View Full Version : 2 excellent eating Yellow Tail King Fish

30-07-2003, 08:08 AM
Good to see a father and son having fun, isnt it great when your child outfishes you LOL, can remember last year on a trip my son outfished me 5 to 1 ;D then he says, what are going to do if i catch another one, my reply was keep it up someones got to catch em, i think he was waiting for me to say he could walk home :-[

30-07-2003, 08:18 AM
Greeting all,

I know I am just starting to learn about fishing and I think its a great sport. These 2 fish pale into insignificance compared to the "humungous" fish on display in this section, but everyone has to start somewhere.

A group of us hired a boat with "captain" and we anchored about 1/2 to 1 km just north of Manly.

This is the first time my son & I went fishing outside of Sydney Harbour. The Day was quite rough with about 1.5 to 2 metre waves.

When the fish struck, it felt like I had snagged the bottom. After about 1 minute, the line softened and I just pulled and reeled it in.

My son (10yrs old) was really lucky, because when his fish took the bait his rod was in the rod holder. If it was in his hands, the fishing rod, reel and fish would be still swimming away.

We were lucky to catch these 2 King fish.

My son's fish measured 69cm and mine was 67cm. Not much else of note was caught, it worked out pretty expensive (by the $/Kg), but it was good fun anyway.

We will certainly do it again.

Best wishes,

David & Benjamin

30-07-2003, 08:34 AM
Thank you, jaybee.

Benjamin is always the first to catch any fish when we go fishing. Also, like your son, he out fishes me at least 5 to 1. He has "the feel", whilst I am "ham fisted" to the point the fish has to virtually swallow the bate before I feel the fish.

He really loves to fish.

I love your boat. Just string a Tarp when the sun gets too hot.

30-07-2003, 04:21 PM
ty delewin, it has lots o uses, the legs double as rod holders / outriggers, it can be turned upside and used for a table, (strange that) actually i got the idea from beggsy, he uses a coffee table when he goes fishing.