View Full Version : e bay has  anyone had this promblem

16-11-2006, 07:22 PM
I had my first bid on E bay.
At 1.00 pm there was 3 hours and 39 minutes remaining and i placed my bid and for the next hour i was out bidded and i kept uping my bid and at 5.30 pm i was told i was the highest bidder but it still said there was 3 hours and 39 minutes to go.
So to be sure i came down at 7.15 pm and was told that i was out bidded and the item was sold.
Totally confused.

16-11-2006, 07:39 PM
yeh that sucks mate, not had that problem before
good luck

16-11-2006, 07:43 PM

Ebay is on daylight saving so it would have ended at 6.15 pm

16-11-2006, 07:44 PM
it clearly gives the finishing time on the item page for eevry auction

16-11-2006, 07:45 PM
What is the item number/url?

16-11-2006, 07:58 PM
had you left the page open and not refreshed the page...it would then show the 3 hours etc left until you refreshed the page.

17-11-2006, 04:57 AM
What is the item number/url?

I will try and find it and post it.
Not being a sore loser just could not figure what happened.

17-11-2006, 06:06 AM
just a little helper Troy, when I bid I put the max bid I am prepared to go in one window/webpage and leave it sitting wothout placing the bid. I then open up ebay again and place the item on "my watch list" in my ebay, I then keep refreshing this page and then in the last 30 seconds if my max price isnt yet achieved I open the other window that my bids sitting in an precede to place my bid. I only ever place one bid and thats in the last 30 seconds. No sesne bidding things up early.
Hope this helps

17-11-2006, 06:15 AM
just a little helper Troy, when I bid I put the max bid I am prepared to go in one window/webpage and leave it sitting wothout placing the bid. I then open up ebay again and place the item on "my watch list" in my ebay, I then keep refreshing this page and then in the last 30 seconds if my max price isnt yet achieved I open the other window that my bids sitting in an precede to place my bid. I only ever place one bid and thats in the last 30 seconds. No sesne bidding things up early.
Hope this helps
So your the bugger that keeps beating me in the last 10 seconds >:(
Aaah, just kidding matey. ;)
Another tip is to bid a few cents over the even dollar or 1/2 dollar .ie if you want to bid $350 bid $350.05 and amasing how many you win by 5c. :)
Pretty rare to get a bargain now adays on e-bay though. If it has boat or marine in the description it usually goes for more then you can buy something in the shop down the road.
Of course though I keep bidding. I might be the proud owner of a VHF radio later today if all goes well and Blaze is occupied ;)
Cheers Scott :)

17-11-2006, 06:44 AM
Get yourself auctionstealer.................. then you can set it forget it and come back later to se how you went.

trick to ebay is, set your max. price, and put it in. it will then bid up to your max. amount on your behalf.

Stick to your max price, dont get caught in the heat of an auction as it closes. Walk away if it goes over what youre willing to pay


17-11-2006, 09:03 AM
What is the item number/url?

I will try and find it and post it.
Not being a sore loser just could not figure what happened.

Just go into "My Ebay", then on the left hand side click on "Didn't Win", then click on the item in the list you are talking about. Then just copy the URL at the top of your browser and paste it here.

I can then have a look at the bid history and maybe able to explain to you what happened. Bit hard to help/comment without all the info.

17-11-2006, 10:42 AM
Blaze is spot on. I do things the same way. Keep 2 windows open, and your best bid ready to go in the last 5 secs.

17-11-2006, 01:36 PM
it clearly gives the finishing time on the item page for eevry auction
That was my problem it hept on saying 3 hours 39 minutes to go every time i received a e mail from e bay stating i was the highest bidder.
E Bay contacted me today and told me the e mails i was receiving were fraudgulent.
No nig deal i was only bidding for sinker moulds.

17-11-2006, 02:17 PM
Marlin Mike is right... get yourself a bid sniping tool... it ONLY bids in the last few seconds of the auction - does it automatically and if you get the right one it will only cost a few cents for each auction - that you win. (auctionstealer lets you do 3 per week for free - I think... but I stopped using it - found a better one).

I buy HEAPS of gear on ebay... and ONLY use that technology - I put in the highest amount I'm prepared to pay - then walk away... dont get up in auction fever. I recently bought some line... cost me $53... a similar auction - same day for the same exact product from the same ebay shop went for $92 - you gotta know your limits - set it and walk away. I should tell anyone this - now you all know my little secret and will beat me on the items I buy :P ::) Hmmm I MAY come back here and mod this post later ;D ;D

My other ebay secrets are.... :-X :-X :-X

Adam :D

17-11-2006, 07:46 PM
What is the item number/url?

I will try and find it and post it.
Not being a sore loser just could not figure what happened.

Just go into "My Ebay", then on the left hand side click on "Didn't Win", then click on the item in the list you are talking about. Then just copy the URL at the top of your browser and paste it here.

I can then have a look at the bid history and maybe able to explain to you what happened. Bit hard to help/comment without all the info.

Ausfish thanks for your offer for this but i am useless with a computer i bored everyone trying to post a pic of my tinny so it is best left at that. :-[ :-[ :-[

19-11-2006, 05:11 AM
I use a snipe tool also...some people get caught in the bidding fever...I know of one well known ausfisher whose other half informed me that he gets carried away with it..but I won't mention names.

I had some old model railway track sitting in the garage (been there for about 10 years...still never used ). I phoned a model railway shop to find out the price of new track...$4.35 per length.
I put it on ebay in bundles of 5 lengths...I got a minimum price of $5.50 per length..they went beserk in the last few minutes...great fun.

19-11-2006, 05:40 AM
was this it??
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ALUMINIUM-SINKER-MOULDS_W0QQitemZ150055995194QQihZ005QQcategoryZ317 05QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
time lines suit. :)

19-11-2006, 09:20 AM
I had some old model railway track sitting in the garage (been there for about 10 years...still never used ). I phoned a model railway shop to find out the price of new track...$4.35 per length.
I put it on ebay in bundles of 5 lengths...I got a minimum price of $5.50 per length..they went beserk in the last few minutes...great fun.

It is fun when you're on the other end and watching the mayhem unfold as they compete :D... not so fun when its happening against you ::) - thats why I only use sniping tools - the end price is a true reflection of what the product is worth - without the added emotion of getting caught up in a bidding war.


19-11-2006, 11:25 AM
was this it??
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ALUMINIUM-SINKER-MOULDS_W0QQitemZ150055995194QQihZ005QQcategoryZ317 05QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
time lines suit. :)
Finga That was it.