View Full Version : Fishing Injuries

30-07-2006, 07:49 PM
Thought I would start a thread where we can share any unfortunate incidences with each other in the hope that others might learn from our mistakes. The incident needs to be fishing or boating related.

The idea is to post a photo plus a short story or explanation of how the incident occurred.

I'll start with an accident I had with a flying gaff. I was removing it from the cabin , hook first , when the rope caught on something pulling the hook into my arm just above my elbow. The hole it left was deep and required a trip to the hospital. Six stitches later I was ready for action again.

31-07-2006, 05:05 PM
ouch hey how come i didnt get cool blue stitches like yours lol :'(

02-08-2006, 11:47 AM

02-08-2006, 09:17 PM
i once was swinging a catfish around ( on the end of line) and had the pectrol spine jab and snap off in my upper thigh....the whoile thing was in there and was taken to hospital to be cut out......incredible pain for doing somthing stupid.......sorry no photo :(

02-08-2006, 10:23 PM
After catching hundreds of catfish before the incident, (I knew where the spines were)I stupidly went to hold a big one down with my foot to take the hook out, you guessed it, top spine straight through a blundstone boot & so far into the arch of my foot that I couldn't pull it out.
In a fit of agony, I grabbed it & managed to pull it out of my foot but bought a piece of live nerve out with it. Tried to tell the doc at the hospital that it was a piece of me, not a bit of my sock, nuh, she had to try to pull it out with a pair of tweezers, NOT GOOD, I told her if she pulled on it I would SCREAM REALLY LOUD, I did . ( should have seen the looks on the faces in out-patients as I hobbled out).

You would think that I would have learned after that, nuh, 18 months later, had to do it in the other foot, stupid, even after explaining to a newbie to catfish how dangerous they were, i managed to stand on it's head with the other foot, driving the spine into the arch of my other foot.
No wonder that i gaff every one now & reach for the long-nosed pliers.
