07-08-2006, 07:31 PM
Mate of mine bought a x102c about 9 months ago ,not long after he started using it it started switching it self off took it to the place he bought it (angus smith marine) and was told it would be fine. 8 months later it stopped completly took it back to supplier who told him they will ring him about it after numorous phone calls to the supplier he finally got an answer.You have blasted it with a gerni and its full of water (strange for a fully waterproofed unit) you will have to ring lowrance were not interested.He rang lowrance only to be told that you'll have to buy another one because some-one has opened it up and cut 3 wires but he told them he was told it was full of water and the lowrance dude said oh yes that to.My mate then asked how he could prove he didnt open it when angus smith already have he was told that will be hard to prove now wont it.This mate of mine has owned 4 lowrance sounders and had no problems until now.Poor bloke feels like a criminal after what they have accused him of.
Any-one else had any bad experiences with lowrance.
I have lowrance in my boat and have no beef but I know how carefull this fella is with his gear and it is not good when you get accused of stuff you can prove
regards gary >:( :'(
Any-one else had any bad experiences with lowrance.
I have lowrance in my boat and have no beef but I know how carefull this fella is with his gear and it is not good when you get accused of stuff you can prove
regards gary >:( :'(