AM
I was told when I bought my radio that DSC is not available in Australia. However since I have just completed my MROCP it appears that it is Available >:( If i would have known this i would have bought the DSC model. Its a pretty nifty system, can transmit you current gps location and message etc. It can also be picked up much furthur than voice communitcations.
Lloyd (subzero) will fill you in on the details. He's pretty up with it all.
01-11-2004, 03:04 AM
Gidday Bungie and Payneful
DSC has been in operation for several years now in Australia. I would personally say it is not the most successfull of improvements to come this way as very people know how to use it, and those that do are very apprehensive about using it. (Myself included to a certain extent).
The figures I have heard, but not seen, say that off the first 1000 DSC alerts activated in the Sydney area only 3 of them were genuine, the rest were accidental.
DSC is not widely used in Queensland or Morton Bay but most Rescue units by now should be capable of receiving DSC as they have upgraded their Radio equipment over time.
The key to the DSC is an inbuilt 9 digit MMSI number (Maritime Mobile Service Identity), for which you HAVE TO APPLY FOR THROUGH THE ACA (Australian Comunication Authority). This is basicly your telephone number and it specificly identifys only the person WHO REGISTERED THE RADIO. (Must update the details if you transfer ownership)
Sets DO NOT NORMALLY COME WITH THE NUMBER INSTALLED!!!! ACA will issue you with a unique 9 digit code to identify the radio upon your application, which you then enter in via the keypad the number allocated yourself.
In an emergency, you activate the DSC alert and the packet of information will be transmitted. This will display such information as the name, registration no, description and size of vessel etc, the nature of your alert if pre-programmed, such as fire on board, hit an iceberg whatever your possition if the set is conected to your GPS and any othe pertinent details fit for public consumption and needed for the expeditious recovery of you and yours. (A DSC alert be it Mayday or Pan Pan will transmit to all stations, not just Rescue Groups).
The key features of DSC are
1) Like text messaging in your mobile phone, the signal caries a lot further than voice modulated calls as the information is very basic. Voice is transmitted as voice, transformed to data as airwaves, and then re-constituted to voice... if poor signal strength a lot can be lost in the translation to put it in laymens turns for people like myself.
2) You can communicate directly to another vessel if you know their MMSI number in total privacy by basicly dialling up their mmsi number
3) In the event of an emergency, you can activate the DSC feature and abandon the vessel in the knowledge that someone is more than likely going to receive the call. Of course the message will still be limited by its normal operating range which is far greater than standard voice comms on VHF.
4) It removes the need for commercial opperators to monitor distress frequencies throughout the day and night as an audable alarm can be set to ring in the radio operators bunk room if need be, to which he will then legally be required to rise and shine and monotor or do something about the alert if it is apparent he is in a possition to be of assistance, or to pass on that DSC alert if no one has responded and he is unable to assist in a more tangible way.
5) The best thing about DSC in my opinion is that if it is conected to the GPS, in the event of a mishap and the DSC alert is activated, it will transmit your possition and that is FANTASTIC.
At the end of the day, once you transmit the DSC alert, you still change to a voice chanel if you have the time and are in a possition to do so, and begin your standard radio proceedures for Mayday Pan Pan etc untill you can no longer stay with the vessel and must abandon it. (VHF Channel 16/67) For a full list of frequencies see attached pdf file... you need acrobat reader to view.
Like anything, Dsc given time will become widely accepted and utilized. It is widely used internationally and if venturing overseas in particular to the USA get used to its features. They COULD save you and your family's lives one day.
Hope this covers most of it
Kind Regards Lloyd
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