View Full Version : Do You Belong - What Are You Prepared To Do

14-01-2006, 10:51 AM
Those who have followed the threads here should by now know that there needs to be a concerted effort by recreational fishers to stop the greens and conservationists eroding what we have always taken for granted as being our right to fish.

Prior to embarking on a campaign to fight this I am seeking to find out the following:

1. Do you belong to an arganisation that is prepared to fight for this cause.
2. What is the organisation called
3. If you are not a member of an organisation, are you prepared to join one
4. What are you prepared to personally commit to, to fight this cause



14-01-2006, 10:43 PM
1. Yes
2. The Fishing party
3. I am, but I would joinanother if I thought they put up a better fight
4. As a full-time carer, not much of my time, but I would endeavour to keep myself abreast of developments, and support the cause financially and democratically. I would be prepared to do paperwork from home if asked (mail shots etc)

kev......Not much help am I? ;D

16-01-2006, 04:30 AM
And are you also prepared to join the conservationists and greens in fighting intensive catchment development, wetland loss and other habitat impacts (not to mention big issues like climate change)- still a bigger threat to the long term sustainability of fishing and the 'erosion' of our fishery than any threats of closure promoted by the greens and conservationists?? :-?
PS animal libbers who want to close fishing onthe basis of cruelty to little fishys are neither greens or conservationists - so make sure you get your rheteroic right!!

16-01-2006, 02:42 PM
Jim makes a good point and it is a pity that green ideology has been tainted with the more radical elements within the environmental movement.

It is fair to suggest, as I have before, that TFPQ is fundamentally closer to the "Greens" than any other political party. Issues Jim Raises are clearly of interest to us and dealt with in a number of our party policies.

"Our" problem is some of the policies put forward by the "Green" movement and their political allies the "Democrats" are just so anti fishing as to leave no room for a working relationship.

The Animal Rights Bill 2005, introduced by Senator Barlett and supported by the Greens is a perfect example.

I note Jim does not call animal libbers "Greens" but I wonder which political party animal libbers vote for and what they call themselves, politically?................
No coincidence the favoured colour for the NTA's in all marine parks is green.

It really is a pity, IMO, that a group with the potential to unite and with a great deal of political ability, has become so radical....but, like I said, that's just my opinion.


16-01-2006, 03:57 PM

1. Yes
2. The Fishing Party
3. See answer 2.
4. Going to the Fishing Party meeting at Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club to see how I can help.


16-01-2006, 07:57 PM
And are you also prepared to join the conservationists and greens in fighting intensive catchment development, wetland loss and other habitat impacts (not to mention big issues like climate change)- still a bigger threat to the long term sustainability of fishing and the 'erosion' of our fishery than any threats of closure promoted by the greens and conservationists?? :-?

Good point Jim and I agree with you.
