View Full Version : a whinge
12-12-2006, 08:16 AM
I promise this will be my last "whinge" for the year (I hope) something that really gets up my nose is people who post here and stick more "smilies" or 'icons" on their post than actual text, sure they have some Novelty value and do look sort of OK but 2 or 3 lines of them is a bit "over the top" (I think anyway) I can post something and not use any, surely all you out there in Internet land can cut them down to just get a point across and be done with it, now I know the first reply to this will be someone who only has "smilies" and NO content at all, that will just prove my point!
It does look pretty lame, I agree, but if folks want to be lame-os that's their prerogative I guess! Just like if they want to use heaps of commas,,,,,,, instead of full stops,,,,,,, ;)
12-12-2006, 08:54 AM
Your whining brings tears to my eyes.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Seriously, i am no fan of icons in forums, i prefer no smileys.
12-12-2006, 08:59 AM
Two or three lines is probably over the top but sometimes it can help people understand that a comment may be tongue in cheek and stop them getting shot down in flames by people who have taken the comment/s the wrong way.
Cheers and beers
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Couldn't help myself. A whinge is a great way of getting trivial little things out of the system isn't it?
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
12-12-2006, 09:41 AM
And then their are those who use emoticons (smileys) to get their post count higher in order to change their membership colour. :(. But find this happens in most forums.
12-12-2006, 10:48 AM
I feel relieved now I have let off some steam about this, I work in the IT industry and see all sorts of abreviations and things all day long, and I must admit that even "mobile phone speak" eg B4, LOL, ICU, l8r etc, gives me the sh!ts a bit, gees must be getting old!
12-12-2006, 11:01 AM
I must admit that even "mobile phone speak" eg B4, LOL, ICU, l8r etc, gives me the sh!ts a bit, gees must be getting old!
Mate (or is that M8), your not on your Pat Mallone there.
I absolutely hate that garbage. It's pretty scary when you see kids in High School and University writing essays and handing them in with that type of crap.
And now you see signs with that garbage. I don't know most of it means. To me it may as well be in Spanish.
Cheers Scott (the old fart) :-*
My husband received a resume from a young fellow written in "mobile speak". He brought it home for me to have a laugh at before we threw it in the bin. Don't they teach English in schools anymore??
12-12-2006, 04:03 PM
Help for the old farts. ;D
12-12-2006, 06:54 PM
I feel relieved now I have let off some steam about this, I work in the IT industry and see all sorts of abreviations and things all day long, and I must admit that even "mobile phone speak" eg B4, LOL, ICU, l8r etc, gives me the sh!ts a bit, gees must be getting old!
Noel, I may be guilty of using the odd emoticon but I hope I am not using too many. The thing I hate more is like you mentioned, SMS/Text speak on forums. If you want to text-speak, use your phone. On a car froum I frequent there is a new guy who drops the 'd' off and, and several letters off other words and uses absolutly no punctuation or capitals and this makes his posting like trying to decifer Russian. Heave you come across anyone who confuses than and then?? This will drive you nuts when you see it.
Look mum no emoticons....
Merry X-mas Noel.
and no you are not getting old, just showing how we were raised.
13-12-2006, 01:15 AM
I agree with you 4x4frog. Other than a rare "LOL", I never use text speak. Using them in school on a paper or on a job application is absurd. The teacher should give them an F grade and the employer should boot them out of his or her office. Totally unacceptable.
Emoticons in forums on the other hand are necessary for the reason pointed out by Argle. You're dealing with many, many, many people who don't know you or your personality at all. Your innocent, good-natured jest could be, and often is, taken as a personal shot. I've been on both sides of that situation in the past and it is no fun. Also, they let you be creative. Clever use of the emoticon roster can turn your "good" post into a masterpiece 8-). Emoticons are your friends.
;D ;D ;D especially these little green Christmas elves! They rock! [smiley=guitarist.gif]
13-12-2006, 06:35 AM
especially these little green Christmas elves! They rock
13-12-2006, 07:18 AM
hey LeeannP, I work for a gov department (I will not say which one) and I do a bit of job resume 'culling" and interviews, if a resume has "phone speak" it usually gets binned, and another "trick" we use is, because we have the Applicants mobile number, we get the call centre to call the number (during the interview) to see if they have their phone turned off for an important event like a job interview, and if they do not see what the reaction is when it calls, if they say something like "excuse me " and turn it off, that's fine. but if they answer it and bable on to a friend, they can expect a poor rating from the panel.
13-12-2006, 11:05 AM
hey LeeannP, I work for a gov department (I will not say which one) and I do a bit of job resume 'culling" and interviews, if a resume has "phone speak" it usually gets binned, and another "trick" we use is, because we have the Applicants mobile number, we get the call centre to call the number (during the interview) to see if they have their phone turned off for an important event like a job interview, and if they do not see what the reaction is when it calls, if they say something like "excuse me " and turn it off, that's fine. but if they answer it and bable on to a friend, they can expect a poor rating from the panel.
That's great Noel. I would have never thought of it but it is good. If they have it turned on you can almost gaurentee they think they are above all others importance wise. Excellent culling tool, must remember it.
13-12-2006, 11:12 AM
I blame the teachers!!
13-12-2006, 12:06 PM
hey I said that to a Teacher and he nearly ripped my head off, reckons he works 25hours a day, and has no time to look after Pupils and their English problems, what the! that's what a teacher does I thought.
13-12-2006, 12:07 PM
I blame the teachers!!
Let me start by saying I am not or ever was a teacher.
I agree with this to an extent. The guidence a few years back was that if the word looked OK, the kids were allowed a few errors. This got to be plague proportions if I remember. One of my boys, now 18 went through yr1-3 or so when this was evident. He would spella word and we'd have no idea what it was until he told us, yes it made sense after that but it carried through somewhat. I think it must have been going for a while before he got to yr1 because some of the teachers comments were written similarly and we were honestly amazed.
I don't blame the teaschers as they were only doing a job assigned to them by higher all-knowing powers ::)
I think these days it's up to the parents to steer the kids in the correct direction more so than ever before....Why?? Well when we were young, the schooling was simple and had none of this SMS/phone speak as we do now. It will become more accepted if we allow it, this is why we have to be on our kids and let them know it isn't the right way to head. We are lucky, our 3 kids,(18b,15b,12g) are fairly level headed and see that the SMS speak has it's place and so does normal language. I feel if the SMS cr*p is let loose the generation gap will actually widen considerably because the older generations will not understand what's ahppening ona greater scale than ever before. I may sound like an old fart but I believe that it could happen if we let it...imagine a world where a kid says LOL instead of actually laughing. It could happen :'(
I blame the teachers!!
i'm married to a preschool teacher & i find that only have to see some of the rude, ill disciplined, disruptive, disobedient little sh*ts that come to the schools to wonder what the hell the parents teach them..
it all starts at home,. if the parents do not teach their children some manners & how to do the right thing they will never learn. a lot of kids have absolutely no hope in this world because they are taught nothing by the parents, who are too self absorbed in their own world to really care about their kids. teachers are there to educate the children, not do the parents job.
problem is a lot of the parents appear to be the same as the kids & have not had the benefit, for whatever reason,of a good education. instead of trying to get their kids to do better & get ahead in life they just keep them at the same level ..
so don't blame the teachers..
having said that, there are teachers out there who just go through the motions , because the kids are like they are & the teachers can do nothing about it, so they don't bother. i find that really sad..
13-12-2006, 02:54 PM
being a Teacher is a very big responsibility, they spend a lot of time with kids, sometimes even more than the parents, (not a good thing, but a fact of life) and unless a Teacher can instill in their pupils a sense of pride and respect for other people and their property, then I think we will continue to have this ever widening gap between the generations and social groups, when was the last time you saw a young person help an elderly person do something, a long time I would expect, but how long ago was it you heard a young person using bad language in public, today I would think, it is a sad fact of life that WE are changing to a bunch of uncareing "I'm alright, stuff you" generation, and teachers COULD help with Teaching values and even being able to give someone a "clip in the ear" if they needed it would be a start, even a stint in the Army might straighten out some of the unruly nit wits you see around today! hey I just had another whinge, and I said the original post was my last for the year, oh well, Merry Christmas to all and have a great and fishy New Year!
being a Teacher is a very big responsibility, they spend a lot of time with kids, sometimes even more than the parents, (not a good thing, but a fact of life) and unless a Teacher can instill in their pupils a sense of pride and respect for other people and their property, then I think we will continue to have this ever widening gap between the generations and social groups, when was the last time you saw a young person help an elderly person do something, a long time I would expect, but how long ago was it you heard a young person using bad language in public, today I would think, it is a sad fact of life that WE are changing to a bunch of uncareing "I'm alright, stuff you" generation, and teachers COULD help with Teaching values and even being able to give someone a "clip in the ear" if they needed it would be a start, even a stint in the Army might straighten out some of the unruly nit wits you see around today! hey I just had another whinge, and I said the original post was my last for the year, oh well, Merry Christmas to all and have a great and fishy New Year!
i agree with the clip under the ear bit, but the rest..... sorry.
it's the parents responsibility. teachers don't get aroung using the 'f' word, teachers don't get a belly full of pi** & abuse everyone & start fights, teachers don't, teachers don't scream at the kids & tellthem they are totally worthless etc. etc. etc. parents have to instill a bit of self esteem & pride into their kids. not teach them that the world is against them & you don't have to have respect for other people & their property.
Without putting lables on people, it tends to be the ones who are doing it toughest who's kids are the worst, they are the ones who should be trying to get their kids to better themselves. they probably had a similar upbringing & are doing the same to the kids. it's a crying shame to see some of the beautiful kids out there that have no hope in the world, because the parents will not change their lifestyle...
13-12-2006, 04:34 PM
I blame the teachers!!
Sadly this is typical of people today.
Why don't people accept responsibility for their own, and their children's, problems, lack of desire to learn, lack of manners, lack of respect, etc, etc.
13-12-2006, 05:11 PM
a good % of teachers now-a-days are clueless, they might aswell apply for a job at BCF ;D
13-12-2006, 05:42 PM
Hi All
Boy, talk about stir up a hornets nest...............
Ok, I'll own up, I was a teacher and its not all the teachers fault; a lot of "it" is the parents fault partly for years ago letting the education system be changed and losing a lot of what was core to its outcomes.
"problem is a lot of the parents appear to be the same as the kids & have not had the benefit, for whatever reason,of a good education. instead of trying to get their kids to do better & get ahead in life they just keep them at the same level .. quote from DR"
Now, as a GOM I remember being taught manners and hearing good polite converstion at home without most of the negative features of homelife mentioned above.
I also remember being taught to spell and having dictation as part of my school work. I remember being taught about clear thinking and writing many a precis at school.
Then things changed in the education systems around the country and all the details like spelling, dictation tests in class, clear thinking and writing precis etc got dropped in favour of all sorts of nebulous stuff where it was ok as long as the student sort of communicated and spelling and all the other specifics that are the foundation of values and communiction went by the board.
After a while we had teachers teaching children but they themselves had never learned or were taught, the basic skills and we are in trouble and still are as a result of these and other changes. (such as its OK? for F... this and such in a wide range of public and private locations.)
Its a long time since I got out of the education system but while there, I was also a subject moderator involved in statewide standards and examinations. Without a public mood for change and some political will .....................
As a family we made sure our children attended a primary school where they stuck with the basics of reading, writing, rithmatic while other schools in the area went with the trendy stuff.
Our children then went to a state high school where the difference in primary education and the lack of the primary school basics already stood out with some of the children from the "trendy" system.
In high school, the range of skills of the teachers was as wide as the range of their ages and their own education.
So yes it isn't all the parents fault or all the teachers fault but which group of professionals changed the sylabus that impacted initially on the children who became adults and then became teachers (and parents).
Parents certainly play a major role in instilling, teaching and promoting good manners and values and some of the basics of speech values and communication etc.
Teachers need to build on that good knowledge with a lot more of the basics and the older skills that are still missing.
High standards of comprehension and communication don't just fall out of trees. There has to be a will and demand in place in the education systems and communities that values and promotes and ensures that the things to achieve these outcomes are in place.
The system that is in place produces the educational outcomes that we see, whether we want them or not.
Do we get what we want or what we deserve?
As a post script, in our three children, (yes I know its a small sample) a sound primary education impacted positively on the outcomes at high school and later at university.
So I think on balance, I still do blame the teachers but at least now you know a little more about why. And parents do have a share in what has and is to happen in the future too.
Maybe there will be some more changes in how we do and how we teach and then we can all LOL together. :) ;)
Hi All
Boy, talk about stir up a hornets nest...............
Ok, I'll own up, I was a teacher and its not all the teachers fault; a lot of "it" is the parents fault partly for years ago letting the education system be changed and losing a lot of what was core to its outcomes.
"problem is a lot of the parents appear to be the same as the kids & have not had the benefit, for whatever reason,of a good education. instead of trying to get their kids to do better & get ahead in life they just keep them at the same level .. quote from DR"
Now, as a GOM I remember being taught manners and hearing good polite converstion at home without most of the negative features of homelife mentioned above.
I also remember being taught to spell and having dictation as part of my school work. I remember being taught about clear thinking and writing many a precis at school.
Then things changed in the education systems around the country and all the details like spelling, dictation tests in class, clear thinking and writing precis etc got dropped in favour of all sorts of nebulous stuff where it was ok as long as the student sort of communicated and spelling and all the other specifics that are the foundation of values and communiction went by the board.
After a while we had teachers teaching children but they themselves had never learned or were taught, the basic skills and we are in trouble and still are as a result of these and other changes. (such as its OK? for F... this and such in a wide range of public and private locations.)
Its a long time since I got out of the education system but while there, I was also a subject moderator involved in statewide standards and examinations. Without a public mood for change and some political will .....................
As a family we made sure our children attended a primary school where they stuck with the basics of reading, writing, rithmatic while other schools in the area went with the trendy stuff.
Our children then went to a state high school where the difference in primary education and the lack of the primary school basics already stood out with some of the children from the "trendy" system.
In high school, the range of skills of the teachers was as wide as the range of their ages and their own education.
So yes it isn't all the parents fault or all the teachers fault but which group of professionals changed the sylabus that impacted initially on the children who became adults and then became teachers (and parents).
Parents certainly play a major role in instilling, teaching and promoting good manners and values and some of the basics of speech values and communication etc.
Teachers need to build on that good knowledge with a lot more of the basics and the older skills that are still missing.
High standards of comprehension and communication don't just fall out of trees. There has to be a will and demand in place in the education systems and communities that values and promotes and ensures that the things to achieve these outcomes are in place.
The system that is in place produces the educational outcomes that we see, whether we want them or not.
Do we get what we want or what we deserve?
As a post script, in our three children, (yes I know its a small sample) a sound primary education impacted positively on the outcomes at high school and later at university.
So I think on balance, I still do blame the teachers but at least now you know a little more about why. And parents do have a share in what has and is to happen in the future too.
Maybe there will be some more changes in how we do and how we teach and then we can all LOL together. :) ;)
now thats a better explanation than the original one liner.. ;D
don't hold your breath that things are going to improve for a while... the new prep system is going to put a hell of a lot of stress on students & teachers because a lot of teachers are misinterperating how it is supposed to be.. glad i don't have a kid in prep in the next few years..
13-12-2006, 07:45 PM
We live in hope!
PS There I was trying to be brief and to the point ;) :'( :'( :-[ ::)
13-12-2006, 08:08 PM
a good % of teachers now-a-days are clueless, they might aswell apply for a job at BCF ;D
love that may not be the teachers fault but the education system per se.
Bad spelling, grammar and punctuation are rampant...a product of the system. there is a good one...the attitude of the younger generation today leaves a lot to be desired..very few will go the extra yards to try and get ahead...very few will willingly work longer hours without whining about it...all a product of the system. The one item that seems to have become prevalent from the system now is...everyone is a victim..I cannot spell or read properly because my parents cannot. I committed that crime because my parents did it...I did this and that because I am a victim. No one is a victim...everyone can make the decision to change themselves if they really want to.
Now Noel...I likes your yarn abotu the interviews for the PS...I would be different to you..I would encourage them to answer phone calls on their least someone in the PS would be awake often.
As for the emoticons..never used them and never will.
13-12-2006, 11:48 PM
My squeeze is currently studying to be a high school teacher and has, as part of her degree, done a good part of her prac teaching at various high schools. Some of the stories she comes home with are unbelievable and I cannot believe this stuff goes on. There has been instances of her or her supervising teacher asking students to do something, and the ferals turn around and tell them to f#ck off.
Teachers are bound by so many rules (and rightly so), there is nothing they can do to teach these kids if the kids dont want to do it. Get this.... she had a kid that couldn't be bothered listening in on a lesson, so he stuck his iPod in his ears (which he probably stole the little turd), sat up the back of the class and kicked the back of another kids chair for 40 minutes! They asked him to go outside, he refused and was only taken out of the classroom when the kid got sick of him kicking his chair, told him to stop it, and got stabbed with an art nail for his trouble!!!!
This stuff begins at HOME!! I don't claim to be parent of the year as I spend a lot of time away with work, but if my 2 yr old ever turns out like that he will be getting a flogging. The flogging the young fella gets at home will be nothing on the flogging the little a#sehole who stabbed the other kid will get when he winds up in jail.
It's easy to blame teachers, there are good and bad ones, but for the most part they have an incredibly hard job at the more feral schools trying to teach the kids that actually want to learn with all the disruptions caused by the other little tossers whose family trees have no branches.
Geez, sorry about the rant, just realised I am starting to sound like my father!!
Oh yeah.... I hate those smiley things too, but like everything, moderation breeds tolerance.
14-12-2006, 01:19 AM
WOW, Thats some hard shit you just wrote, I have five children, from 6 to 16 mmmmmmmmmmmmm so much i could say about your thinking.
Let me give you some adivce. Dont hit your kids. Treat them as you like to be treated, its 50/50 when it comes to punishment. If they do something bad, lets say, braking someone else,s toy,[ and its just to be mean] they get the same back, and they Quickly understand, what you give, is what you get in return. With my way of thinking, my 10year old son came back with 15 A,s
on his school report, and treats everyone with respect, and other four
are doing the same. WELL you might need to get another JOB, or a corse
in child psychology. But I do feel for you, and I know what teachers have to put up with. People think parenting is a easy job, its more than a job,
its your children,s lives thats at stake. Kids are Kids, and they should be your best mates. A little old school goes a long way.
I tell my children about feral kids that goes to their school, I say try and talk to them and listen to what they have to say, cause in most cases, its not their fault.
Anyone who wants to become a teacher, ask for more money. I think a $100.000
isnt asking to much. ;)
signed tunaman
14-12-2006, 01:50 AM
Please don't misinterpret my statement of 'flogging'. I got a smack on the backside when I played up, and I have become a well adjusted, contributing member of society and I think that is part of the reason. A smack on the bum never really hurt anyone, and maybe if some of the kids that my girl has to deal with got an occasional one when they were younger they may not be the way they are now. That's all I meant, my little fella is my best mate, and I can't wait for the day I can spend more time at home. I sometimes get a little passionate about these types of things because it annoys the hell out of me when you see some of these kids that have no idea, values or ambition to break the cycle their parents began.....
It's a general statement, we have all seen the types I am talking about
Thanks for the tips Tunaman, points taken onboard mate.
14-12-2006, 02:55 AM
Yes I got a smack on the back side when I was young, but today you can find your self in court. If one of your children run,s off to school and say,s,
my daddy smacked me, all hell could break loose. But I do understand what your saying, and I was not having a go at you or your missus.
I to work, and I come home tired hot and bothered, but I know there,s four little people and a teenager, with a whole days full of things to tell me, so we all sit together and talk it all through for up to an hour or so, even thou Iam at my wits end. And to tell them they done so well, their
all reved up for the next day. I allways say, I will pay a worker, so if they have kicked a goal at school, and done the right thing, they get paid. cash. and if they one of them falls a little short, they dont get paid.
Mate! life tough!
But this is all very draining. I beleve what you put in, is what you get back, Its 50\50 all the way. And you cant get fair,a than that.
All the best, and merry chrismas.
signed tunaman
14-12-2006, 09:45 AM
Pay your kids to do the right thing? Not in my neck of the woods,there is a level of conduct that is acceptable and one that is not,growing up my kids knew cross that line and they were the ones who paid.
14-12-2006, 10:11 PM
Folks you'll find the law does recognise discipline vs flogging.As far as hitting your kids go I would rather whack my kid on the butt to demonstrate putting your hand in the fire is dangerous than seeing them burn themselves.Children need to learn about the world and some mistakes are permanent.
As far as teachers go,they would have more time to teach if they didn't have to supply an amazing number of the pupils with breakfast.Last I heard that was a parents job
And smilies are a great option used sparingly [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
Fear and Intimidation worked for my parents and in all honesty I'm grateful to them.I wasn't worried about the cops or teachers BUT they might tell my mum.
15-12-2006, 01:30 AM
Well, we all have ways of bring up our children and I dont think any-one has the right way of doing it. To have a child fear you is not good. True, they must know who,s boss, but IMO, communication and mateship is the way to go.
signed tunaman
15-12-2006, 01:54 AM
so tuna...if one kid breaks another's toy, you then break one of theirs.....hmmmmmmmmmmm...and who pays to replace both toys? You ? That does not make too much sense to me.
You also pay your kids if they do the right thing? Doing the right thing is the accepted norm...not something that gets monetary reward. You do the wrong thing, you get punished...simple rules of society.
15-12-2006, 02:05 AM
About Emonicons (Smilies)... Occasional one is alright, though I agree I don't like seeing lots of them in a post. These new Santa Type ones however are driving me crazy... Steve you created little monsters!
Abbreviations... I get alot of it, and I mean alot! Emails, MSN, whatever... Sick to death of it. I use to get plenty of the crap on my previous mobiles I owned, which both ended up in the drink. Don't own a mobile, and I don't care for one... Bugger all reception here anyway, unless your a flash bastard and you own a 'Next-G' gizmo. It's these Suit Dressed, Flash Car'd and Mobile Phoned pricks that come out our way that get shot at!
Getting onto schools and teachers... here at my the High School I attend (Atherton State High), we have what is called the RTC - Responsible Thinking Classroom. Here's how it is works... If you are a teacher and you have a dissruptive student in your classroom, you have the '5 Question process'. 'What are you doing, What are you suppose to be doing', What are you here at school for, Where will you be if you do it again, Do you want to be here'. If you are hit with this process once, you are on your first warning. Twice, and your out of there! To the RTC it is.... Where you are seated in a classroom with other kids from other classes and year levels. You must fill out a plan, that is signed by the teacher on duty and you must negotiate with your teacher that sent you within a certain time frame. Fair process? I think so. However, there are those 'Cool', rebelious kids that will constantly get sent to the RTC and brag about it. They will sit in the RTC lesson after lesson, and eventually the Deputy or Principal will come in and Suspend him - Just what the bloody kid wants! Chances are he will sit at home and play the friggin X-Box and eat cake!
Thought it was relevant... Sorry if it is not! 2am in the morning, brain wants to go to sleep, body does not!
15-12-2006, 02:19 AM
So head, you can read. That was just an example, Let me make it simple
for you. If you dont like it done to you, dont do it to others. And when it comes to paying for their school grades, it does work well.
Let me make it simple for you again, How would you feel if you worked all day, and you got nothing for it. I asked my son that just lasted week, and he said, that sucks. They will beleve went get older, if I work, I,ll get payed. The words called insentive. They all want new stuff, and I,ve shown them a way to get it.
So many ;D ;D ;D FOYDH. ;D ;D ;D. There! is that better.
signed tunaman
15-12-2006, 04:17 AM
So head, you can read. That was just an example, Let me make it simple
for you. If you dont like it done to you, dont do it to others. And when it comes to paying for their school grades, it does work well.
Let me make it simple for you again, How would you feel if you worked all day, and you got nothing for it. I asked my son that just lasted week, and he said, that sucks. They will beleve went get older, if I work, I,ll get payed. The words called insentive. They all want new stuff, and I,ve shown them a way to get it.
signed tunaman
great comment tuna..I wonder if your kids read this site and see how dad behaves...or perhaps some other junior members..a great example.
working for someone and getting paid is hiring out your skills to the employer.
kids should not have to hire themselves out to achieve results in growing up....they should be taught affection, to be charitbale to others less fortunate when they can, respect, obey the rules of society, diligence in every task they attempt and seek to be productive members of society...these things cannot be bought...they are instilled by the adults they come into contact with in their formative years..not just parents but other relatives..friends and their families and teachers etc.
They should also be taught that if they break rules then there is punishment ie jail.
As for working all day and getting nothing for it..I have done that and will do it again..and when done for those less fortunate it gives a great deal of satisfaction.
15-12-2006, 06:43 AM
Whats FOYDH???.
gees I'm an old fart :P
15-12-2006, 07:11 AM
TT, that is a grand scheme. I am actually going to pass that on to the squeeze, might help her later on. At least that way the kids that are there because they have to be don't wreck it for the ones that want to be there. Everyone has their own ideas on raising kids, each to their own, my little fella will not turn out to be a feral, I will make sure of it.
As far as FOYDH goes, if it means what I think it does, all credibility is lost. There is nothing respectable, moral or ethical that gives a person the right to shoot down another person for their opinions.
If this is the case (and I stand corrected if I have got FOYDH wrong), maybe some people could take a lesson of their straight A children and start to treat people with the respect that everyone deserves until they prove otherwise.
I'll make it simple....... you get respect when you give respect, maybe some should try it!! I am not a regular poster but sometimes the urge is too strong.
Rant over.
15-12-2006, 07:48 AM
good one ShaneC a good whinge gets you in the Christmas spirit huh! thats why I sarted this, love a whinge when you feel you just HAVE to say something!
15-12-2006, 09:15 AM
As far as FOYDH goes, if it means what I think it does, all credibility is lost. There is nothing respectable, moral or ethical that gives a person the right to shoot down another person for their opinions.
If this is the case (and I stand corrected if I have got FOYDH wrong), maybe some people could take a lesson of their straight A children and start to treat people with the respect that everyone deserves until they prove otherwise.
Rant over.
So how did all that get down to FOYDH??
I was trying to make up some phrases that fit and there was some doosies.
One was f%#* off you d---head. But I gather that was really, really wrong. I hope that is wrong??
I wouldn't say that to a person I knew let alone someone I didn't know personally :(
If I had a guess at the right meaning then shame on you matey. Nobody here deserves that.
Oops, should I write that??
Someone tell me if I can't eh ;)
15-12-2006, 10:09 AM
Finga, I am sure that it is "Finga Oh You're Delightfully Helpful"
Surely someone who has such far reaching and high level moral grounds couldn't mean anything else.
I am not trying to stir, but sometimes a bee in the bonnet can really get the motor running. I am turning into my old man :( :( Back to the point, do you like my smilies?????
15-12-2006, 10:27 AM
I'm just trying to find out what FOYDH literally means or what I should have asked is what is it short for??
Never seen that one before.
A lot of these abreviations mean absolutely nothing to me and i would like to find out what they stand for.
Not wanting to stir trouble. I just don't like misunderstandings that's all. :D
I like yours better ShaneC :D
15-12-2006, 10:32 AM
FOYDH means, Funny opinions you do have. Maybe I should of put a smiley on the end. :) But theres all a lesson in whats above.
Dont jump to conclusions. Tunamans never said f--k off to any-one, EVER
and you should know me by now. But it all goes to prove one thing, we all have different opinions when raising our children.
Oh, and I didnt get offended. ;D ;)
Just one more thing, you all may have heard of the phrase. To dangle the carrot in front of the donkey.
signed tunaman
15-12-2006, 10:37 AM
Excellent. I like yours best of all tunaman
That's why I asked what does it I know what it means with no confusion at all ;D
Merry X-mas and thanks for the clarification
15-12-2006, 11:07 AM
Once again Tunaman, please let me stand to be belted into line!!!!!
We all have 'funny opinions', I admit I did think you meant something else, but what you say makes most sense of all. Must be my dirty mind.......
Thanks for clearing it up mate, I misunderstood and for my part I stand corrected. Someone else is going to have the brunt of my soapbox standing now....... I am in good form ;D
Merry Christmas
15-12-2006, 11:07 AM
No its my fault finga, sorry about that. I feel like Iam for ever saying sorry to members. ;D ;D ;D
Tunaman will swim away now. :( :( :( ;) ;D
signed tunaman
15-12-2006, 12:56 PM
Ah, christmas and the rantings of people who care enough to voice their opinions instead of sitting on their bums and just saying "someone should say or do something about that" well at least WE do, we whinge and state our thoughts on a range of things and (some) respect others feelings and opinions, BUT I STILL hate "mobile phone speak" and "smilies"
15-12-2006, 11:00 PM
Hey! Dont stop on my account, by all means, keep whingeing. ;D ;D ;D
signed tunaman. whoops, I did the smiley thing again. Sorry
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