15-04-2006, 10:03 AM
Many thousands of posts on this site confirm that we are all genuinely concerned and possibly damn angry about the lunatic fringe of politics and the "kissy fishy - feely goody" nutters who are going to attack Moreton Bay fishing regulations, marine parks etc. in the immediate future - as of NOW!

Whether you hate/love these groups they all have one thing in common - that we don't!
They are dedicated rightly or wrongly to their cause, they are very organized and united, they are well supported by their own and most important they believe in the old addage of:


They continue to make noise in all the right places and let's face it, unless an MP or the Government sees an issue that will win/lose votes they are generally not interested!! Sad but true!

I got all excited and sent my local MP a link to this site re Derek's news on the plans for Moreton Bay. Can you imagine the impact and support we could make by everybody sending emails to their local MP's and letting them know our concerns, suggestions etc?

Likewise the Fishing Party is working for us so I even lashed out and joined with the miserable cost of $22.00 membership fee.

Being as guilty of apathy as the next guy, I tend to sit back and squawk and squeak from the sidelines but have realized what "people power" can do when it is united and run professionally.

With thousands of readers of AUSFISH all capable of blasting off an email, imagine what would happen if Pollies started getting an equal number of emails on the fishing industry .....................?

And you don't have to wax all lyrical in the effort either! Simply say that ...............

"I intend to place my vote at the next elections with the Fishing Party in support of their professional and responsible efforts to assist in regulation of the commercial and recreational fishing industry. I do not believe the sitting members of the Government and Opposition are acting in the best needs of the recreational fishermen and must therefore withdraw my support from such Members forthwith"

HINT: You can copy 'n paste this wording if you agree! We are looking for quantity not wording. Hit them where it hurts, in the voting pocket!\

If the member of Redlands (a great bloke and supporter of fishermen) got say 500 mails in ONE DAY, I guarantee he would pass this onto good old Honest Pete! As a wild yet probably unachievable target due apathy, if all the coastal Labor and the sadly ineffective Opposition MP's were to suddenly receive 10,000 emails (easily achieveable) in one week, what message would that send to the Government on the issue??

At the moment we are a pretty disorganized bunch but having said that (spare me!) it is also important that such messages are worded in a professional and responsible way and don't get all emotional, slanging and hysterical, and NO, polls and petitions simply don't work!

They get chucked in a drawer after a quick reading and forgotten!

Making YOUR MP aware on a regular basis with informed information keeps it right in front of his/her eyes!

I wonder how many readers of this post will actually saying "Yep, I joined the Fishing Party" and "Yep, I found his/her MP's email address and intend to stick up for my rights!"

It does require an effort to do this and I am betting about 1 to 5% will do "it" at most! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

'Cos I could be completely wrong on the whole issue but sure someone will clean my clock for me if that is the case!



If this was a "sticky" topic it would also be great eh and see what we can drum up!

15-04-2006, 06:04 PM
Hi Pink Panther.
Good on you for your efforts, if you don't mind me saying!
Here at Coffs Harbour, the sitting National Party Member holds his seat by a fairly slim majority. An influx of people from Sydney and other urban areas particularly over the last 10 years has decreased the Nationals' stranglehold on the seat which they have held pretty much uncontested since year dot.
The sitting Member, and his predecessor, have been keen supporters of both the Commercial and Recreational fishing sectors, they know full well how strongly the locals feel about lock-outs and the like, not to mention the amount of money both these persuits bring to the local economy.
This has obviously rankled the NSW Labour Party and its' Green bedmates, as they have just changed the Electoral boundries to better suit their chances of picking up the seat at the next State election.
Despite this however, I believe that voter backlash to this piece of cynicism will show them the error of their ways!
One thing is for certain. If Coffs falls to NSW Labour, next thing will be wholesale lockouts.
What pi$$es me off the most is that I am a working class family man who used to be/should be able to be a traditional Labour voter.
But Blind Freddie can see that in NSW at least a vote for Labour is a vote for the Greens, so go hard the local National Party Member as far as I'm concerned!
Fortunately, being politicians, they know full well where their bread is buttered!
Cheers and best of luck with your issues in Moreton Bay etc.

15-04-2006, 06:32 PM
Hi Pink Panther
I got to agree with you on this and for those of us who live near Moreton Bay, it is more than just a postcard view. It is our livelihood and our lifestyle. We have witnessed the aftermath of the Great Barrier Reef re-zonings and the impact that has ripped through their local economy, with previously booming businesses being forced to close. Harvey Bay will be gazetted as Marine National Park in August 2006, and they too face an uncertain future as they await the axe on recreational fishing and boating activities. With the Queensland Marine Parks Review due in September 2006 and the Moreton Bay Review in March 2007,the warning bells are ringing loudly, and unlike the Great Barrier Reef region, there will be no compensation for Moreton Bay or Harvey Bay.

One of the largest groups of users of our coastal waterways are recreational fisher’s and boaties, so how come we are getting the rough end of the pineapple in these decisions? Who is representing them in the decision-making processes? How can informed evaluations and assessments be made if these groups are not adequately represented?”

We are witnessing first hand the effectiveness, organisational skills and planning of green lobby groups such as the Australian Marine Conservation Society and its push for 50% “no take” areas in Moreton Bay. Closures of this magnitude, coupled with bag limits & Grey Nurse Shark sanctuaries all conspire to make recreational fishing a less attractive pastime and with this comes the effect on the industries which live off recreational fishing as well as the lifestyle choices made by so many Queenslanders.

Beyond just fishing we witness horse riding, bee keeping and 4WD banned in parks. We see every year devastating bushfires triggered by a bureaucracy unwilling to maintain control burning as a hazard reduction strategy. The snowy mountain cattlemen under threat of expulsion and so many things that have fundamentally shaped our national identity being sacrificed on the alter of ultra-green politics.

What has been missed in the whole charade is that by and large, most rec fishos would consider themselves as “green”. We care about the environment and spend more time in it than most of the educated elite who make the rules ever will.

Governments at all levels have paid a high price for the ongoing preference deals with the greens. As recreational fishers we also pay a high price and now, more than ever, it is time to demonstrate to Governments that some sense needs to be brought back into the marine parks debate and no longer can one side hold all the cards.

Even though the task ahead is of a “David and Goliath” nature between established well-funded and organised conservation groups who oppose any form of “extractive activity”, IMO recreational fishermen and boaties are no longer prepared to be overlooked. They now have a voice in The Fishing Party Queensland and that voice is determined to be heard.


08-05-2006, 09:50 PM
Good work Pink Panther
After reading a similar article in last months Fish & Boat on page 70, I have been meaning to join the fishing party and throw my support behind them.
We have been shafted enough by consultants and analysts who wouldn’t know salt from fresh water.

Cheers btsah

14-05-2006, 09:55 PM
Hi Pink Panther
Have read many articles about fishing closures thru out Moreton Bay and other areas of QLD.After reading QLD FISHING Monthly -april issue-editors desk ,I am thinking about joining the Fishing Party-I need some info.I reside in Rochdale South -Springwood electorate.Is there a Fishing Party member active in the Springwood electorate.

Regards Peter

15-05-2006, 08:26 AM
I had a personal meeting with the opposition spokesman Mike Horan last Monday as did a leading member of the Fishing party after my meeting.

I certainly received a very good hearing on the issues we discussed and came away very pleased with 'progress'.

Mike is to reply to an outstanding question or two and I am sure he will.

Just remember in Queensland we have optional preference voting and simply voting 1 on the ballot paper will send a message but is it going to be the correct one. Perhaps what is needed is a 1 for the Fishing party candidate and the rest of the ballot paper filled in according to your preference for the rest of the candidates. Just don't make it a protest vote, make it a vote that will have some real power across the elctoartes.

I am prepared to fight as hard as I am able but within the political system we currently have.