View Full Version : Digi Camera Filters ???

28-06-2006, 07:54 PM
Hi Guys,

just wondering if anyone uses a filter on there digi camera to enhance the image typically for boating/fishing pictures

Looking at a polariser?? any comments appreciated


28-06-2006, 09:08 PM

I purchased a Fuji digital camera several months ago and as luck would have it found it had the same size filter thread as my old Cannon film SLR so all my filters fit it.

One of the best filters you can have is the polarising filter, when working on the water or where there could be unwanted reflected light. It gives you the ability to see though the water for clear shots of fish below the surface or create dramatic sky or sea scapes by intensifing the blues and greens.

Another filter worth looking at is the Skylight 1b filter, this will cut down haze giving clearer photos and can be left in place to protect the camera lens.

I also use a range of other filters for special effects such as star filters for that added sparkle and soft spot filters for portraits, the range is endless.

Hope this helps


28-06-2006, 10:23 PM
Are you using an SLR, if so, use a 'circular' polarising filter. (PL/PL-CIR by HOYA) or something similar.
There is also a linear polarising filter for camera's that don't have semi-silvered mirrows or prisms to split the light.
It is important to choose the right filter, otherwise you could experience unpredictable photo's.
Go to a top level photograhic store for help or contact the company that made the camera for advice.
You lov the difference a polarising filter can produce when used correctly.

29-06-2006, 06:42 AM
took this pic with Canon digital SLR..no filters at all

29-06-2006, 03:15 PM
Polarising filters can help but with digital photos, spend money on software to get a more consistent result. If you have a Digital SLR, shoot in RAW which gives you much more scope to tamper with the final jpeg. SLRs usually have far superior chips for the image.

A bit of Photoshop processing to bring out more detail ..

30-06-2006, 11:42 AM
I'll stick with original thanks..loses the effect of the sun on the water