View Full Version : Garmin GPSMAP 178 ???

27-05-2005, 05:46 AM
Gday Fellas,

Just wondering if anyone out here has a Garmin GPSMAP 178 ?
Im very interested in one as teh price seems fair and the blue chart does the whole east cost to an extent
unlike the navionics etc that cost an arm and a leg?

My question is how easy are these units to use? as i am used to lowrance menu systems.
Are the blue charts fairly details with inland river nav markers etc?
I mainly want this unit for inshore and river use for marking fishing spots and holes,
but mainly for navigating in thick fog.

Any information would be great thanks.

Steve ;D

28-05-2005, 04:32 AM
Stevo, I have a GPSMAP 182 with Bluecharts. The bluecharts still cost a bit - $240 for the big ones I think. Don't know how that compares to others. They are quite easy to use with lots of page options and details.
As for navigation, yes I think they are excelent. I've used Bluechart to navigate Westernport(Vic) at night and the Hawksbury(NSW) at night while floggin' down rain!

28-05-2005, 02:45 PM

I have one and am very happy with it. Maps of the bay are pretty good. Maps of the Pin don't have as much detail.

Sounder works well. A slightly larger screen would be nice but all in all it works well.

I brought mine off a website in the states (GPS City), about $900 with maps.

Regards Mike

28-05-2005, 05:58 PM
Steve I've got the 172c same as the 178c but no sounder I just upgraded to the new chart and yes they do cover a huge area compared to any other charting on the market for the money. I use mine for navigating through reef areas at night and it's great I looked at Navionic, C-Map and Bluechart and am glad I went with the Bluechart as now it is the only charting with the new GBRMP zones.
Hope this helps Andrew.

29-05-2005, 04:43 AM
Thanks Very much for the feedback guys, thats the information im after :)
