View Full Version : Anyone any views on these chargers??

07-07-2006, 08:12 PM
Hi All, I need a fast safe way to charge my 2 110a/hr batteries and saw these on Ebay. Anyone any views good or bad?? Anyone suggest any better solutions??

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Smart-Battery-Charger-12-volt-40-amps_W0QQitemZ130003698183QQihZ003QQcategoryZ10280 7QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


09-07-2006, 10:08 PM
Charging batteries at such a fast rate will damage them, I read your post on the other fishing website and you said you would have access to power for 6-8 hours at a time. You should never run these batteries totally flat, if I was you, I would get a charger that charges at a rate 1/8 of the battery's capacity per hour. Your batteries will suffer otherwise. Another option is to charge them with a generator, $700 buys you a pure sinewave generator which you could run a charger off and they last for ages on very little fuel, alternatively a $100 generator will charge them too but you will want to regulate it. Cheers, Joey.

22-07-2006, 08:58 PM
I bought one from supercheap for about $18 (big spender) It charges my 100ah deep cycle generally overnight. So far so good.i think it is around 3 amp. Just my experience. Sean :)

23-07-2006, 12:33 PM
When it comes to charging batteries slow and steady always wins the race .
Charging them too quickly can produce a lot of heat and excess gas build up which is very dangerous in a boating situation I would go for something like Sean suggested the lower amperage may take longer to charge your batteries but the up side is your batteries will last longer .

23-07-2006, 06:02 PM
ihave had one of those chargers for about 2 yrs now bought it from the place that sold me the battires for my boat (a lot cheaper than the price on ebay you listed) the battery supply place recommended that charger because it is a smart charger guaranteed not to cook your battery with its circuitry wizzardry. I have been using it for two yrs and charges up two 140AH batteries overnight linked together.

The battery supplier also builds his own brand of battery and uses a bank of a dozen of thses chargers himself to initialise every battery.
His words were basically "with this charger you can leave it on for months at a time and it will only top up a charged battery when it needs it if it doesnt it will go in standby mode and wait for it to need some juice"


28-07-2006, 04:12 PM
mangajack, care to share where you got it? I'd like to give them a bell...
