View Full Version : navman vs humminbird

12-07-2006, 12:54 PM
g'day everyone does anyone know what would be the best fishfinder to keep out of the humminbird 565 and the navman 4350 colour. i bought the humminbird first and received the navman soon after as a gift, havnt used either yet.

02-09-2010, 07:03 PM
hi wally,

sorry to resurrect such an old post. i noticed no bugger responded to your question. i'm doing a bit of searching on this forum and looking at sounders myself for my 3.9 hornet. how'd you go, which one did you settle on? i was looking at the 565x myself purely based on high vertical pixels and price.

cheers mate

D river
04-09-2010, 06:54 AM
mate I dont know anything about the hummer but I have a navman 4350 colour and have had it quite a few yrs now and it works awsome for me ey. I'm always finding new stuff with it and its so simple to use and I still get good reading at 80kph on it. It doesn't have a dual beam which I'm told is better for sounding in deep water but I use it in 70m+ and have had no dramas with it at all consistantly finding good bottom in deep water the dual beam will just give you a widder view of the bottom when set on 50khz. I'm sure there is way beter units out there mate but until mine dies its staying in my boat cause like I said it works great I'm forever finding new redy spots each time I go out on the water with it. It shows up schools and bait and weed growing off bottom in good detail I'm not sure what the more expensiv 1's show that this doesn't but I recon you can easilly spend too much time and money mucking around with crap when all you need is structure n squid n 110lb schnieder handlines n you guna fill eskies mate. The little navy will do that for you for yrs. I'd read up on the hummer n if all reports say its better than it prob is as they make good kit but sorry have no experience with them to compair mate.