18-02-2006, 10:09 AM
A working party has been set up by the EPA to look at changes to the Inskip Point Camping Area. A recent press release by the Mayor of Cooloola Shire Council says that the Mayor welcomes this. See below.
The major thrust by the EPA is to restrict numbers during peak holiday periods. This will mean that up to 2000 campers/rec fishers will not be able to enjoy this camping area at times like Christmas and Easter.
Now is your chance to protest this move by the EPA.
Send an email or letter now to the Cooloola Shire Mayor, Mick Venardos at or EPA Minister Desley Boyle at
Might I suggest the following.
Mick Venardos
Cooloola Shire Council
PO Box 155
Gympie Q 4570
Dear Mr Venardos
It is my understanding that The EPA is proposing to restrict the number of people able to camp at Inskip Point during holiday periods and that you have welcomed a working party to discuss this.
I am opposed to any restrictions on camping at Inskip Point because ...........................
Yours sincerely
(Your Name)
Ms Desley Boyle
Member for Cairns
PO Box 15031
Dear Ms Boyle
It is my understanding that The EPA is proposing to restrict the number of people able to camp at Inskip Point during holiday periods.
I am opposed to any restrictions on camping at Inskip Point because ............................
Yours Sincerely
(Your Name)
Minister for Environment, Local Government, Planning and Women
The Honourable Desley Boyle
Boyle to establish Inskip Point Working Group
Environment Minister Desley Boyle will establish a Working Group to tackle overcrowding and other problems confronting the Inskip Point camping ground.
Ms Boyle will travel to the area soon and convene a meeting with the major stakeholders.
The Member for Gympie Elisa Roberts, Cooloola Mayor Cr Mick Venardos, council officers, members of the business community, the Police, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service rangers and community representatives will be invited to join the Working Group.
The Member for Ipswich West Don Livingstone, who has holidayed at Inskip Point for many years, will also join the Committee.
Ms Boyle said: "There's no question Inskip Point is a great and affordable camping spot.
"In fact it's become so popular that at times there are too many people crammed into too small an area. I'm told there can be as many as 2800 people there each night in peak periods.
"Over Christmas there were some trouble-makers, not regulars, who drank alcohol to excess, became aggressive and spoiled it for everybody.
"But it's not, however, as simple as exempting the unruly few. The fact is the area was overcrowded and the infrastructure was under pressure with toilet and rubbish problems.
"The solution is not just a matter of building more loos.
"The QPWS spends $600,000 a year managing Inskip Point, far in excess of the fees received for camping. There are 11 permanent toilets and 15 portables brought in during peak periods.
"The facilities could not deal with the numbers of people and this is a problem that has been building up over a number of years.
"The Cooloola Mayor and business members have made it clear that they want camping to continue and to grow. It's great business for the RainbowBeach area and I agree.
"Our rangers are right, however, that Inskip Point can only cope with so many people.
"The answer is to get the key stakeholders around the table and come up with some solutions.
"What I hope will come out of this is a resolution for Inskip Point on how we can best manage the influx of campers particularly at Christmas, Easter and school holidays.
"But this is not just about Inskip Peninsula Recreation Area.
"We also need to look more broadly at all the land in the area and assist the Council and the business community to expand camping opportunities.
"We can have a win win solution, we can have camping, we can have good business, we can have this very special part of Queensland protected," Ms Boyle said.
Media contact: 3227 8819
A working party has been set up by the EPA to look at changes to the Inskip Point Camping Area. A recent press release by the Mayor of Cooloola Shire Council says that the Mayor welcomes this. See below.
The major thrust by the EPA is to restrict numbers during peak holiday periods. This will mean that up to 2000 campers/rec fishers will not be able to enjoy this camping area at times like Christmas and Easter.
Now is your chance to protest this move by the EPA.
Send an email or letter now to the Cooloola Shire Mayor, Mick Venardos at or EPA Minister Desley Boyle at
Might I suggest the following.
Mick Venardos
Cooloola Shire Council
PO Box 155
Gympie Q 4570
Dear Mr Venardos
It is my understanding that The EPA is proposing to restrict the number of people able to camp at Inskip Point during holiday periods and that you have welcomed a working party to discuss this.
I am opposed to any restrictions on camping at Inskip Point because ...........................
Yours sincerely
(Your Name)
Ms Desley Boyle
Member for Cairns
PO Box 15031
Dear Ms Boyle
It is my understanding that The EPA is proposing to restrict the number of people able to camp at Inskip Point during holiday periods.
I am opposed to any restrictions on camping at Inskip Point because ............................
Yours Sincerely
(Your Name)
Minister for Environment, Local Government, Planning and Women
The Honourable Desley Boyle
Boyle to establish Inskip Point Working Group
Environment Minister Desley Boyle will establish a Working Group to tackle overcrowding and other problems confronting the Inskip Point camping ground.
Ms Boyle will travel to the area soon and convene a meeting with the major stakeholders.
The Member for Gympie Elisa Roberts, Cooloola Mayor Cr Mick Venardos, council officers, members of the business community, the Police, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service rangers and community representatives will be invited to join the Working Group.
The Member for Ipswich West Don Livingstone, who has holidayed at Inskip Point for many years, will also join the Committee.
Ms Boyle said: "There's no question Inskip Point is a great and affordable camping spot.
"In fact it's become so popular that at times there are too many people crammed into too small an area. I'm told there can be as many as 2800 people there each night in peak periods.
"Over Christmas there were some trouble-makers, not regulars, who drank alcohol to excess, became aggressive and spoiled it for everybody.
"But it's not, however, as simple as exempting the unruly few. The fact is the area was overcrowded and the infrastructure was under pressure with toilet and rubbish problems.
"The solution is not just a matter of building more loos.
"The QPWS spends $600,000 a year managing Inskip Point, far in excess of the fees received for camping. There are 11 permanent toilets and 15 portables brought in during peak periods.
"The facilities could not deal with the numbers of people and this is a problem that has been building up over a number of years.
"The Cooloola Mayor and business members have made it clear that they want camping to continue and to grow. It's great business for the RainbowBeach area and I agree.
"Our rangers are right, however, that Inskip Point can only cope with so many people.
"The answer is to get the key stakeholders around the table and come up with some solutions.
"What I hope will come out of this is a resolution for Inskip Point on how we can best manage the influx of campers particularly at Christmas, Easter and school holidays.
"But this is not just about Inskip Peninsula Recreation Area.
"We also need to look more broadly at all the land in the area and assist the Council and the business community to expand camping opportunities.
"We can have a win win solution, we can have camping, we can have good business, we can have this very special part of Queensland protected," Ms Boyle said.
Media contact: 3227 8819