View Full Version : out of warranty repair on lowrance

13-03-2006, 09:17 PM
I am about to buy my new boat and I have had the local salesman tell me that the Lowrance sounders are unrepairable (pressurised or something like that). This has totally scared me off buying lowrance. Is this true because after the warranty runs out then it sounds like a throw away item.

Is Hummingbird any different? I was looking at the Lowrance X337 combo but now looking at the Matrix97 which has a lower resolution but hopefully repairable.


14-03-2006, 11:35 AM

The Lowrance information you have is correct,the units will not be repaired.The way Lowrance work is they offer you an upgrade ,this can have it's advantages.
The Matrix 97 is different and can be repaired at any time be it within warranty or after,the humminbird service in Australia is exceptional.

Give us call for further information.

Sundown Marine.

14-03-2006, 06:34 PM
Looks like it is a problem with some GPS's also., :o :o

I have a problem with a Lowrance GPS ,GlobalNav 212 model.

I phoned Lowrance today and was told it was not repairable. :'( :'(
Now I realise that it is about 15 years old , but it did cost about $400 wnen I bought it. >:( >:(


14-03-2006, 08:31 PM
Before making a decision check on the cost of repairs. Most electronic gear costs and arm and a leg to repair, generally much more then the cost of a new item. I think this is why Lowrance have chosen the route they have taken.

Seabug, it is 15 years old. Most techies where still in nappies when you bought it.

15-03-2006, 07:10 AM
....., it is 15 years old. Most techies where still in nappies when you bought it.

;D ;D ;D LOL

luv it

15-03-2006, 08:33 AM
I agree with Bowser that the cost of electronic repairs at repair centres are often more than a unit is worth. However, I still don't like this business of sealing up the cases with glue so nobody can service them.

I recently had to fix a friends Eagle (Lowrance) GPS unit. All that was wrong was the back up battery was dead (unit was 10 years old) so it took forever to start up and get a fix, and you couldn't store waypoints. Anyway, we managed to cut it apart which was a huge job taking many hours. The soldered-in battery was then easily replaced with one from Jaycar at about $10. Unit works fine now.

On the other hand I also did a repair on a FUSO fish finder. The back was simply held on with about 8 screws and a rubber gasket. A faulty transistor preventing it from starting up was replaced at $1.65 and a new back-up battery for $3 was slipped into it's holder. Good as new - a delight to work on. If it was just the battery replacement it would have taken about 5 minutes work.

I'd personally stick with units that are servicable. Many devices have memories that require back-up batteries that only last 10 years but are cheap to replace. I don't want to have to buy a new unit just because the battery is gone.


15-03-2006, 03:13 PM
I just phoned Lowrance Head Office Australia and they state that their sounders etc ARE repairable. They have their own tech room where they carry out repairs to units on a regular basis. They did mention that the unit would probably need to be repaired by them but it doesn't sound like the units are necessarily a throw away item.

Who is telling the truth????

Has anyone had their unit repaired out of warranty?


15-03-2006, 03:41 PM
Had a bit of luck today.

After reading post by cruiser(THANKS) :) :)

I had a bit better look at the GPS

Found a bit of white acid/corrosion on the twin springs in battery compartment.

Slid this out(it is glued in) and rubbed it on a brick and the unit now works OK. ;D ;D ;D


15-03-2006, 06:10 PM
Interesting response from Lowrance Aust considering that a couple of posts down in "Electronics" they have advised Wodge to turf his unit.

16-03-2006, 01:37 PM
I just phoned Lowrance Head Office Australia and they state that their sounders etc ARE repairable. They have their own tech room where they carry out repairs to units on a regular basis. They did mention that the unit would probably need to be repaired by them but it doesn't sound like the units are necessarily a throw away item.

Who is telling the truth????

Has anyone had their unit repaired out of warranty?


A very interesting response from Lowrance there. Sure, they have diagnostic materials to assess each claim, but as for repairs in house, I have not heard of many occasions of this. I have dealth with lowrance for over 9 years and have never had a unit repaired. Software upgrades have been done, but actual circuit board repairs I have not had any. I have always recieved brand new replacement units for our customers. Some would say this is a great system, others would say not. Its a procedure that obviously works for them.


16-03-2006, 05:03 PM
My experience is the same as Sundowns,in the past seven or so years I've had more than ten units replaced under warranty,I know none were repaired because they all came back with different serial numbers,all the units tested positive for moisture under the screen something that appears unavoidable in my area when heading off pre dawn in winter,I take my hat off to Lowrance they are always polite when I report the fault and get me another unit in no time at all,other companies could take a leaf out of their book.

25-03-2006, 06:27 PM
Hey Banshee.
Have had that problem with my X51 since new. Am on my 3rd replacement, which is now out of warranty. Still fogs up after pre-dawn start. Don't know whether to persevere with the unit or what. Worth a post warranty claim, in your opinion? $350 is a fair bit of money to me, more than I can justify throwing away willy-nilly.
Cheers, N.

25-03-2006, 07:02 PM
G'day Nigelr,sometimes if the unit is only just out of warranty they will come to the party with a new one for nicks if not it's a pro-rata thing where they will replace it for a reduced price depending how long it's been out of warranty,after two years they go back to full price(at least this used to be the case).My mate had one that he kept even though it had moisture under the screen it went for a fair while,probably a few years,but eventualy started droping pixels in lines right down the screen it died soon after this started,when he disembowled it a lot of the spider type things inside had bad corrosion on the "legs" where they met the board.I would say that if you get another unit keep right on top of the warranty thing,you may miss a weekend every once in a while but your sounder or GPS will always be good.

25-03-2006, 09:12 PM
Had a bit of luck today.

After reading post by cruiser(THANKS) :) :)

I had a bit better look at the GPS

Found a bit of white acid/corrosion on the twin springs in battery compartment.

Slid this out(it is glued in) and rubbed it on a brick and the unit now works OK. ;D ;D ;D



Mate I've got the exact same unit too, has been a great little unit over the years. Had the same problem with the battery springs but with a quick clean the unit works fine. I used to use a power cable ( connects into cig lighter) but the gps end of cable broke and a replacemnet one was going to cost me around $80 from memerory.

Have since upgraded to a chart plotter and use the hand held as a backup and in the 4by.

I was told by Lowrance a coupla years back that the unit was upgradable at a cost of about $250.

Tony 8-)

26-03-2006, 12:30 PM
new to this room.have a couple of questions about purchasing lowrance gps/sounder combo lms334c from the states from ###### imports.main concern is about warranty ###### said they will handle all of that but has anyone had any experiences.anyone got any imfo on the lowrance units good bad or indifferent.
thanks ruby f

26-03-2006, 01:35 PM
Sincere thanks for your reply, Banshee.

26-03-2006, 03:26 PM
Mention Lowrance and I think trouble. Check some I've my prior comments. In a nutshell, poor reliability, poor service and out of warranty very expensive. I've been very happy with Garmin. I have two sounders and two GPS's and no problems. In fact most of my mates have them too and in over ten years only one bloke I worked with had a failure. The other thing is that if I did they are in Brisbane so I can get good service. Lowrance's typical repair turn around was up to 6 week's >:( >:( >:(

I seen everything from base model Eagles to Combo GPS sounders and they just don't last. It's a shame because when they run they're very good but I could never trust them again.

28-03-2006, 02:22 PM
I thought I'd share my recent experience with Lowrance/Eagle.

Like a few of you I bought my unit by mail order from the USA. It is an Eagle SeaCharter 480DF, (GPS/Plotter/Sounder Combo)
It started losing power a few weeks ago, until the point where I was having trouble getting a trace in water over 7 meters. With the help of Heath (of Ausfish fame), I managed to determine that I had a problem with the transducer and a problem with the head unit. I spoke to Lowrance at Tweed Heads and they were very helpful, spending a fair amount of time with me on the phone, however in the end, there was nothing left except return for repair. The unit was out of warranty and as it was from the states, they couldn't/wouldn't handle it. I have no issue with this, as I knew what I was getting into when I bought it. I was grateful for the assistance they gave.

I emailed Lowrance Eagle in the states. Explained the symptoms and was advised to send the unit back for repair. So I have sent the head unit and transducer back to them and they have undertaken to replace both the head unit and transducer for a flat rate fee of US$179.95 including return freight with a six month warranty.
Now I suppose I should be a little miffed that a unit of 18 months of age has failed, but in the end I have managed to get it repaired/exchanged with a new transducer and with a minimum of fuss from Lowrance. So, I don't feel too bad about it' assuming all is OK when it returns. If I had bought the unit in Australia, I would have paid about $600 more than I did, so if I subtract $300 for this exercise, I am still ahead.

I've had Garmin before and I think their quality and reliability is excellent, but in my opinion, the Lowrance display and resolution, leaves Garmin standing.

All in all, I don't feel too bad about Lowrance and their service.


28-03-2006, 04:40 PM
Thanks for everyone's replies. I must admit that I now have second thoughts on buying a lowrance. I don't think I could bare to throw away a $1300.00 unit after a few years if it fails. On the other side of the coin their resolution and quality for the price is unmatched by the competitors.

Still a month before ordering the boat. Plenty of time to decide.


31-03-2006, 11:49 AM
Remember that Lowrance also offer an extended warranty on there units.

It cost me $180.00 to get a full 5 years warranty on my x102c ;)

so I now have a colour sounder that has hi res with a 5 year warranty and it cost me under $1000.00 ;D ;D ;D ;D

31-03-2006, 03:32 PM
The 5 year warranty looks like a good deal! I guess after 5 years then sounder technology will have advanced and buying a new sounder would be on the cards.


06-04-2006, 07:49 PM
Gday, I was considering buying a Lowrance sounder. I work in a tackle shop that sells most brands (Humminbird, lowrance, Garmin,Navman etc) and have always been a Humminbird person. I am now not so sure when I see how many people have had warranty claims with Lowrance. I rarely have any claims with Humminbird sounders. Why so many claims with Lowrance? I prefer the screen definition and pixels of Lawrance but now I am not so sure that its worth the risk?

09-04-2006, 08:03 AM
A few extra dollars, but well worth it in my opinion, is Raymarine.

Their digital sounders are excellent.

I dont know about repair time ... as I am yet to see one fail (touch wood)

As I said, a bit more expensive, but you do get what you pay for.



11-04-2006, 08:26 PM
I HAVE A X85, NOTHING SHOWS UP ON SCREEN WHEN IN USE,TRYMAX AT CAPALABA TESTED IT AND SAID IT CANT BE REPAIRED. I RANG LOWRANCE,TWEED COAST, THEY WILL TEST UNIT ( if repairable) . for $193.86 they can exchange unit, find out wed 12.4. for more info. cheers sam.

12-04-2006, 07:08 PM
I have a Lowrance X-91 sounder. I was able to pull it to bits, needed a 'Torx' tool for the funny looking screws on the back. The local harware store had the 'Torx' tools, but I had to grind the 9mm one down to get it to fit. Guess the correct size is 8mm, probably get it at a specialist tool shop.
Reason for pulling it to bits was loss of temp/speed. Once inside the sounder could see no busted wires/metal tracks. Sent the speed/temp transducer to Lowrance by mail. They checked it out as OK and didn't charge me a cent.
When I can do without it I will mail them the sounder itself to test. Found trying to deal with them by email a dead loss, but by phone they were top class.
By the way the sounder isn't sealed or filled with nitrogen or any of that baloney that sometimes gets posted on forums. There is in fact a hole to the outside (on the X-91 anyway) that has a bit of gauze stuck inside it as a filter. The 'foggy screen' occurence can obviously happen if humidity and temperature during and between trips mean moist air gets sucked in and later the temperature drops. I left a packet of silica gel inside, but don't expect miracles.

If you like Lowrance as a brand, they have a lot of good features in my book, don't get put off by forum stories unless the person involved had it happen to them personally. I was quite impressed with the way they dealt with me.

Before I pulled mine to bits, forum stories led me to believe that it was sealed and filled with nitrogen and unrepairable, as it was out of warranty I decided to have a go, and found that a lot of furphies had been put about. If you are out of warranty have a go.