28-01-2006, 12:26 PM
Red Alert, Red Alert, Red Alert
NSW Community Marine Parks and “Toxic Sludge is our Grudge” Protest Rally
TUESDAY 28TH FEB 2006 at 11am to 12.30

This will be another RED DAY (wear the color RED) of Rally and Protest. If Marine Parks, sewage, water quality, toxic fish affect you, BE THERE (Recreational, Commercial and Indigenous fishers), Swimmers, Canoeists, 4WD’s, Skiers, Boaties please come along.
Your fishing spots and recreational areas are under threat of sanctuary, no-fishing, locked up, or no access, or your fish/marine resource are being contaminated by toxins, diseases and sewage throughout NSW (with no compensation anticipated and further lock-outs)
Resulting from public Marine Park Meetings at Batemans Bay and Narooma a call for a public protest and rally has resulted. Concurrently with devastating news headlines of SYDNEY HARBOUR TIM THE TOXIC BREAM, the first day of 2006 return of the NSW Parliament was nominated to voice and vent community anger.
After being told consistently that it would be at least two years away from any further Marine Parks, Premier Morris Iemma decided the ALP political agenda was in so much trouble he gave twelve days notice to his disciples to make the desperate green Marine Parks (Port Stephens and Batemans Bay) deal a real agenda and announce them. Their agenda suffers from a huge data deficiency
It is proposed to have Boats (Canoes, Bass Boats, Sailing boats, Row boats, Rubber duckies, 4WD’s, Cars, Utes, Push Bikes, Motor bikes or any fishing transport circling around the block of Parliament House displaying your placards, fishing rods etc, while a rally of speakers will be addressing the foot crowd on the steps of Parliament. Already some busloads of angry park opponents from down south have been promised and politicians are organizing to speak. (a full program is expected and will be made public and the police will be notified)

RED T SHIRTS are suggested with slogans such as front> YEMAS DILEMA IS TIM THE TOXIC BREAM or Marine Parks need Science not Politics
Back> TOXIC SLUDGE IS OUR GRUDGE 280206 or Yemas worms glow in the dark
Or other (suggestions please)-SEWAGE OR SANCTUARY

This is also a call for help securing/donating 1000 RED T SHIRTS (L,XL,XXL) and for somebody to screen print slogans/stick on slogans to them. HELP. If that fails then it is suggested for groups to organize their own RED COLOR and slogans.

Here is your chance to voice your concerns. Don’t lie down and accept getting shafted. There are NO MORE CHANCES, the State Election is in March 2007 so organize a group, busload or your friends to deliver the state government a message and see what they have to say to a crowd. Support from organizations/clubs will be welcome. Please indicate if attending.

Please contact Bob Smith for further information, 0265560338, www.thefishingparty.info, sinali@optusnet.com.au

28-01-2006, 01:21 PM
great idea.everyone that can should make an effort.Show the govt. how we feel.

28-01-2006, 06:37 PM
Yep, its the sort of thing that should be going on in Brisbane in relation to Moreton Bay.


30-01-2006, 05:37 PM
Good idea for a protest on Moreton Bay and something which will be canvassed at the new Brisbane South TFPQ meeting on 7th Feb.


09-02-2006, 08:58 PM
Information from Kempsey

A bus (or buses) is being organised from Kempsey to take anybody interested in supporting the rally at Parliament on the 28th

The cost is $53.00 without or $68.00 with a RED SHIRT screenprinted with a slogan.
There will also be placards on board for the day.
It will leave Kempsey at 4.00am and leave Sydney no later than 1.00pm to get back.

This bus can pick up from stops down the highway if needed. Port Mac, Taree etc

Please ring Les Sharman Tackle Store (a great supporter of our cause) on 0265624240 between 8.30am and closing time at 5.00pm. Donations can also be made at the store to offset some costs

Fishing rods, fishing hats, Flags or Banners are welcome and bring your friends. If you can't come on the bus drive the fishing machine or the ute.

Bob Smith