View Full Version : GPS

10-06-2006, 05:39 PM
I have a Garmin 72 GPS in my Ally Craft.

I also have no idea how to use it properly.

Does anyone know of course that someone could do to learn?

I wnt to Johnny Appleseed. nice guys but alas not as far as how to use it properly.

At a loss, unless someone wants to come for a trip with me and son on the bay one day and pass on some of their secrets?



10-06-2006, 06:04 PM
Have you tried going to the Garmin site for help.

10-06-2006, 11:25 PM
The 72 is a pretty old model I think ..............................

Have a look at this link and about half way down you will see the manual and quick start for it.

Worth a look maybe?


Most Garmins come with a SIMULATOR mode where you can practice all sorts of stuff without getting into trouble. The manuals above will tell you how to access that mode.

10-06-2006, 11:56 PM
one thing i have found with some manuals they tend to make things more complicated than what they are.
Work out what u want to do with your gps.
lets say store a waypoint practice that a few times till it sinks in ,then go to the next important thing for you lets say go to waypoint then learn that.
Sure beats trying to take it all in at once.

Hope this helps

11-06-2006, 01:35 AM
Most Garmins come with a SIMULATOR mode where you can practice all sorts of stuff without getting into trouble. The manuals above will tell you how to access that mode.

I have one and they are a great basic GPS. No maps - although at one stage, I did use some free software to plot in some outlines using the track facility but later deleted it as I find the track facility useful for other purposes.

The trick with the Garmin GPS 72 is to use the menu button to drill down into the facilities to start and stop navigation, reverse routes etc.

As Pink Panther says, they do have a simulator mode which appears as a choice soon after turning the thing on. I have spent lots of time in front ofr the TV just playing around with the unit getting the hang of it, often with the instruction manual in te other hand.

Ya gotta play with it at home before you rely on it on the water. For example, I have waypointed the local school cricket pitch over the back fence and played around using that as a destination to practice on.

Ya just gotta play with it at home. :)

11-06-2006, 08:16 AM
Thanks guys, will practice and practice with it.................... thanks

11-06-2006, 11:04 AM
Unfortunately yo will have to go against the ways of the great Australian Male and .....dare I say it......read the instructions.

I know I will have the great aussie male union hunt me down over this but it does help!!!


P.S. Just don't let the wife know you read the instructions.

11-06-2006, 08:57 PM
Go with brrbear 's advice, practice simple steps until you are familiar with them, I have 2 Garmin 72s (one stored brand new with my marks already logged , just in case).
If you have any problems , let me know & I will try & help.
