View Full Version : Chat Board Feature Requests
17-06-2005, 05:35 AM
Just opening a thread for everyone to put in any requests for features that they would like to see added to the chat boards.
All reasonable requests will b investigated.
If someone puts up a post requesting something that you would also like then please put up a post as well so I can get an idea of the number of people that would like to see that feature added.
17-06-2005, 05:48 AM
Like the changes, good work. No other ideas at present, but thinking of 'em.
17-06-2005, 06:14 AM
sorta miss the who's on-line in the mainpage ???
17-06-2005, 06:31 AM
sorta miss the who's on-line in the mainpage ???
Yeah, me too. Another thing that may be helpful is if the top section on the forum pages can be locked into position with the threads/posts scrolling below. This will save having to scroll all the way back to the top to use some of the navigation functions. Even just locking the drop down menu bar would be good.
Thanks again Steve.
17-06-2005, 06:32 AM
Is it just my computer or did it just happen when I finished typing? Oops no. Just checked, thought I was hallucinating :o
Oh it does do that when I wait for the page to fully load. Impatience costs me more than fish it seems
17-06-2005, 06:33 AM
Free Beer and a sausage sizzle on friday afternoons, please.
17-06-2005, 07:01 AM
sorta miss the who's on-line in the mainpage ???
Me three ;)
17-06-2005, 08:04 AM
Somewhere to manage the pictures you have uploaded. I hate it when you try & upload an image & it tells you an image of that name already exists.
Also, being able to add more than 1 image per post would be good.
17-06-2005, 08:34 AM
sorta miss the who's on-line in the mainpage ???
Have put the Who's online section back.
Instead of listing all the Memebrs that have been online so far today underneath it it simply displays the total number of Members that have been online so far that day
Free Beer and a sausage sizzle on friday afternoons, please.
Obviously there will be a few smart a$$ coments and i would like to make one too. Nudity!
Just kiddin Steve. Ya doin a fantastic job mate and it reflects in the way you are trying to make life better for the ausfish user.
On a serious note, how about a spearfishing chat section? You have probably got every rite to say no, as this is clearly a fishing chat site, but out of all the chat sites i have visited (fishing and spearfishing) I have the most fun here.
17-06-2005, 09:32 AM
;D A Spell Checker would be handy for dumb arses like myself! ::)
17-06-2005, 09:56 AM
If you know the url of your pics you can use the image
tags and insert as many pics as your heart desires
17-06-2005, 10:07 AM
more smilies :) ;D >:( :o ??? ::)
you can never have to many slimies smilies
17-06-2005, 02:01 PM
I use a few different computers around the place so I'd think it pretty cool to be able to bookmark a highly interesting post and that this would be bookmarked to my login name, maybe have a top 10 or top 20 links maybe even an editable description after it and could sit just under the quick reply box or something. I currently use the browsers favourites button.
Just to be able to save links to great threads that you re-use or let newbies know about such as the sounder pages etc
17-06-2005, 02:42 PM
;D A Spell Checker would be handy for dumb arses like myself! ::)
I need one all the time, with big fingers and thumbs and bad spelling I have no chance.
Thats why the Modify button is there ;D ;D
17-06-2005, 05:47 PM
Is it possible to change the order in which the page loads. It seems that the last thing to load is always the drop down navigation bar for the boards.
On a low speed connection you have to wait a while to be able to navigate from one board to the next if you are moving around or click on a wrong link. If it loaded sooner then you could go to where you wanted straight away, without having to wait for the graphics and everything else load. This would make things a lot faster if it can be done.
Great to see you are always looking for feedback. Your doing a great job and this is a top site.
18-06-2005, 02:59 AM
I need one all the time, with big fingers and thumbs and bad spelling I have no chance.
Thats why the Modify button is there ;D ;D
Hi Steve,
the Modify button still does not help with pointing out spelling errors unless you actually know they are there.
I find the spell check on some forums picks out less obvious errors and gives you alternative spelling by highlighting them. Such as recieve and receive, ovious and obvious.
Apart from this everything is great keep up the good work. BTW I really like the new ALL feature.
Just my 2 bytes worth
“Proofread carefully to see if you any words out”
18-06-2005, 03:39 AM
Is it possible to change the order in which the page loads. It seems that the last thing to load is always the drop down navigation bar for the boards.
On a low speed connection you have to wait a while to be able to navigate from one board to the next if you are moving around or click on a wrong link. If it loaded sooner then you could go to where you wanted straight away, without having to wait for the graphics and everything else load. This would make things a lot faster if it can be done.
Great to see you are always looking for feedback. Your doing a great job and this is a top site.
Due to the nature and design of the overlaying menu bar it will always load the drop down menu last or close to last. Will look at another design when I get a chance and see how that goes.
I am on cable so I don't notice these things, thanks for pointing it out.
18-06-2005, 06:09 AM
If possible a search fuinction would be handy.
Maybe searching for posts or threads relating to a key-word or phrase.
18-06-2005, 06:21 AM
If possible a search fuinction would be handy.
Maybe searching for posts or threads relating to a key-word or phrase.
Underneath where it tells you if you have any private messages you will see "search" or try clicking this (;action=search)
I have always found the search very slow and cumbersome to use but it is there all the same. It will only give you a max of 25 answers too, so use the "min age" and "max age" feature to go back to when you think it happened.
18-06-2005, 06:47 AM
I use a few different computers around the place so I'd think it pretty cool to be able to bookmark a highly interesting post and that this would be bookmarked to my login name, maybe have a top 10 or top 20 links maybe even an editable description after it and could sit just under the quick reply box or something. I currently use the browsers favourites button.
Just to be able to save links to great threads that you re-use or let newbies know about such as the sounder pages etc
Favourites feature has been added. Thanks for the suggestion.
At the top and bottom of each thread you will see To My Favourites
Just click on that link and the thread will be added to your favourites list
To access your favourites list jist click on the Favorites link on the top menu
18-06-2005, 09:56 AM
Could you sticky the most popular/most informative threads so they always pop up at the top. For example, the sounder reading posts are extremely popular and informative but get lost a lot.
18-06-2005, 10:46 AM
Could you sticky the most popular/most informative threads so they always pop up at the top. For example, the sounder reading posts are extremely popular and informative but get lost a lot.
Best to use the Favourites for this. Otherwise the front page/s end up full of sticky posts and the new posts end up on page 2 or 3. What is very interesting for some is not always interesting for all.
18-06-2005, 12:39 PM
I had the same trouble as heath tryin to post a pic that had been previously posted,Someone wrote something about "url" afraid ya lost me at the first letter!!!! pity im illiterate ..... how do you do it in plain old fashioned english???????
18-06-2005, 05:34 PM
URL = Unique Resource Locator. OK, Still confused, here is the plain english version.
A URL is a website address, such as or
If you know the URL, website address, of the image you want to insert you can simply add that to your post.
Problem is that you would first have to upload the pic to the internet adn then link to it via it's URL. Your internet provider would give you some free space to upload stuff too but most people wouldn't or couldn't be bothered with doing it. There are free sites out there that you can use to upload images to but the problem is that most of them do not allow you to link to the images from another site.
So, the best thing to do if the last paragraph lost you is to simply use the Attach a Photo option here. If an image already exists with that name then just rename your image and then upload it.
To rename your image just click on the file name, wait a second and then click on it again. You should now be able to change the file name and then click on another file and the name with be changed. Now you can upload the image without a conflict of file names.
Still looking into Heath's suggestion so something might happen, if it possible.
18-06-2005, 05:46 PM
I must say that for such type of question and the amount of views and replys it got this just says what a magnificent place this is.
I was thinking and I could not come up with what else I would like to see added.
I absolutely love the "all" thing, it does save a lot of time.
Great job you doing.
Thank you.
Wish you that when you go fishing you will have no time to smoke, have a drink, scratch any itching spot and could not think of any other distracions because the fish would be biting so hard.
For ever,
Just my way of saying thank you for this place.
19-06-2005, 03:44 AM
could we link our login id to our mobile phone and have a number we can send pics from our phone to the web site it would post them up under our name ?
19-06-2005, 06:19 AM
Holy cow I really didn't expect you to add a favourites menu this quickly Steve!
Thanks :)
Heres another curly one for you...
usually if you add a post to a long thread and go away for a day or two you come back and are a bit unsure if you've read up to page three or four or whatever so you tend to flip throught the pages until you see where you were last up to. This would have to be very time consuming on dialup. Is it possible to add a page marker so that you can immediately go to where you were last or possibly where you last made a post in that thread?
Thanks again Steve
Derek Bullock
19-06-2005, 12:42 PM
Burley Boy
All you have to do is add the particular post to your favourites.
20-06-2005, 07:21 AM
I think he means something that shows you that you have read up to the 3rd post on page 3 of a given thread. So when you come back and there are now 7 pages you know where you need to continue from.
Don't know how it would be done but Burley Boy
20-06-2005, 07:25 AM
I had the same trouble as heath tryin to post a pic that had been previously posted,Someone wrote something about "url" afraid ya lost me at the first letter!!!! pity im illiterate ..... how do you do it in plain old fashioned english???????
So you have a photo called "bigfish" but that name already exists right?
Try renaming it to something simple like "bigfish1.1"
And if you have 4 or 5 pictures do this "bigfish1.1" "bigfish1.2" "bigfish1.3" etc
And if these names are already taken try adding several numbers.
Most of my photos are now called something like "example1.1112" or "example1.44443"
20-06-2005, 10:25 AM
more smilies :) ;D >:( :o ??? ::)
you can never have to many slimies smilies
ban the smilies
20-06-2005, 01:44 PM
yep thats the one ba229 and I agree , don't know how it would be done... nothing wrong with a challenge though ;D
21-06-2005, 07:47 AM
HI Steve./ Ausfishers!
I would like to see a database established ,sort of communal fishing diary. broken down to, Beach estuary, bay , offshore.
day, time , loction(in general, or as specific as you wish)weather conditions, light, wind speed, direction, you can make it as detailed as you wish,Im sure you understand where this is going,
The table should have the capacity to collate and extract information ie best time / conditions to fish location X .
I have no idea how achievable this is from a computing sense but Imagine in a couple of years the tool available to ausfishers with a couple of thousand fishers pooling there results,, Does any one agree???
OH and it should be called Rando's ##### Fishing Page :o ;D ;D
21-06-2005, 07:51 AM
HI Steve./ Ausfishers!
I would like to see a database established ,sort of communal fishing diary. broken down to, Beach estuary, bay , offshore.
day, time , loction(in general, or as specific as you wish)weather conditions, light, wind speed, direction, you can make it as detailed as you wish,Im sure you understand where this is going,
The table should have the capacity to collate and extract information ie best time / conditions to fish location X .
I have no idea how achievable this is from a computing sense but Imagine in a couple of years the tool available to ausfishers with a couple of thousand fishers pooling there results,, Does any one agree???
OH and it should be called Rando's ##### Fishing Page :o ;D ;D
21-06-2005, 08:51 AM
Oh yeah
I forgot to add my thanks . Steve this is a terrific site and a lot of fun ,,,
Kind regards
21-06-2005, 09:19 AM
yep, i reckon every things all good, EXCEPT..... I reckon that ba229 should be made to change his avatar to somthing else. if i hear or see anything else to do with jjjjj jjjjoey jjjjohhhns, im gona be sick [smiley=sick2.gif].
hopefully theres a sniper in the crowd next origin [smiley=rifle.gif] [smiley=rifle.gif]
drew ;D
21-06-2005, 12:25 PM
I'd like to see a print with pictures option added to the "print" layout.
22-06-2005, 05:46 AM
If you want to print the pages with pictures you would be best using the print option in your browser. The print option on the chat boards is designed simply to print the text out so it fits on paper.
22-06-2005, 06:52 AM
If you want to print the pages with pictures you would be best using the pint option in your browser. The print option on the chat boards is designed simply to print the text out so it fits on papper.
There's a "PINT" option? love one ;D
22-06-2005, 07:12 AM
How about a "great products" page Steve? Almost everyone of us has found that super product that works extra well and with the multitude of stuff on the markets these days, we could soon establish a good database for everything.
23-06-2005, 09:38 AM
As there would appear to be quite a few paddle-powered fishos out there. Maybe a separate section for canoe and kayak fishing?
24-06-2005, 06:27 AM
Steve and Ba,
Thanx for the help.Done wat u said steve and changed the name of the file.Amazin wat the right info can do for us ol illiterate puta operators!!!!(all i gotta do now is remember how to do it)
24-06-2005, 08:19 AM
I'm new so the who's on-line feature I never saw but it sounds like a good idea. Also I think that maybe a locations explanation thread would help out. So ppl can ask qu's and provide info on bars/reefs and dangerous waters so ppl knopw where they are going/what they are looking for and don't get into to trouble out on the water. Just an idea
Also how about a social event, seriously. I see most the blokes here are from Qld so it would'nt be hard to organise, just get ppl to bring a few $'s or make a donation to pay for costs. Or if that's too hard then maybe just meet at a pub/venue where everyone can have a chin wag. Anyone esle interested? ??? ??? ;)
P.S Great site Steve
24-06-2005, 11:30 AM
Just been reading the thread on who does what as a job , i think this could be a welcome chat request works in other areas why not Ausfish. Looking for a builder will trade tackle or what ever .....
25-06-2005, 06:45 AM
Hey Steve,
Let me start by saying what a FANTASTIC site this is. I'm sure I speak for every other Ausfisher out there when I say that not only is it an enjoyable and entertaining way of finding out what and where the latest action is in the fishing scene, but it's a great way to meet new people with the same interests and start new freindships. I'd love to know how many people have become mates purely through this website. All that plus, I'd have to say I've learn't more about fishing techniques and locations through this site than reading any magazine or watching any TV show.
Anyway, that aside, I reckon a great feature would be to break the reports down into sub-groups defined by location. ie. instead of having the "saltwater", "freshwater", and the general "reports" section for people to post fishing reports on (and us having to search both "reports" AND "saltwater" to look for offshore reports in the brissie area for eg.), maybe have the Chat Board broken up something like this:
"Fishing Reports" (with the following sub categories, or similar)
> "Saltwater"
- "FNQ - Townsville to Cape York"
- "Central Qld - Bundaberg to ??, maybe Home Hill/Ayr"
- "SEQ"
- "Far Nth NSW"
- "Central NSW"
etc. for all states, maybe even providing a sub section for each
state with sub-sub sections for areas within each state??
> "Freshwater"
- "Qld"
- "NSW"
Then the following categories as they appear now:
"General" (for general chat as it is used now)
"For Sale"
Could maybe even separate the "saltwater" into two main sections as well - "Offshore" and "Estuary"
Note that these are only a suggestion and many locations would need to be added (like "Gulf of Carpentaria" for eg.)
The other thing to consider I suppose is that some people may prefer it the way it is now, and be able to "browse" the whole reports section to find out what's going on all over Australia without having to navigate through a whole bunch of different sub-categories. And I myself can see the advantages in this as well.
Maybe a poll should be taken on this before any changes are made?? What do you think?
Maybe as a starting point, just rearrange it as follows:
"Fishing Reports"
> "Saltwater"
- "Offshore"
- "Estuary"
> "Freshwater"
> "Fly"
then the same old:
At least that would fix the current problem of having two options to choose from in which to post a report on offshore - "Reports" or "Saltwater"...??
If the archive system could be set up wherby such similar matters could be stored in groups, within in the existing chat headings.
For example,Under boating, Fuel, Steering,Electrics,Rust etc etc.
This would make it easy to look up stuff, that you know has been on the site before. I know you can search, but the results are not always brilliant.
Perhaps there is a better way to search
Regards David
26-06-2005, 09:24 AM
How about a thread where people can put GPS marks in. It would help out new people that haven't ventured offshore much and maybe a page you can click on to see how certain knots and rigs are tied and made.
26-06-2005, 10:14 AM
That would be a good idea. Very big help to some ;D
Steve is there any way that we could have a spell check. Maybe there is already one that i don't know about. I am one of those who need it ;D
26-06-2005, 01:31 PM
How about a thread where people can put GPS marks in.
hehehe - Gee -There would sure to be millions of marks forthcoming - NOT :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
26-06-2005, 05:36 PM
I know not many people would give out there own GPS Marks but I was thinking just General Ones like Currimundi Reef, The Twelve Mile and places like that so people could get in there boat and have a general GPS Mark to go to. Once they get to this GPS mark they can have a drive around and find there own spots. It would be like a Central Point to where they wanted to go. Anyway at the end of the day it was just an idea.
27-06-2005, 05:38 PM
It's probably a stupid idea but I will ask the question anyway. How about a section where members can put in useful websites they have come across? I didn't even know about until i came to this site and read it through a thread.
29-06-2005, 05:30 PM
Actually thats not a bad idea mharper, note there are a few links on Ausfish but I know what you mean stuff like weather links, sites with GPS marks for those that need some etc, could get a bit cluttered if missused though.
11-07-2005, 02:02 PM
How about an "ignore" button in the chat forum to block out posts from your own personal serial pest list.
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