View Full Version : GPS,help especially lowrance owners

29-10-2004, 07:52 AM
howdy all

i have a problem with my gps,its a lowrance global nav IIA.when i turned it on the other day i got an alarm and a message which said ''module not receiving''.im hopeing,guessing it means the areil is stuffed.ive checked all the connections and checked the cable with a volt/ohm meter and everything looks fine.ive tried the self test programme on the unit but it wont complete it ???the system is 8 years old and im told the areils are obselete >:(.but the man a lowrance has some socond hand ones laying around i can have very cheap.hopefully can supply sometime next week ::)
im after some opinions on what yous think.and id love it if someone northside brissy had a lowrance unit i could come and try my setup with their areil.im told all the early globalnavs use the same areil,i really want this thing sorted quick cause im stressing as to weather i need a new system or not.ill post a pic below.
cheers scott

29-10-2004, 08:02 AM
scott, have had arial troubles in other units, corrosion had started inside the lead at the gps end, worked its way up a couple of meters!

aside from that ive used different gps with the same arial in other brands and they work fine, good luck with it.

29-10-2004, 12:19 PM
Hi Scott,
Had the same problem with my Global Nav IIA a few years back and the problem turned out to be an inline plug which had been installed as a through deck fitting that was corroded and wasn't making a connection properly. I would suggest that your problem could be the plugs at either end or possibly even a broken wire inside the insulation somewhere......or like you say, the antenna could just be stuffed.

Good Luck


29-10-2004, 02:11 PM
G'day NoFrills....I've got the Global Nav2 in my Seafarer....I live at Aspley if you want to check your aerial???? I'm actually chasing another aerial for my spare LMS 350A....Just PM me and we'll do a test...Ross

29-10-2004, 04:11 PM
The cable and especially the connectors could be the problem ??? but then the antenna module won't/doesn't last forever either and these older 5 channel modules are getting like hen's teeth to find second hand and no longer in production.

The first thing would be to try your antenna module on another system (using the other systems cable) and if that's ok then it's more than likely your cable. These cables from what I've seen around are still reasonably available.

Cheers, Kerry.

29-10-2004, 04:37 PM
cheers guys
ill give ross a pm and line up to go and try his aerial/cable.ive pulled the whole thing out so will be easy.really hope its just that.one things for sure if i get it running again im going straight back out to get the actual gps marks of all the icons on my plotter screens.because i troll every where ill have a mark on a reef and then a heap of icons of dropoffs and ledges and stuff on the plotter so if the thing is stuffed ive lost 8 years of pinging.
ill let yas know what happens
cheers scott

02-11-2004, 05:50 PM
I know where your coming from Scott, I've got a LMS 350A and need some practical help with using it. Bought it second hand with the boat and can't fully work it out. One minute I had sound coming out of it everytime I hit the wrong button, now it won't make any sound at all. I've turned the volume up but it doesn't make a difference. I'm hoping some who has one is going to the M&G at 1770 and can give me some pointers. I'd hate to have to replace it, it would have to stand in line with the new shed and kitchen.


03-11-2004, 03:52 AM
had the same problem with that unit and turned out to be the aireal. Lucky a mate had a spare and havent had a problem since.

03-11-2004, 07:12 AM
i went to fin addict aka ross's last night and hooked up my module to his areil and it works so it seems i have a stuffed areil.hopefully something will turn up this week.
im also ordering a globalmap 4000 and hopefully i can run both units for a while so i can transfer icons to the new set up.
it sure comes in handy being an ausfish member when you have a problem that needs sorting ;).
thanx heaps for the help ross and ill let you know about the areil's for sure.

there is a alarms volume and an alarms on/off menu.it could be that you have turned them off.But the speakers in these units are prone to stuffing up.if it dosent go BEEP BEEP when you first turn it on i would bet its the speaker.i know someone on here prolly a year ago had the same problem with an LMS and they opened it up and found a wire off and repaired it,but im not sure who and i would be worried about doing this as i cant even see how to open them ???.
not much help sorry.

04-11-2004, 03:45 PM
i went to fin addict aka ross's last night and hooked up my module to his areil and it works so it seems i have a stuffed areil....

Not usre what you mean actually, the "module" is what? The display? or the Antenna (bit that sits on the roof etc etc which is actually called the GPS antenna module)

But the way I read what your trying to say is you hooked up your module to his aerial, his aerial being the bit on the roof ??? or what.

But in affect it might only be the cable, have you eliminated the cable? as if it's your display on his antenna (and cable) then that doesn't (neseccarily) mean your (actual) antenna (antenna module) is bad at all ???????

Cheers, Kerry.

04-11-2004, 07:14 PM
yea kerry sorry i didnt explain that well did i ::)

i took the display thinngy and hooked it up to ross's areil and cable and it worked.we did consider the cable could still be the problem but ross's ariel is mounted on a smiko hang out the side thinngy and the cable connection is inaccesable without pulling stuff apart and i was'nt about to ask him to do that.
the cable passed the backyard test i gave it and it is free of corrosion so im sure its gonna be the areil :-X.
cheers scott

05-11-2004, 07:51 AM
....the cable passed the backyard test i gave it and it is free of corrosion so im sure its gonna be the areil :-X.

Ah well then since the aerial/module is stuffed then you may as well send it up to me ;D

Cheers, Kerry.

05-11-2004, 06:24 PM
kerry im so sure its stuffed i mailed it to you this arvo.

i did have a little trouble getting it into the envelope but a quick little pat down with the back wheel of the cruiser soon had it sorted.and i just could;nt give you the big white bit that goes on top cause my kids found a good use for it but im sure you could use a old jam tin instead.

cheers scott ;D

06-11-2004, 10:05 AM
;D well if it wan't stuffed then for sure it's certainly stuffed now. So lets hear if the replacement works ok ;)

Cheers, Kerry.

06-11-2004, 01:15 PM
Any news on those 2nd hand aerials Scott?? ;D I'm going to try and get out on sunday mate...Maybe see you out there?? Ross

06-11-2004, 05:41 PM
ill let you know ross ;)

im sure the replacement is going to be just dandy ;D
BUT ::)now i need some opinions on datums so ill start another thread
cheers scott

06-11-2004, 06:11 PM
im sure the replacement is going to be just dandy ;D
BUT ::)now i need some opinions on datums so ill start another thread....

Datums :D datum :-/ what's a datum :-X like nobody (fish people anyway :P) haven't worried about datum's in this country for years, never thought it was necessary to worry about such simple things ;)

Cheers, Kerry.

06-11-2004, 06:23 PM
yea its not a real concern until you have a problem and then its all you can think about ??? :-/ :'(
all those little patches ive pinged could be gone forever :'(

06-11-2004, 06:40 PM
yea its not a real concern until you have a problem and then its all you can think about ??? :-/ :'(
all those little patches ive pinged could be gone forever :'(

Yes that's true (and many realize this only in hindsight :'() but it really depends on how you have managed your data as the data is the value not the black box as the box can be replaced.

Cheers, Kerry.