View Full Version : Best value colour sounder under $1500?

20-10-2005, 01:21 PM
Presently, what do you consider is the best value colour sounder for under $1500?

20-10-2005, 02:00 PM
I got the koden cvs832 and is good
the ff50 jrc is nice as well.
ray marine's sounder is a good unit.
feruno's lost the plot :-?

20-10-2005, 02:39 PM
i have a Raymarine DS500X great unit.

20-10-2005, 02:45 PM
I think lowrance have the best value colour sounder under $1500 not the best sounder under $1500 but the best value

20-10-2005, 03:03 PM
"Furuno's lost the plot".How do you mean?

20-10-2005, 05:30 PM
Don't regret buying my Furuno 600 [smiley=thumbup.gif]

20-10-2005, 06:57 PM
Gotta agree with Unlucky Phil...Raymarine dx5000...just under a grand...wrapped in it...putting a 1 kw thru hull transducer in the new rig...$240ish...they reckon I could pick up an individual pearley on fire weed out at the Banks with all that grunt...should be interesting



20-10-2005, 06:58 PM
ooops I meant ds500x...the typing got in front of the spell checker

21-10-2005, 10:00 AM
The Raymarine may be OK for deep water fishing, but will become very frustrating navigating in shallow water as it can't find the bottom in less than 2 m of water unless placed into manual gain and range via a non intuitive menu. Unfortuately, it then looses these manual settings as soon as it is turned off.

The problem is well known by Oceantalk.

21-10-2005, 02:36 PM
Maybe so Nevd, but I guess I don't use it in shallow water, just look over the side ;D ;D ;D, seriously though, I've found the ds500x brilliant in every situation I've been in from the shallows of the Pin to the 50plus metres off Minnie. I've not noticed the lack of definition you speak of on mine - I'm not saying its not there, I just haven't been disadvantaged or limited by the sounder up to this point...sorry...I am convinced the digital technology gives more info than the others...its like the difference between looking at black and white and colour...excuse the pun ;)

08-11-2005, 10:33 AM
mate check out fuso 609 ive got mine on factory settings it showed ledge fish above and under it clear as 120 ft its a starter for pros i got mine for $1100 demo use regars wayneoro

21-12-2005, 08:36 AM
the ds400x is the way to go, I have never experienced anything like nevd is on about, works like a treat. 600 bucks too, bargin!

21-12-2005, 11:06 AM
Lowrance X107c or X102c as in best value.

21-12-2005, 12:40 PM
I have bought the Raymarine DS500x for my boat 3 months ago. With out a shadow of a doubt the best sounder under $1000. I have used the Furuno 600L and i think the raymarine is in another league when comparing it. The digital reading never looses the bottom in big seas and is clear as a bell in 100+ metres of water.

Can't go wrong.....

21-12-2005, 04:36 PM
rhys, i have the dx600 with a transom mounted transducer.
i am very happy with its working capability but i have a lot
of trouble with the interference from the motor. was wondering
about the hull mounted setup. can you pm me some info on the
new setup
cheers dale

21-12-2005, 05:27 PM
Go the Furuno FCV 600L for about $1200 can't fault it so far [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Everything need to adjust is a your finger tip's so need go scroll thourgh the menu
Mitch :)

22-12-2005, 12:55 PM
having almost sold all the above models I think best value for money would have to be with out doubt the Lowrance x107c DF highest rez 230,000 pixels no one can compete with that in regard to the raymarine great unit but having seen both units side by side the digital read out seams very fuzzy hope that helps

22-12-2005, 09:10 PM
Have just installed a furuno 600L. I chose it over the raymarine as I like the fact that it has bottom lock and gives you more of a free hand in manual modes. Way too soon to have an informed opinion on its performance as most units would be an improvement over my old one.

The Raymarine is a smarter looking machine, not as bulky and the screen would most likely be better to view in daylight that the Furuno which is not great in full sunlight (open centre console).

It's just my preference but I'm not a fan of the digital technology as a sounder is by definition an analogue system. Thus signals are converted to a digital format in post processing. Once in digital format you can use various algorithms to remove interference and smooth out missing bottom at high speed. These techniques whilst okay most of the time are not always perfect in that you are getting a prediction of the bottom from a mathematical model rather than having access to the true signal. I'd prefer to take the hit on clarity in exchange for full control but its only a personal preference.


26-12-2005, 07:10 PM
I'm with Crack and McCod re. X107C DF. I've just fitted one to my Signature 1950L, which has a pretty weird hull shape near transom so I went for a thru' hull fitting, using Sikaflex. The result was amazing, considering that you will ALWAYS lose some power shooting thru' hull. Great bottom reading at 15 knots in 145' of water and resolution is best on the market in that range. Maybe not the BEST sounder but I reckon it's the BEST VALUE, considering I paid less than a grand!!! :o :o

27-12-2005, 10:17 AM
the ds400x is the way to go, I have never experienced anything like nevd is on about, works like a treat. 600 bucks too, bargin!
Hi Guys, I've just registered here. I'm looking for the best value portable GPS. I won't be using it for anything else but fishing and don't see the need for fancy bells and whistles. I dont know what I'll need to pay. Any ideas?

28-12-2005, 11:40 AM
1st thing Welcome to the site here :D
2nd thing talking about color sounders best value for under $1500 not about GPS's
3rd thing I can recommend you the GPS72 by Garmin price around about $300 its portable one great for camping fishing even 4wd driving
I had my over 3 years now no problems
If you want find more on GPS here do a serach here find heaps about them which one suits you from the members topics and post on them
Mitch :)

29-12-2005, 10:01 AM
Hokeydokey seeins as how i'm in the market for a new sounder i would appreciate if someone could tell me the roundabouts or exact price of the Raymarine DX500X & the DX600X.
Maybe a Dealer recomendation for the Brisvages area??...
Have read in previous posts of owners thoughts and maybe could tell me how user friendly these units are??..

29-12-2005, 07:28 PM
Volvo, there are a few DS400x's left around, they are the same unit as the DS500 only a smaller screen. The 400 is a run out model but half the price of the 500, anyway something to think about, cheers Ray.

30-12-2005, 06:57 AM
Thanks Ray, spoke with Northside Marine yesterday and got a coupla prices on both the above..Justs need to wait til the new year see what else's on offer round the traps ey:)..
Mindya me wee eagle still hasnt given up the ghost yet but me thinks i'm about the last one out of a group that still runs around with a small B&White sounder on his rig so thought it time to upgrade..
Truth be said,uuuuummmmmmmmmmm, ive been given strict orders to upgrade by the Boss :)..
Must obey.....

30-12-2005, 09:13 AM
Well mate, if you've been told, you've been told!

30-12-2005, 09:25 AM
Have a correction ta make :-[. It was Sundown marine i got me prices fer the DS500x n 600x...
So many quotes!!!!!!!! ferget who i spoke to :-[.....

01-01-2006, 01:45 PM
1st thing Welcome to the site here :D
2nd thing talking about color sounders best value for under $1500 not about GPS's
3rd thing I can recommend you the GPS72 by Garmin price around about $300 its portable one great for camping fishing even 4wd driving
I had my over 3 years now no problems
If you want find more on GPS here do a serach here find heaps about them which one suits you from the members topics and post on them
Mitch :)

01-01-2006, 01:53 PM
1st thing Welcome to the site here :D
2nd thing talking about color sounders best value for under $1500 not about GPS's
3rd thing I can recommend you the GPS72 by Garmin price around about $300 its portable one great for camping fishing even 4wd driving
I had my over 3 years now no problems
If you want find more on GPS here do a serach here find heaps about them which one suits you from the members topics and post on them
Mitch :)

Thanks Redspeckle and sorry about the double post! Still learning!
Thanks for your suggestion. Actually, I went the whole hog and ordered a map 76cs. I'm glad you recommended the Garmin. They seemed the right one for me. Paid a little more than I wanted to but was on the phone to the US and having been told by several retailers that they won't sell offshore I grabbed this one while I had it. Got it delivered here for $760. From what I've learnt, that seems to be a reasonable deal. Good to deal with too.
All the best for the New Year

26-03-2006, 03:29 AM
I got the koden cvs832 and is good
the ff50 jrc is nice as well.
ray marine's sounder is a good unit.
feruno's lost the plot :-?

TB - WHy do u think Furuno "have lost the plot"..?


26-03-2006, 12:10 PM
Lowrance x102c...... for $850


Lowrance x107df..... for $890

How can you go wrong with that???? :) :) I love mine

27-03-2006, 10:40 AM
i got a lowrance lms 377, it has the benifit of being a chart plotter as well. buying the map might just put you over thw 1500 dollar matk though

27-03-2006, 06:03 PM
For $1500 I would wait till mid May for one of the new Furuno 620's (replacement for the 600). They keep their models longer because they build them well and to higher specification than most others. And you can get them repaired.

I have a problem with Lowrance's discard policy. Especially when they get out of waranty. Spending $500-1500 on a Lowrance and then having it worth nothing if it plays up after two years is not a good proposition to me.

Kind regards

30-03-2006, 04:57 PM
i have bought furuno 600vl and let me tell you im surprised how good it is if theres fish there you will catch the if theres none you wont get a bite and detail is second to none good luck