View Full Version : Barwons  ( hopefully )

20-12-2002, 05:18 PM
Well the big rig has had her first service and ready to Go Wide !

The BoM report this arvo said 10-15E/NE for Sunday.....good ::)

On Brownie, he said there was a N/Wester in the morn and stronger N/E in the arvo. ???

What's a man supposed to believe !

Guess I'll make a decision on Friday Night. Head to the Barwons early as !

21-12-2002, 04:43 PM
hi phill
Heading out sunday as well going to try some of the gps marks you kindly
sent me,for north of the cape.
just wondering if its worth to have a troll or just fish the bottom???
any tips would be great.

cheers stu68
http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm30.gif http://www.ausfish.com.au/chat/images/smilies/cwm16.gif

22-12-2002, 07:42 AM
We'll be meeting at the Northern Ramp at Mooloola River at 3am Sunday.

Set the compass for an area 26.36.781 153.30.005
We should be around here and a little further out.

Pulling stumps at about midday.

22-12-2002, 11:44 AM
hi phill

going to test the mariner out to hutchies sun morn.. ???....launching at scarborough bout 1am....
looks like it will be a great morning for it!!! ;D ;D ;D