View Full Version : New moderators explained

08-02-2006, 03:13 PM
It is a sad situation that it has come to this, but I can see no other option than do what Ausfish Steve has done - make the moderators anonymous. Over the past few months we (myself included) have received abusive phone calls, physical threats against our families and ourselves and sabotage against other sites we own or have association with because we have moved or deleted post on this chat board.
While I’d be happy to share a coldie with 99.9% of Ausfishers any day of the week, there are a few fly ins and nutters that have made it difficult for all.

I am posting this explanation because I take exception to those suggesting we are hiding behind a number – criticising the changes, without knowing the facts.
We the mods delete obscenities, spam, ads and deliberate stirring on a daily basis for no other reason than we like the people we meet and what we read here.
We do not deserve the crap being dished out in PMs and posts about the changes and we definately don't have to put up with the threats - hense the Mod numbers instead of names.

Before you hit the ‘POST’ button, think… will this offend someone; am I posting this to create a stir? If the answer is yes then don’t hit the ‘POST’ button.
There will be no warnings – there are too many good people on this site to let a few spoil it.

Dave ><>

08-02-2006, 03:43 PM

08-02-2006, 03:50 PM
Over the past few months we (myself included) have received abusive phone calls, physical threats against our families and ourselves and sabotage against other sites we own or have association with because we have moved or deleted post on this chat board.

Mate i have zero tolerance for people like that. I cant understand why some members are wanting too know who the mods are , some of the forums i have been a moderator or administrator on you were banned for questioning a mods decision. I didn't basically agree with that particular rule but could see some sense in it. You have the whingers that expect an explanation for every decision made and that think the mods and admin are there for there every beck and call. Well i'm afraid mods and admin have lives too and cant babysit 24/7.

At the end of the day it's a board put here for us to enjoy and it's Steves decision how it's run. I think it's a ball tearer of a board and one would hope the idiot keyboard commando's that make these threats one day grow up. But some how i doubt it , as there is *that* element everywhere .

I'd bet it all on red that these so called tuff guys would'nt be half the man they are in person, that they are behind there monitor.

08-02-2006, 04:06 PM
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08-02-2006, 04:07 PM
Cryin shame when it comes to that Dave, especially with such a good site too.
One of the dissadvantages of a site growing too much with too many members??.
Moderators do a top job and dont deserve such crap..

08-02-2006, 04:08 PM
I Love this website and enjoy all of the info and valuable people on it and hope to meet some of them in person.Those of you I have shared laughs with, thank you.

My comment as an Ausfisher is that I back up the moderators move 150% to comply with there own safty.

I was discusted and completly bewildered that until recently we had some gurus (trolls) on this website. I am guilty and spoke up to them once and told them straight up what i thought of them and then chose to totally ignore.

I feel for the moderators who have to put up with people that go as low as threatening there families.

I look forward to meeting you and others at the dinner meet and greet mate. ;)

PS; also agree with you on the last paragraph you wrote.

and also Steve the owner Because ive had such a good time enjoying your website next week i will place an order for some stickers for my boat and I also encourage others to do the same.


Mike :)

08-02-2006, 04:14 PM
Makes sense to me, mods do a top job and dont get thanked very often - so thanks guys. Who cares if its a number for a mod, I reckon its the right decision. They go beyond the call of duty in explaining most decisions in a PM. Many chat boards dont explain decisions.

Keep up the good work.


08-02-2006, 04:30 PM
It is a sad day when some people have to resort to abusive phone calls and threats to the mods and their families. I truly hope you guys have engaged the law with these matters, as they are illegal and criminal.
Whilst we might all have a beef of two at times, and some of us do get pulled into line by the mods when necessary, I think that the mods are an essential part of the forum.

Well done to all

08-02-2006, 04:32 PM
I would like to thank the mod's for this site and all the hard work you do in maintaining this site.
I have learnt so much, so a big thank you to you all.

Cheers Ryan..

08-02-2006, 04:44 PM
Thanks Dave for explaining it.....an explanation goes a long way to preventing people from thinking the worst and prevents the "conspiracy theories" seeing light of day.

I must say I was shocked a few days ago when I noticed the change, posted a topic on it which was swiftly deleted by the new anonymous moderator. I wondered what it was all about.

However, I am even more deeply shocked that there are members who would go to such lengths of personal abuse and threats...just don't understand what makes people like that tick.

So.........on with it then!!!!!!

08-02-2006, 04:47 PM
Nugget wrote:

"We do not deserve the crap being dished out in PMs and posts about the changes and we definately don't have to put up with the threats - hense the Mod numbers instead of names. "

I totaly agree.
No reason to accept it.

08-02-2006, 04:54 PM
P.S. Dave

Welcome back from Moldova.....

08-02-2006, 05:08 PM
Good onya Dave. Everyone I know from this site is in it for the same reasons.......to inform, be informed, have fun, and share stories (albeit stretching the truth sometimes...it is out there ;D) Already I have met some top people and learnt a heap along the way from people who know their stuff and want to share. However, like any chat forum, there is always a sinister element, as much as we hate it, and these are the types that lurk behind shadows, that skulk behind the sanctity of their keyboard and dish out diarrhea like they have patented it >:(

The mods are the guardians of this forum and deserve the same courtesies that we provide to each other. With that goes their safety. It should not be compromised by idle or real threats. Do what you have to do guys and I am sure we will support you 100% and some more. It's a bit like fishing....no lone fish is worth risking you're own safety....same goes with lone threats.

Cheers and keep up the great work.

Paul ;D ;D

08-02-2006, 05:10 PM
I think it's a good thing that the moderators now have a number. IMO, this is not being weak, but protects the moderator and his/her family members from any abuse for whatever action they might take. Maybe some members might see this as a licence to delete posts or ban members at will, but I believe they (the moderators) would be responsible persons. I have absolutely no idea which moderator goes by which number, nor do I particularly want to know.

Fish2eat: it was me who deleted the post you're talking about. After I put up the post, I PM'd one of the moderators about the same matter who briefly told me what was going on. I then decided that my post in the "Help" topic was unnecessary, so I got rid of it. Hope you don't mind.

I wasn't aware that people send abusive PM's, but have seen some pretty lively debate about different things. Noticed recently that one new member copped a red one and then promptly started up again under another name. Fortunately, the other name copped a reddy as well.

That's me done.


08-02-2006, 05:13 PM
Sorry to hear you guys are taking flak from these idiots.
Thanks for the great job you are doing.

08-02-2006, 06:05 PM
Agreed, thanks for the effort from all the mods, you have my support 110%.
I respect you blokes for doing a thankless and often controvercial job voluntarily that has probably given you a few sleepless nights wondering what will have been posted overnight to upset the apple cart.
Anonymity is a good and nessecary thing under these curcumstances.
Cheers Lloyd

08-02-2006, 06:07 PM
I support your move 100%, protect yourselves and your families from this abuse.
I think you should yellow card anyone posting abusive comments and a repeat gets a red card.


08-02-2006, 06:14 PM

Do what you gotta do, it's a shame it's necessary but that's the real world I guess. Chris AKA GWH reckons he will know when it's you anyway by the spelling mistakes ;D

08-02-2006, 06:15 PM
Well I have been out spoken and critical of the number thing but have to admit that I had no idea as to the extent some people were going,these people need to be sorted no doubt and surely the anonomous nature of this board can't work for them.As for the moderation of the site,I personaly like Lucky Phill's approach he seems to have the right amount of tollerance and good timing.

08-02-2006, 06:18 PM

I write in support of what Dave, Gary and Phil have posted. I was a moderator on Ausfish for several years and I can tell you that it is no easy task. For me the threats I received were not so bad as I work in an environment where they are common. The desecration that was done to my website was able to be rectified.

What really upset me and what I couldnt accept were the real threats directed toward my children, particularly my son.

You will see that Steve still has me listed as a moderator in the new "News Section" that I asked be created. This is purely to maintain that Section in an orderly manner.

I welcome the changes to protect the new mods as this still has to be the best forum around.



08-02-2006, 08:15 PM
I had my say, which was probably influenced by the fact of not knowing the facts about the abuse and threats.

As I said to Steve via PM, I wasn't criticising, and am very appreciative of the explanation and I hope my thanks for making this site what it is, were passed onto the moderators at that time.

I am still a bit baffled that anybody would go to those lengths >:(

08-02-2006, 08:34 PM
What a shame it's come to this.

Steve I hope you and the team of mods accepts these "attaboys" as a token of our deep appreciation and just perhaps in some way will make up for the "areyoumugs" that some idiots have harrassed you with. This is a mighty and valuable service you all oversee and one for which I, with the rest of responsible ausfishers, are very grateful



08-02-2006, 10:45 PM
Dave and the other Mod's
You've gota do what what you do.After all that is what you are here for.
Imagine what this site would be like without these guys.It would end up being one big sh1tfight.
As for the personel attacks on the Mods there is no real need for it.
Thanks for the insight on the new set up Dave.
Cheers Dazza

09-02-2006, 05:46 AM
I totally agree with the mods. This site is a wealth of information for all fisho's and has certianly helped me out plus it's a great way to meet new people with the same interests.
Keep up the great work and hope the harrasment now stops

Cheers Phil

09-02-2006, 05:50 AM
I can't understand why a person would ever issue a threat to a moderator who has actually created an excellent site. I hope this is the last time something like this happens. Thanks for being moderators and thanks for the site!

09-02-2006, 06:13 AM
Totally agree with the mods changing to numbers..they do a thankless job in maintaining the integrity of this great site and deserve the support and thanks from all members .As for threats to the mods and families ,the full weight of the law should be invoked to eliminate these low lifes ...
Thank you all for maintaining such an excellent informative site .
cheers Terry

09-02-2006, 09:28 AM
Shame it's all come to this,the world is truly going mad,threats to mods and their families.For christsakes it's only a fishing site,we're not into world politics or the like.Madness i say.

09-02-2006, 09:37 AM
Great work the mods do, I mean if it wasnt for you guys we would all have to go back to work!! :o :o
But seriously you guys do a great job and to any low lifes that want to hide behind a computer and play tough guy get a life stand up or pi$$ off. A great site like this doesnt need tools stuffing it up for everyone else.
Mind you Im sure some people could use a bit of extra crab bait at times ;)

Onya Ausfish 8-)

Cheers and Beers

09-02-2006, 09:59 AM
the world is truly going mad,threats to mods and their families.For christsakes it's only a fishing site,we're not into world politics or the like.Madness i say.

I agree wholeheartedly. I was about to say that I agree violently but that might be a poor choice of words in the circumstances.

I never understand just how passionately expressive (read "abusive") people can get on a chat site about an unbelievably harmless activity like fishing so I tune out when I see the flaming commence.

Here is a poem that I wrote some months ago that may suit...

Weapons of Choice

We all use weapons in one way or another
My nephew scissored in the arm of his brother
Siblings psyche-blackmail in the name of the mother
Sydney taxis blow horns with scorn at each other
Auctioneers dare egos to spend to recover
Charities spray guilt on those who they bother
Ethicists quote "values" to discourse they smother
Innuendo makes good reputations suffer
Sarcasm and wit test who are really tougher
But I hold no malice about things I'druther
My weapon has a hook at one end and a reel at the other.

09-02-2006, 10:32 AM
My only issue is that if i post something, like asking for help on new area and a mod replies,how if i can't see for example the mods name,do i know he'll be from my area.

Minor stupid issue really,
keep up the good work mods.

09-02-2006, 11:23 AM
G'day Moderators,

I support your decission completely.

I find it amazing that we have people who would resort to threats etc.


09-02-2006, 11:46 AM
Not much I can add as I think it's pretty clear that everyone agrees that the mods do a pretty good job and shouldn't be subjected to abuse.

As it is IRL, so it is here. Whether you agree with the rules or not is irrelevant, If you want to play the game then you abide by the rules.

As someone who's beeen "cyberstalked" in the past, I can well imagine what it must feel like for the mods who have been personally abused and my sympathy is with them.

Threats of any kind should not be tolerated, and the police should be informed. A person capable of threatening others is just as capable of following through with those threats and persons and their families should not be put at risk. There is absolutely *no* room for manouvre on this one and no 2nd chances for the perpetrator/s.

Charlieville.........I think you illustrate well in your poem just what is wrong with society today. Nearly everyone feels threatened or cajoled in some way or other, by others. However, we must not lose sight of the fact that the vast majority of folk are good people who mean well as is illustrated by the vast majority of members of this site. The charity collectors that you illustrate are an example of "unknowing threats". I personally hate it when they step out into my path, but then I try to remind myself that "they know not what they do".

May we all live in peace


Live by what you trust, not by what you fear.

09-02-2006, 01:02 PM
the world is truly going mad,threats to mods and their families.For christsakes it's only a fishing site,we're not into world politics or the like.Madness i say.

Here is a poem that I wrote some months ago that may suit...

Weapons of Choice

We all use weapons in one way or another
My nephew scissored in the arm of his brother
Siblings psyche-blackmail in the name of the mother
Sydney taxis blow horns with scorn at each other
Auctioneers dare egos to spend to recover
Charities spray guilt on those who they bother
Ethicists quote "values" to discourse they smother
Innuendo makes good reputations suffer
Sarcasm and wit test who are really tougher
But I hold no malice about things I'druther
My weapon has a hook at one end and a reel at the other.

Nice one Charlie. Love it.

Paul ;)

09-02-2006, 05:08 PM
Unfortunately, I can see the possibility of "side flack" from this thread. No fault of the mods, but unfortunately it has come at a time when some members have recently been shown a red card. I have concerns that some may conclude that those given the red card, or recently moderated may also be the ones making threats.

It would be good for all concerned if the mods could clarify that this is not so, as I would hate to think that wrong conclusions may be drawn from this thread, and that the recent moderating of certain member's posts may somehow implicate them.


09-02-2006, 05:48 PM
I would't be expecting an anwer of that one Kev. The reason the "Mod Squad" have gone anonymous is so that they don't want to identify themselves, and explanations could do just that.

I think we should just ASSUME it is co-incidental...

09-02-2006, 07:20 PM
i have a lotta respect for u guys and how well this site is run, its sure sad that it has come to this but this is just anoter good decision u guys have made on this site, to keep the best site in the world running smoothly. cheers,..dane

10-02-2006, 09:34 AM
It is a sad day when some people have to resort to abusive phone calls and threats to the mods and their families. I truly hope you guys have engaged the law with these matters, as they are illegal and criminal.

These people need to be held accountable for their actions/threats.IMO

"growing old is mandortary, growing up is volantary"

Shame we can't change this! :(

Keep up the good work, you got my support 100%.

cheers..... 8-)

10-02-2006, 05:02 PM
You have my total support. You all do a fantastic job!

11-02-2006, 05:49 AM
It's comforting to know that the people who have made this necessary are the minority, not the majority. Still, it sours what is usually a great website, and I take the abusive stuff with a grain of salt realizing who has a life worth living, and those who think they do. After that, it's a shame our moderators have crossed to this measure to protect themselves, but be assured guys, we are with you!


20-02-2006, 09:12 PM
Thanks for the explaination Dave
I like many others I guess was wondering why the new mods with numbers.
I also agree with an explaination when a thread is being deleted for all to follow.
Thanks again

Tight Lines

21-02-2006, 09:19 PM
It's a sad state of affairs when people can't accept the decision of the Ref/Umpire/Moderator etc etc etc. without resorting to harrasment of any kind let alone threats to Mods and their families.

This site is the best I have ever found and provides endless amounts of education and general information as well as light hearted relief. This would not be possible without the selfless and time consuming passions of the few mods who work together to keep this site what it is.

To Steve and ALL of the Mods a heartfelt and very sincere THANK YOU for a job well done...