View Full Version : Moreton Bay Marine Park - 30 to 50% Closures
27-12-2005, 05:58 AM
The following is an extract from the Australian Marine Conservation Society who are calling for 30 to 50% permanent closures of Moreton Bay.
Is this the beginning of the end for Moreton Bay as a recreational fishery. You be the judge. Don't sit back and wait for this one to happen guys and girls. Do something now.
The Australian government has committed to protecting our oceans through Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Australia already has the biggest MPA in the world (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park) as well as the largest marine reserve in the world (Heard and McDonald Islands). Moreton Bay is also a marine park; however the current zoning of the park protects less than 1% of the area. This is 100% unacceptable.
The Moreton Bay Marine Park zoning is currently under its 10 year review. This is our opportunity to demand that more of the Bay be placed under permanent protection for future generations. AMCS believes it is necessary to have at least 30-50% of Moreton Bay within reserves (protected areas closed to all extractive activities). To help achieve this, AMCS will be organising a series of free community seminars in South-East Queensland to inform the public about the amazing animals that live within the bay and the issues surrounding its protection. The AMCS website will also provide a gateway for you to find out more about Moreton Bay as well as providing an easy way for you to contact politicians with your concerns and have your say.
27-12-2005, 03:55 PM
The places that you are going we in FNQ have already been! :'(
27-12-2005, 04:07 PM
The places that you are going we in FNQ have already been! :'(
Very true Baldy.
28-12-2005, 03:32 AM
The only thing that will stop us being evicted from ALL our fishing areas is good old fashioned people power. This means VOTES. Tell all you family and friends that they will not be able to fish or crab or eat anything but imported farmed seafood from unregulated sources, laced with who knows what chemicals. if the GREEN movement has their way.
The radical GREENS have a lockout agenda to stop fishing altogether.
Tell everyone to vote against any government ( usually that former representative of the people - Labour ) or we can forget about taking the kids fishing on the weekend or on holidays.
Here in NSW we appear to be scre..d but in Qld you do not have preferences and can vote for who you wish . If you vote for the party that supports the GREENS and intends to lock us all out of every productive fishing area then you can't complain later, after they do it to you.
Look at The Fishing Party policies and action strategies to help save our Australian way of life. Otherwise I hope you like dreaming about lost freedoms and enjoy eating tofu.
28-12-2005, 03:37 AM
Look at the ECOfishers website. Support those fighting for US.
28-12-2005, 03:55 AM
Look at the ECOfishers website. Support those fighting for US.
28-12-2005, 08:11 AM
Pity they dont try to protect the mangrove fish nurseries from developing canal estates for the rich.
I was in Thailand a couple of years ago where they have severely degraded their estuarine fishery. And now they are planting acres of mangroves along the mud flats. Perhaps if a developer wants to destroy an area of mangroves they should be made to fund the rehabilitation of another area 10 times the size with ongoing funding for management. Maybe we can learn from a developing country that has already been down this same road due to population pressure. But somehow I doubt it when there is some big money involved.
The oceans are like a farm with crops that can be harvested at a sustainable rate indefinitely provided you dont kill off your breeding stock of destroy the soil the crops grow in. With fisheries the mangrove swamps and shorelines are the soil that nurtures the new stock. Take that out of the equation and it wont matter what bag limits, size restrictions or closed areas you put in place, because the environment just wont be able to sustain the same biomass as before.
29-12-2005, 07:57 PM
Can anyone find/does anyone know any more information about this "10 year review" of the Moreton Bay Marine parks? If there is such a review, then there must be a discussion paper going around which we should be able to get a hold of and be able to submitt feedback on.
29-12-2005, 08:11 PM
Can't find anything on the EPA Website however it was last zoned in 1997 so the review will have to be finalised by 2007. The way Government works however it should start in 2006 sometime.
Interesting though that this mob say that it is currently under its 10 year review.
This is just a revist of what happened on the reef and for those who took the NIMBY's coming to a store near you.
One of the great travesties of this is that all the variuos (well funded) environmental lobby groups, who work hand in glove with the EPA, use the flawed example of the GBR closures as the benchmark for future zonings.
It will be 33% of Morten Bay, and Hervey Bay and everywhere else. Until the recreational fishing vote has more power than the green vote we will continue to cop it in the neck.
When we "finally" flex our political muscles it may be different but ultra green politics has a 20 year head start on "us" and 20 years of working their way into the decision making processes.
It is my pesermistic view that the deals will already have been done, long before public consultation ever begins.
All TFPQ can do is rattle the cage a bit but the forces working towards these closures are formidable, to say the least. Until I fish & I Vote, means, I vote for someone OTHER than the major whit The Fishing Party (Qld)...we are on a hidding to nothing.
30-12-2005, 08:35 AM
so are they taking submissions from anyone apart fromt he greenies? where do we actually get input?
30-12-2005, 05:05 PM
It is my pesermistic view that the deals will already have been done, long before public consultation ever begins.
Thats just so true KC.
As far as being able to put submissions in you wont get a chance until they throw it out to public submissions but as Kev says, by then it's generally to late as the pollies and senior public servants have already done back door deals.
30-12-2005, 05:42 PM
EPA, GBR and TFPQ ???
It doesnt help to get the message out to the masses when you use in-house abreviations.
Now tell me how stupid I am. To me EPA = Enterprise Partnership Agreement, and GBR is Great Britan. KISS= well you know.
30-12-2005, 05:46 PM
EPA = Environmental Protection Agency
GBR = Great Barrier Reef
TFPQ = The Fishing Party Queensland
Sorry Panda.....used to using these on this site and most seemed to know them.
NIMBY : Not in my back yard
IMO : In my opinion
EPA : Environmental Protection Agency
GBRMPA : Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
RAP : Representitive Areas Program
TFPQ : The Fishing Party (Qld)
TFP : The Fishing Party
*&%^$%$ : Most politicians
01-01-2006, 08:59 AM
Latest news from Sunfish Qld is that there is no discussion paper out at present and they do not believe this will happen until after the next election.
01-01-2006, 09:46 AM
Latest news from Sunfish Qld is that there is no discussion paper out at present and they do not believe this will happen until after the next election.
Not criticising you Jeremy but do Sunfish really know whats going on behind the closed doors of the powerbrokers. I doubt it
01-01-2006, 11:20 AM
no worries Derek, but unless someone says otherwise, I will take their advice that there is no discussion paper out at present.
01-01-2006, 11:55 AM
Have a look at this page that has the AMCS questionnairre on it.
Every greenie/conservationist/weirdo group in the country and no doubt the world (check the country drop down box) has had acces to fill this in and while they haven't posted the results yet as they originally intended to in December 2005 you can bet that they have been lobbying politicians about it for quite some time. Most likely a few years.
Are any of the rec-fishing groups such as Sunfish (you mentioned them) or The Fishing Party for that matter doing the same thing on such a scale. I doubt it. No, they will wait for the Govt to tell them they have a prepared discussion paper and then we submit responses to that.
Sunfish and The Fishing Party should be getting off their collective butts and be getting active now, not waiting for a discussion paper that already has in it what the Government, after discussion and lobbying by conservationists, want us to know.
It was posted in another thread that rec-fishers are 10 years behind the greens in regards things. Well this is one of the reasons why, because they are very proactive and we aren't.
Jeremy, I am not attacking you personally but I have no faith in Sunfish. In fact your comments on Sunfish reek of the complacency that has been forthcoming from them for quite some time that has resulted in rec-fishers being on the back foot in this country for a number of years.
03-01-2006, 10:19 AM
Hi all
the irony of all this is in the governments (LETS LOOK AT BEING MORE ENVIRONMENTAL) the Beattie Government is looking at destroying the Gold Coast with its Shipping Terminal but i have not seen one person talking about this topic if this goes ahead we as fisher-person's will agian be held to boundaries within the coast but the other irony of this is that the Southern end of South Stradbroke island and Wave Break Island is already a National Park so please inform the public as to how, which and why the Government is going to build a Shipping terminal there does this now mean that the South Stradbroke island land is going to the highest bidder in the land developers or are they just Scr!wing us agian taking away from all the stuff-up this Government has had I think most fisher-person would like to know sorry guy's but I think that with all the conservationist and greenie's you would think they they would have had something to say on this matter destroying more Breeding grounds just for a few more dollars
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)
Derek is just so right it is scarey!! By the time a "discussion paper" is released, the "deals" will all be done, preference arrangement for the next election included.
As to getting of our collective butts is concerned he is also right, the key word being "collective"....the courier mail this morning carried a story about inskip point campground being "downsized"....same horse, different jockey.
I have already been on the phone this morning re this....brothers in arms.
The burning issue TFPQ has is resources, time and willing personel......even a group like Sunfish has $200,000 a year government funding.............we hold concerns that this is however "hush money" and I have personally shared this view will Bill Turner and others within Sunfish....which has not gone down well.
There are just so many fires to fight at present and I can only thank the few guys now coming on board with offers of help.
We are in for the fight of our lives over the next 10 years to retain even a semblence of the rights we now take for granted. Recreational fishing is clearly the next great green battleground and so far we are losing, and losing badely.
04-01-2006, 06:07 PM
Is this the beginning of the end for Moreton Bay as a recreational fishery. You be the judge. Don't sit back and wait for this one to happen guys and girls. Do something now.
Having a vested intrest in fishing i can no longer sit back and wait for this to happen i intend to do what i can and try and make a difference.
07-01-2006, 09:41 PM
I agree, we do need to do something about this not just for Moreton Bay but everywhere. All these posts tell us we have to do something.
For many of us though we do not know to whom and how to respond to this. Could those in the know please inform us 'masses' as to how to we can fight this. I will gladly write lettters, etc. Assuming these have any influence.
Waiting until the next election to have your say is way too late.
08-01-2006, 11:26 AM
I understand what you are asking, it does seem a little difficult working out where to start.
Probably the best bet is to join TFP and encourage anyone else you know to join. Next is to get involved with meetings and maybe submissions ect can be sent to the approcriate persons from the branch of TFP closest to you. We have a North Brisbane Branch here at Bribie and I believe there is one starting around the Southside of Brissie. Maybe we can post a contact list for people wanting to get involved, in TFP'S web forum (link below). I'll start a thread on there for starters.
It is so true we have to move now.... otherwise we have no chance of protecting our rights!!
Cheers Col (Jay's Dad)
08-01-2006, 11:34 AM
Bummer can't get onto tfp's site????
Maybe Derek could also link this thread back to general chat also so it directs a few more people to this topic ?
Let's get this rolling!
08-01-2006, 03:27 PM
Sent you a PM.
Looking at this now and expect to post something further in due course so hang on.
TFPQ site is working for me. I understand that Kev Collins will be also posting here shortly to let people know what they can do.
Happy to report that the planned formation of another Brisbane branch to compliment the one on Bribie is moving forward well. Be ready for the fight of your lives guys. You know the bay and TFPQ will need all the input and advice you can give us.
Far more importantly it will need the mustering of manpower and members come election time. We can huff & puff all we like but until we can post some seriuos numbers on election day we are just another lobby group who will be paid lip service by self serving politicians.
Tide has turned guys and about to start flowing our way for a change.
21-01-2006, 08:25 AM
Below is an extract from the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997. As you can see it expires on 1 September 2008. I should have realised this before as most legislation has an expiry date and usually that is on the 10th anniversary of it's commencement. Some time prior to that date the Minister is required to review it. This is where they got the 10 year review.
What does this mean for us?
What it means is that every organisation and person who has an interest in the future of Moreton Bay should be lobbying the Government to get some proper input into the discussion paper prior to it's release. The Greens and conservationaists are already at it as can be seen in the original post on this thread and if we (recreational fishers) do not do the same then the greens and conservationists will get what they want. That my friends is 30% to 50% closures.
Remember also, those closures wont be the sand flats of Moreton Bay, they will be 30% to 50% of your favourite fishing areas.
Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 1997 SL No. 385
made by the chief executive, Department of Environment on 24 October 1997
notfd gaz 14 November 1997 pp 1164–5
ss 1–2 commenced on date of notification
remaining provisions commenced 1 December 1997 (see s 2)
exp 1 September 2008 (see SIA s 54)
Note—The expiry date may have changed since this reprint was published. See the
latest reprint of the SIR for any change.
21-01-2006, 08:47 AM
This one is on the AGENDA to be discussed at the public meeting of The Fishing Party on Tuesday 7th Feb - Moreton Bay Trailer Boat club Fairlead Cr Manly Brisbane starting at 7:30 ( members and non members welcome)
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