View Full Version : Who finds it irritating? (moving topics)

15-09-2005, 11:27 AM
This is a great fishing chat forum,however, I find it irritating that a topic has been trundling along for a few days, then a moderator comes along an moves 6 topics to other boards.
I believe that "General Chat" is pretty wide definition, its probably the only board that everyone uses each time they check in - so what if there's a topic that only loosely fits, if there's no interest it scolls its own way to the bottom and off to the archive pages pretty quickly

Sorry Steve, but it is irritating, and I'll bet that it virtually kills off the discussion that was taking place.

15-09-2005, 11:34 AM

Behind you 100% here. If it is of no interest then it will slide quickly.

I think they should be referred to as the FUN POLICE.

By the time someone reads my post, it will probably have been moved to the Test Board.


15-09-2005, 11:50 AM
This topic is a classic example, nothing to do with fishing. So it was moved from General Fishing Chat to where it should be, Chat Board & General Internet Info & Help.

15-09-2005, 12:40 PM
I do. But I also agree that some threads do need moving to their correct sections. Reasoning behind moving posts are sometimes a little more obvious than others. I agree the 'General' section is up to debate as to what is fishing related and what is not. I guess it comes down to moderator’s discretion. A prime example was the recently moved 'fishing poem'; I thought it was fishing related and deserved to remain in the General section, not tucked away in Off-Topic, but, one moderator saw it differently. An example of something (I thought) that did require moving was kingtins post in General - 'I am sooooo proud', spoke about his children acquiring their black-belts. By all means, worth sharing but not fishing related and got put to Off-Topic, where it belonged.
Again, bottom line = Moderators discretion. :-/

15-09-2005, 03:15 PM
At the risk of offending the excellent mods who give their time for free, I also think the general section could be regulated less.

General is pretty open, and could include SOME off topic without upsetting the majority of members. As long as its loosely related to fishing, it should stay.

15-09-2005, 04:02 PM
yeh i'm getting sick and tired off it too
first we had genral getting moved to off topics and now by the looks of it to here
if youz want to do this then simply have the off topic section for us to post in and make it less confuseing for us
so where is the off topic section is it here or at the test section
please make up your minds and just let us have one section and not three

also i found it strnage that a post about what AUSFISH section we browse the most got moved i though that was pretty much genral fishing discusion hell it was about this very site! >:(

16-09-2005, 11:00 PM
also i found it strnage that a post about what AUSFISH section we browse the most got moved i though that was pretty much genral fishing discusion hell it was about this very site! >:(

Totally agree with ya there
And who is the biggest culprit in moving post?
Not going there, Might get yellow carded.
Is this a chat site or a soccer match?

Tight Lines

19-09-2005, 09:25 PM
WHen there are 8posts in a row moved somewhere it tends to make the browsing slower & less enjoyable, I'd be ahppy with slightly less rigourous policeing, bugger my speellling is slpping :-[

23-09-2005, 02:46 AM
Some of the stuff needs to be moved to a more suitable topic, so I'm pretty OK with that. Some of it is also very hard to classify, so I don't have a problem as to where it ends up.

There seems to be a trend lately by some to sell stuff in the wrong section when they can't put it in the "For Sale" section. I totally agree with moving that stuff.


03-10-2005, 07:10 PM
Well something a bit more reasonable needs to be done. Just deleted was an Ausfish community identity with max posts threatening to leave with a few others also, this site is provided by Steve but it is what it is because of the people who post here, slowly they are disapearing?

Seriously something needs to be done, it's all been said before hopefully it will not need to be said too many more times it's been said enough!!

03-10-2005, 07:15 PM
couldnt agree more fnqcairns

03-10-2005, 07:26 PM
behind that motion 100%

03-10-2005, 10:28 PM
Well something a bit more reasonable needs to be done. Just deleted was an Ausfish community identity with max posts threatening to leave with a few others also, this site is provided by Steve but it is what it is because of the people who post here, slowly they are disapearing?

Seriously something needs to be done, it's all been said before hopefully it will not need to be said too many more times it's been said enough!!

Who was that and what did I miss again?

03-10-2005, 10:47 PM
FNQCairns, that was not what that post was about.

If peoiple could post in the correct section there would be no need to move the posts and it would save a lot of time moving them. And would also save me having to respond to people that send me PM's complaining about people posting in the wrong section.

03-10-2005, 10:47 PM
If Mackmauler + 1 mod + another one or two unknown to me individuals just stop posting we will at least know it is the end result of Rob threatening to post a harsh PM sent to him by another mod. Thats all I know, the pm's must be running hot beind the scenes.
cheers fnq

03-10-2005, 10:50 PM
Fair enough Steve but the threat to stop posting read as a real threat.

04-10-2005, 09:10 PM
Jeese guys,,,, it is the same as a moderator policing then becomes the topic.

I do not know what the answer is, and I know that it is a serious job to keep the boards clean and g rated.

What I do not then understand is why borderline threads get moved around.

example is the one on downriggers. I thought it fitted well into the saltwater chat. ok, perhaps could have been added to tackle, but blimmy, life is too short. If a thread is way off, then move it. If it is in the ballpark, then don;t waste time moving it then then have people chasing it around the other topics.

Not everyone logs on for ages and reads everything. Some just follow items of interest.

Hopefully now not in the bad books,,,
