View Full Version : Best value VHF Radio??

23-11-2004, 10:42 AM
My club has been given a grant to upgrade our VHF and 27Mhz radios. Both will be mounted in our "clubhouse" which is the kiosk at Fishermans Landing. So they don't have to be waterproof. The 27Mhz will probably be a GME for under $200.

However, I'm not very familiar with what's good/bad in VHF except I know we want "dual watch". Budget of up to $500. Any suggestions from experts out there?

23-11-2004, 11:08 AM

In the VHF, I've had a GME GX 548 for just over 12 mths now. Pretty happy with it. (well, nothing stands out to complain about anyway) ;D

Dual watch is a good feature & works well. Bought it locally, can't remember the exact price, but pretty sure it was just under $300.00 (plus antenna).

23-11-2004, 12:37 PM
Gidday Whiteman, make sure you resist the urge to go for too cheap a unit and buy one that is NOT DSC capable.
In a situation such as yours where you are probably offering some form of service to your members, the inevitability of the increasing use of DSC will eventually make it essential to be equipped for it. I see your site is promoting tourism, therefore in the event of international visitors sailing in, DSC is WIDELY USED in the U.S.A. you may be expected to have a MMSI number for improved comunications via digital messaging as they come into range. (You would publish your MMSI number on your website etc).
VHF sets are built to last, I can see no reason why in 10 years time your VHF's will be still operating with no problems, particually if the microphones arent going to be drowned in water.
We use Icom 402's, great sets, no problems to date. If you want to have a read of the user manual, we have ours online for our members to study at our webite at http://www.vmraq.org.au/org.asp?oid=240 (In the right hand column). Although this model must be getting close to 5 years old now, they do not differ a great deal from todays straight of the shelf models. (We have 6 of them).
If you want to see a small selection of VHF's available to you, I have found this site very competitive and reliable for online purchasing... all the sets on here are reputable brands, BUT, I have never heard of or seen the Oregon sets... have a good read if you do decide to opt for going DSC, some of these sets are not equipped for it...
Hope the info helps
Regards Lloyd

23-11-2004, 06:28 PM

shop around for the best price tho

23-11-2004, 06:47 PM
Bungie, very nice set.... wouldnt mind one of those myself
Cheers Lloyd

23-11-2004, 07:02 PM
Got one ;D, thats why I need my VHF licence. Cannot get the mmsid with out it ::)

25-11-2004, 07:07 AM
Great advice thanks guys. I didn't have a clue about DSC but I can see where it's useful. The Navman and ICOM look good and we have the money to spend. We are not a substitute for the coast guard, more a messaging service for our members. However, we do get involved in rescues as the radio is monitored late on weekends.

Subzero, you've got a great web site.

25-11-2004, 12:26 PM

If you are monitoring channel 16 as a rescue service, then get the DSC. The features built in to DSC has the potential to save lots of lives, and gets you to the mayday vessel a lot faster.

17-12-2004, 07:19 AM
Thanks for the assistance. I eventually settled on the ICOM IC-M402 model http://www.icom.net.au/2000_web/index2.html which cost just over $500. A brilliant bit of gear and really suits our needs. It has increased our range by hundreds of kilometers as we now clearly pick up Innisfail and get some stuff from Cairns without touching the aerial. DSC will be very useful.

Overall the ICOM smacks of quality and thoughtful design. I've got to get one in my boat!

17-12-2004, 06:14 PM
Good choice Whiteman, theirs no substitute for top quality
Cheers Lloyd

18-12-2004, 01:33 AM
DSC is not monitored by Townsville Coast.

From my VHF coarse, for recreational anglers it will not be used.

For those who have it, try using it and let us know the results

Maybe Kerry or a VMR member could pass on some info about DSC


18-12-2004, 12:52 PM
Gidday Al_NFI, its up to the individual units as to what equipment they purchase for themselves and to this extent this will normally be limited by the cost of purchasing the equipmment by the Coastguards own fundraising.
Some units find it VERY difficult to raise funds because of a small active membership, small local community, number wise again to support the fundraising required.
All Rescue Units must maintain a minimum level of service to meet their commercialy rated requirements, if the Gov were to raise the barrier and insist units go above those minimums equipment wise, then the Gov would be likely made to pay, HENCE NO MANDATORY REQUIREMENT AS THE GOV DONT WANT TO COUGH UP >:(
I am sure if some local bussinesses were to offer the equipment by way of a donation then they would be more than happy to monitor the DSC. Their are very few vollunteers who enjoy shaking the tin or bludging and I am one of them to be sure. I suspect that 2005 will be my last year personally as between the courses, time spent training and upgrading skills as the Gov makes it tougher and tougher, the increasing risk of PERSONAL litigation and to cap it all off the CONTINUAL fundraising it reaches a stage where you just want to get your life back.
Anyway thats enough bleeting :'( back to the point.
DSC is monotored by ANYONE who has a DSC capable set so if someone can hear you, and maybe even if they cant, your message will go out if you activate it, it will keep going out untill someone acknowledges it OR the boat sinks, burns to the waterline etc.
To acheive the full benefits of DSC, hook it up to your GPS, Oooohhh and of course dont forget to apply for your 9 digit MMSI number and at this time you will register your full details with the ACA. I believe unless you can produce a MROCP or a MROVCP ticket they will not issue one.... Another GREAT benefit of DSC is just like a tellephone, you can basicly dial up your mates MMSI and communicate in confidence, slip him those good fishing spots ;)
Hope the info helps
Kind Regards