View Full Version : Shadow Minister talks to Rec Fishermen

28-03-2006, 08:08 AM
As representatives of Recreational Fishermen and particularly Moreton Bay, TFPQ executives from Brisbane South, myself and Matt secured a meeting with Mike Horan, the Shadow Minister for Primary Industries and Fisheries to discuss Moreton Bay and the issues currently being faced. The meeting was held last night .......and yes, he is interested and listening. Good lines of communication have been established and we believe that we are developing a beneficial liason in this regard.

28-03-2006, 06:20 PM
Well done.

Hopefully we can have the same response for the Townsville Region.


28-03-2006, 06:24 PM
Hey Shane

Thats really good. Keep up the good work


28-03-2006, 07:18 PM
congratulation on your eforts, lets hope they don't brush you guys off from here

28-03-2006, 07:31 PM
This shows that we are finally starting to be taken seriously.

Good work

28-03-2006, 08:34 PM
do you mean Mister Mike Horan? ::)

29-03-2006, 08:28 AM
Be aware Mike Horan is shadow minister, not the minister. The Fisheries Minister is Tim Mullherin.

I have written to him some weeks ago and got the typical government brush saying "next time I am in Brisbane I am welcome to make an appointment to discuss issues with one of his advisors".....an approach to Horan results in an immediate meeting with Shane and the South Brisbane branch and then Mr Horan is flying to Airlie Beach next week to discuss rec fishing issues personally with myself.

This is just what happened at the federal election....one side of politics does not want to know us and the other seems to want to listen.

Labor has either learnt nothing from the federal election OR is so intrenched with the greens it is "not allowed" to talk to us??? Very disspointing. Labor "should" be supporting us and we them.


30-03-2006, 11:23 AM
hi all,
well done shane and crew,
i see that the greens are giving their preferences to labour in the gaven by-election.
wonder how "green" the greens really are when labour are going to put a bloody great shipping terminal at the spit, or do they choose to ignore that. If i was a greens supporter, which i am not, i don't think that would sit too well. wonder what the trade off is?? moreton bay??
keep up the good work

30-03-2006, 02:02 PM
hi all,
well done shane and crew,
i see that the greens are giving their preferences to labour in the gaven by-election.
wonder how "green" the greens really are when labour are going to put a bloody great shipping terminal at the spit, or do they choose to ignore that. If i was a greens supporter, which i am not, i don't think that would sit too well. wonder what the trade off is?? moreton bay??
keep up the good work

Mate here it is

From: Opposition Media
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:18 PM
Subject: MEDIA RELEASE - Moreton Bay recreational fishing ban part of Gaven green deal

28 March 2006

Moreton Bay recreational fishing ban part of Gaven green deal

The Queensland Coalition fear recreational fishing will be banned in half of Moreton Bay under a secret pre-election preference deal between the Beattie Labor Government and the extreme greens.

The Australian Marine Conservation Society has launched a campaign to have “at least 30 – 50% of Moreton Bay within reserves (protected areas closed to all extractive activities)” as part of the 10 year review of the marine park.

In State Parliament today, Shadow Fisheries Minister Mike Horan revealed recreational fishers feared the preference deal between Labor and the Greens in the Gaven by-election was based on the delivery of the Moreton Bay lock out.

“I have spoken to a number of recreational fishers and their representative groups who are gravely concerned about the possible rezoning of Moreton Bay,” Mr Horan said.

“The message I received is they support conservation measures in Moreton Bay but they are afraid the Beattie Labor Government will ban recreational fishing in half the bay, which will only increase pressure on the fishery in the areas that remain open.

“Locking up half of Moreton Bay would anger a lot of people, with a 2001 State Government recreational fishing survey finding there were 471,000 south east Queenslanders, including 77,400 on the Gold Coast, who went fishing at least once a year.

“But the Beattie Labor Government has a track record in shutting down fishing in Moreton Bay, as demonstrated by bans introduced in four key areas in 2003, allegedly to protect grey nurse sharks.

“Fishers were prepared to accept additional restrictions on bottom fishing and night fishing to protect grey nurse sharks when and where they were most active, but the Beattie Labor Government decided to introduce a total ban, which was what the extreme greens wanted.”

Mr Horan said the Beattie Labor Government was not interested in common sense conservation and was only interested in attracting Greens preferences at elections to ensure Labor won marginal seats.

“Farmers and timber workers have borne the brunt of Labor’s environmental extremism in the past but now it’s the Mums, Dads and kids who just want to go fishing or ride a horse who are getting hurt,” he said.

“The Coalition is committed to common sense conservation while Labor is only interested in pandering to the extreme greens.”

30-03-2006, 02:15 PM
This is just what happened at the federal election....one side of politics does not want to know us and the other seems to want to listen.

KC, we as "RecFishos" invariably vote for ALL parties, and ALL parties should be made aware of that.

IF "ANY" party is STUPID enough to not support their constituents..."they" don't deserve the perks of office.

TFPQ will hopefully have a MORE solid block of votes ,than the GREENS...yes ,the GREENS ,
to enable TFPQ to bargain HARD locally in the village ,and centre stage at state level, both levels capable of swaying the balance.

Lab/Lib/Nat......should ALL support RecFishing ,and be heard supporting RecFishing, the LOUDER the better.

30-03-2006, 02:19 PM
Good one Shane [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

30-03-2006, 05:02 PM
Well done Shane and the Fishing Party.


01-04-2006, 07:15 AM
I did not know that this was a political forum with a slight fishing twist.

01-04-2006, 08:47 AM
I did not know that this was a political forum with a slight fishing twist.


This is the title of this forum

Discussion on conservation, press releases, politics, current and future Legislation and any other matters that have the potential to affect recreational fishing.

So yes, it is an area for political matters that affect recreational fishing.


08-05-2006, 10:00 PM
Top job Shane and the Fishing Party you have my vote!

09-05-2006, 01:34 AM
Had a recent meeting with Mike Horan on the subject of recreational fishing.

The meeting was very positive and not just full of the standard political BS. It was refreshing to hear a politician admit that he didn't know everything about the subject but was prepared to answer as best he could and ask some good questions himself.