View Full Version : overnighter Missionary Bay

03-01-2006, 09:32 AM
Yep 3 of us are going to Hinchinbrook - leaving from Oyster Point. #Never fished the Missionary Bay area (usually don't bother with the creeks) but this time going to give it a go. #We're going up on Thursday 5th, stay on boat O/N entertaining the mozzie population I'm sure and come home about lunchtime on Friday. #Will probably head over toward Gould Is/Sail Rock are for some pelagics +/- bottom bash. #Also noticed on chart a definite gully in front of Cape Richards running along the cape inside of Missionary Bay - looks fishy on the chart (don't pick on me for that statement.)
As you can see I'm clutching at straws. #I am looking for some knowledge of rockbars, holes, shoally areas that anyone may have some experience with especially bait grounds (I hear that squid is quite plentiful - I have jigs and a cast net). #Hell, give us all your marks! #;D
As for targets I know that Muddies & Jacks are definitely on the menu, Grunter, Mackerel and if opportunity presents: coral trout also. #As can see not fussy but obviously will have to plan around targetted species and times. #Suggestions here would also be helpful. #I have been told that I should troll all the way to Cape Richards but this would make for a slow trip would it not (where is the best spot to start trolling from? #Do I stay out of the bay for this? #Spoons, Poppers or Minnows?
I have an open runabout with 90L tank and 70HP 2-stroke. #Can get to reef but that would limit our inshore activities (fuel/money) so really don't want to go that far, just around local islands and Bay creeks.
A good time is guaranteed just don't want to waste fuel/money dicking around so please help us.

03-01-2006, 10:41 PM
Hey mate, merry xmass and all that to ya. haven`t done much up that way but the times i have were in the second creek from the north in missionary bay. There are several rock bars in it which we fuond very productive. Theres still abit of run thursday so if its calm enough it might be worth a try in the deeper bits off the south and east sides of Goold (haven`t got the marks as wasn`t in my boat but you`ll see what i`m talking about on your chart). Have you got the North Australia fish finder? let me know if you don`t and you can take mine up. Hope you have a ball!


04-01-2006, 12:06 PM
Received your PM - sounds like fun. Mate it's been that long since I've been to Missionary Bay - probably 8 years. We had no luck in the creeks last time (was pissed and it was raining hard though). We did have luck in front of the creeks though (GTs, queenfish) - trolling and floating.

Sorry I can't be of assistance. I plan to know more in 12 months time (I'm thinking of heading up that way a bit over next 12 months) - love the area.

05-01-2006, 10:30 AM
If you go in the 7th creek from the cape theres acreek that runs in from the south . there is a 14m hole there thats not bad for a night fish.