View Full Version : Furuno LS - 6100  settings

09-08-2006, 04:47 PM
G-day guys

I have a 6100 and i am hoping that some one out there can let me know what settings they run,as in all the internal settings.
I run it on manual mode and find it to be great out around the 36 fms.
I am just wanting to get the best out of the unit with out spending ages mucking around too much fishing to be done.


14-08-2006, 05:40 PM
Come on guys

15-08-2006, 04:06 PM
G'day Good as Gold, I run an ls6100 (really happy with it) but haven't as yet used it on manual, like you said, too busy fishin to play with sounders. I heard that BCF was having a demo day Saturday just gone, but couldn't attend because of work. Maybe ask down at one of their outlets for a demo, they may be able to help. Otherwise ask at any store that stocks them or maybe find out who Furunos' rep is in Sth. East Queensland.... Sorry i couldn't be more help.