View Full Version : Googlewhack tastic

26-07-2006, 05:08 AM
;D Hello there,
Just wanted to say that I'm chuffed to bits to have found my first Googlewhack with you guys. By searching for "fishtastic thunderbox" I found only one google result...and that was here. Thanks for making my sad little day.

26-07-2006, 06:32 AM
Welcome aboard ELLIE .Please enlighten an old blokes knowledge ::) but what is a Googlewhack tastic?
cheers Terry

27-07-2006, 01:51 AM
Hello Terry,
A googlewhack is basically when you type 2 words into googles search engine and it returns only one result as opposed to the usual 14,000.

I obviously had far too much time on my hands yesterday and typed in Fishtastic Thunderbox and Ausfish was the only result google found.

It's a bit sad really but kills a few minutes. Perhaps I should stop messing about on this damn computer and take up fishing instead.

Hope thats cleared Googlewhack up for you. I'm sure you feel so much more enlightened!!


27-07-2006, 05:53 AM
Hi Ellie thanks for enlightening an old blokes knowledge ;D at least google knows theres only one top fishing site for all to enjoy
cheers Terry