View Full Version : agnes water auz day trip (abort or not?)

24-01-2006, 06:24 PM
gday all , have a bit of a problem, i have organised a trip to agnes water for long weekend but bloody s/e winds are pushing up to 20 25 knots thurs backing off to 15 20 friday. not knowing a thing about agnes water but would it be bad time to explore area with tides being so big and possible swell coming in from s/e. would appreciate a locals advise on these matters. thanks for any input , insideout :-? :)

24-01-2006, 10:04 PM
early morning & late afternoon have been calm enough to get outside, and we have caught a couple of cracking mackeral, but the place to be at the moment is in the creeks, they are on fire. Big jacks, salmon and grunter have all started to bite. I have heard a few barra boofing but have not fished for them yet...
Good luck,
speak to Tony, Sandi or Josh at Agnes Water Bait and Tackle, they have a great shop, and will put you onto the best spots on the day.

25-01-2006, 11:21 AM
thanks for the info agnesstyle.helped me to make up my mind to take my tinney , not my cat. cheers mate!!