View Full Version : Mapsource & Google Earth

01-03-2006, 08:58 PM
Don't know if anyone else has found this, but I have found a lovely little feature in the new version of Mapsource...

Essentially I went through the menu's of Mapsource and got the software to check for updates (HELP > CHECK FOR SOFTWARE UPDATE). This will then get the latest version.

You then need to have Google Earth installed....

Open Google Earth and Mapsource. In Mapsource, open all your GPS marks, then go to the "VIEW" menu at the top, and select "VIEW IN GOOGLE EARTH". This then opens all your marks on the Google Earth maps!

I have opened up a couple of my marks (None of the Spot X's sorry ;) ), and put them into Google Earth and took a screen shot to show you how it works. The green & white triangles are the tracks... Both tracks were with 2iar - The top one was in his old tinny, and the bottom one is in his fancy new shiny thing ;D

This is exactly what I've been looking for, and will help me to sift through all the GPS marks on this site that send people to Antarctica!!! ::)

01-03-2006, 10:02 PM
Yes I saw that as well, its a great feature and saves the $20 fee you have to pay Google to allows this feature without Mapsource (sorry those without a Garmin).

I like to see my fishing points (only a small list so far) against the sand bars etc. The only problem is know how up to date the Google Earth images are. Does anybody know how to tell there age?

01-03-2006, 10:18 PM
Yes I saw that as well, its a great feature and saves the $20 fee you have to pay Google to allows this feature without Mapsource (sorry those without a Garmin).

I like to see my fishing points (only a small list so far) against the sand bars etc. The only problem is know how up to date the Google Earth images are. Does anybody know how to tell there age?

Looking around our area on the Sunshine Coast, I would say the images are about 2-3 years old because I recognise a few new developments and new landmarks.

Dan, I take it you are using the Garmin Map Source website, but that is where I am coming unstuck. Not sure what menu I need to be hitting and how to load some GPS marks. Any help greatly appreciated.

Paul ;)

01-03-2006, 10:27 PM
Paul - I am actually using the Mapsource program loaded onto my computer as opposed to the website... I'm not sure how to do it in the website (I don't use it), but it would be the same I'm assuming...

I guess $20 is cheap enough to pay if this is a feature you would use, but if it does it free!!!

From my google-ing about this stuff, it seems a few programs are starting to do this, so it might be time for everyone to get any updates for their software.

I'm curious when Google Earth will update the images as well. I wouldn't use this for navigation though! :o


01-03-2006, 10:28 PM
Now we've also just got to get Google Earth to include the depths like on Marine Charts, and it'd be perfect!!! ;D

01-03-2006, 10:48 PM
Many thanks for that Dan, I'll have a search of the website first and see how I go. It looks like it will be a fascinating tool. ATM I have got red pen marks all over my nav charts from physically plotting them with compass/divider and it is getting too hard to distinguish between marks. without being a techno whiz, where can I access the Mapsource program to load onto my PC if that is what I need.

Cheers and once again, greatly appreciated.
Paul ;)

Like your disclaimer ;D

01-03-2006, 11:14 PM
I am basicly in the same boat as big ren.I only have a HH garmin 72.I have plenty of marks and i have been loading them manually onto GE to see where they are.If you can let us know where we can download Mapsource from it would be very much appreciated.
Cheers Dazza

02-03-2006, 07:38 AM
Not sure if you are aware but a similar feature is available from oziexplorer. Waypoints and tracks can be loaded into Oziexplorer from most popular GPS's. It is then very simple to save them to Google Earth format. When Google Earth is opened, the file saved in oziexplorer is opened from within GE and the tracks and waypoints are plotted.


02-03-2006, 12:32 PM
The Mapsource program is not a free download that I'm aware of... But then again I could be wrong.... There are ways to find it I guess ::) :-X

I'm going to look into if it's possible to load the files saved from Google Earth (*.kmz or *.kml) into the Mapsource program. I had a quick look, but didn't see anything standing out. Will look into it further... From the quick peek I had, the KML file is actually an XML file with the details in it. It may be possible to load that into the web version, as XML was primarily written for the Internet...? :-?

To get these files, just enter all your points into Google Earth, then select them all, and right click. Then choose Save As, and select which file type you would like to use. Then choose the path to save the file, and give it a name...

I'll let you all know how I go

02-03-2006, 06:15 PM
You can download Mapsource from here


but you need a copy already for this to work.

There are versions around (Limewire) ;) that will allow you to open the maps on your PC but will not let you upload the maps to your GPS. I bought the software :'(

You can use this free software to convert waypoint into different formats.


And if your interested have a look at these Garmin POI (red light, speed cameras & school zones)


02-03-2006, 10:53 PM
It's a great start Dan, Frank and Impulse. Will try all suggestions and let you know how I go. For the record, in terms of compatability, I have a Garmin GPS 126. Don't know if that helps or not. Great advice from all, whether I can work this or not.

Cheers and thanks
Paul ;)

03-03-2006, 09:23 AM
OK - I've managed to do a complete cycle as a test for this... :D

I opened Google Earth, and found something that looked interesting on the page. I then placed a "Placemark" on the spot I was interested in (In this case, the edge of a sandbank in a creek near Sandgate - Id' never put anything near there before, so couldn't get confused between any other marks).

I then saved that as a .KML into a folder.

Using the POIEdit (The one impulse linked to - I installed it to test), I then opened the .KML file. There are no maps of Australia I could get (Just the netherlands one), but all the marks appeared in the list on the right of the screen.

I then did File > Save As and saved it as a .GPX (GPS Exchange Format) which I then opened in Mapsource. It had all the marks there, and seemed to be in the right spots.

I then did the "View In Google Earth" function, and when it fired up GE, the marks were spot on to where I'd put the Placemark!!! 8-)

So this seems to work, and allows you to see (in real life) where your marks are as opposed to the crappy image in Mapsource as per standard.

Hope this helps!

03-03-2006, 10:18 AM
Hey Dan, thanks for that, still trying to work this out. In relation to Google Earth, is there a way I can input a couple of GPS marks into it without downloading from my GPS unit, or do I have to get Google Earth Plus? Just can't find the right screen or menu item???


03-03-2006, 10:32 AM
Or you could just get Bluecharts! ;D


03-03-2006, 11:23 AM
In relation to Google Earth, is there a way I can input a couple of GPS marks into it without downloading from my GPS unit, or do I have to get Google Earth Plus? Just can't find the right screen or menu item???

In GE create a placemark, when the window opens to name the mark, click the advanced box down the bottom. In there you will fine an area to add gps marks for the actual location and the view location!

03-03-2006, 11:50 AM
Fantastic Shane. Thanks.

Paul :)

03-03-2006, 01:24 PM
No problem. ;)

03-03-2006, 07:52 PM
I've found GPS Trackmaker to be pretty good. You can transfer to and from various GPS units and it will also read and write KML files.

Here's the web site.


Best of all it's free.

Regards Michael.

14-03-2006, 03:13 AM
Hi all

Have a look at GPS trackmaker which is free from :-


and under the "Articles" sub heading you can find all sorts of good advice on downloading to Garmin.

Hope it helps some of you. Given the site by TAFE tutor at a GPS course.

Iam following your progress with great interest. Have a Bird 97 matrix.