View Full Version : Internet service Providers??

11-03-2005, 10:43 AM
just got me diveorced from Do-Do and asking for opinions on different providers and ways to go, ie Broadband, Adsl etc..
Who's the best for service n price??..
Got fed up witing on the end of a line to get through to Do-Do and get satisfaction as well..

11-03-2005, 10:49 AM
telstra adsl is ok when you add up the amount of time you dial in and the price of the adsl there is not much difference i go with iprimus 70.00 for 3 months unlimited thats not to bad but telstra is 70.00 for 1 month unlimited with adsl depends on how many hours you want and ofcourse your downloads and uploads


11-03-2005, 01:32 PM
Bought myself one months prepaid of westnet, for the time being..Bout the same speed as Do-Do and offcourse unlimited time, unlimited download...
Till i sus who to pay me $$ to :)..

11-03-2005, 02:11 PM
There are many different ISP with many different options.
Broadband Cable
Broadband ADSL
Dial Up

We need to know,
how many hours a week do you use the internet,
How much do you normally download, or do you just browse the internet,
Is connection speed a problem,
Do you need to keep your phone line free for calls?

An unlimited 1500mbps account wouldn't suit someone who checks emails for 2 hours a week.

11-03-2005, 02:14 PM
I use adsl via ozemail, they are pretty good.
lots of different plans to choose from. you can sign up on line and they send u all the stuff (modems cables etc, if you dont already have them)


11-03-2005, 02:33 PM
I have heard that there are a couple of grades of provider A B C that likes of the Well Knowns are As maybe Bs and then there are the others that buy time of these big boys and they are definatly B. I cant remember the full ins and outs bur that on the lines of what i was told, i would stcik to the main stream fellas ??!!?? what i have heard could be wrong

ADSL is good


11-03-2005, 04:01 PM
G'Day Volvo,

I use Netspace. ADSL connection 256mg (yes it can be a bit slow compared to 512, but I can Upgrade for FREE)

Allowed to download 10gig a month for $39 per month. Been with them for a few months now and very happy so far.

Also you can check out wirlpool (I think thats it) its like a forum board for ISP. you'll get heaps of info there.

Tony 8)

12-03-2005, 04:37 AM
Go to http://www.whirlpool.net.au/

They have all the mail on all service providers

12-03-2005, 04:52 AM
Thanks fella's :), will do some research n see..Need to free up my phone line so looks like ADSL/broadband.....