View Full Version : Matrix 37 Hummin bird

14-01-2006, 09:08 PM
Does anyone have any first hand experience with the matrix 37 model? I'm looking at purchasing it from my local BCF store. According to a lot of the literature in the form of brochures and net reviews, it seems very sound. Not everything you read is true though. Looking at using it in rivers and general offshore work around islands and inshore shoals. Working approx 20-50 metres of water. Has anyone used the attachments such as the GPS aerials and PC cable? Anyone’s feedback would be great! Rod Bender

16-01-2006, 02:16 PM

I don't know much about the Matrix 37x but it looks like it would do the job very nicely. However, before you buy from BCF, I suggest you shop around. If you're in Brisbane - Bias have them for $649 and you should definitely contact Stones Corner Marine because they had some on sale in the last week or two for substantially less.

No interest in these companies - just passing on what a mate had found.


16-01-2006, 05:43 PM
mate, i got that sounder and it works fine in the rivers and the offshore work. Have not got the gps or the pc cable, but all in all its a great sounder for that kind of work without really breaking the budget ;D

17-01-2006, 08:11 AM

The Matrix 37 is a very good inshore unit that will do the job in the conditions you mention.They come standard with a quad beam tranducer, useing this feature they come into thier own in shallow water conditions.

For your information the Matrix 37 has just been superceded by the Humminbird 737,same features as the M37 but with chartplotter capabilities.

Don't be shy to give us a call ,with an Ausfish discount we usually come in under what others are quoting on most things.

Sundown Marine.

19-01-2006, 04:48 PM
I use the matrix 27, and its good for rivers and offshore. I do run the gps receiver and pc cable. The gps works fine, and the pc cable seems to work, but Im still finding some anomolies in marks entered by pc not being where they should be once Im out to sea.

I think the problem is me tho, Im still new at entering gps via pc. Other reports in other forums seem to have good things to say.

PM me if I can help.


20-01-2006, 12:00 PM
I have the 35 which is the 37 with less pixels hooked up to the gps attachment - one of the best value combos going around when i looked. You probably dont need chartplotter - just the GPS. Have found the quad beam pretty useful for eastuary work looking for structure off to sides and for spotting mid water baitfish schools when hunting for pelagics ie you can determine where the main school is - left, right or right under you. Seems to work ok up to 50m on quad beam and dual beam well more than you and i need by the sounds

recommend it