View Full Version : Cats

14-07-2004, 04:56 PM
Guys, I have a problem with neighbouring and stray cats. Can anyone give me any advice on how to get rid of them, or how to stop them coming into our yard and pissing everywhere and digging up the wife's herb garden.
I know of one way but it isn't that humane. It's not like I hate cats, they could make good crab pot bait, but if your gunna own one, ya gotta keep it in ya own yard.

Any help appreciated

14-07-2004, 06:31 PM
My 8yr old could help you there.
I was fixing the car last night and he was pottering around the garage. Came out and said "Dad look what I built" and held up a perfectly working crossbow :o :o :o

He loads em up with BBQ sqewers and I bet they would fix a cat no problems, as he'd shot the hell out of my esky :'(

17-07-2004, 07:15 PM
Local pet shop will sell you a product to place in the garden to stop the cats pissing in there