31-07-2006, 04:43 PM
The Fishing Party (Qld) AGM was held in Cairns on Saturday 29th July with an attendance of approx 60 members.
The party executive briefed members on a significant number of issues including the process of registering the party at a state level to allow it to contest the 2007 State elections.
It also worked through a number of issues important to members including.
The zoning of the Great Sandy Straights
Structural Adjustment Packages for businesses affected by RAP
The criminalisation of marine park breeches and Government action on this front.
The soon to be made public review of the GBRMPA
The setting aside of the results of the flawed survey document into community expectations for future reef management commissioned by GBRMPA and being undertaken by CQU.
The Reef Grief forum held in Brisbane at which time TFPQ was able to brief the leaders of industry as to the effects of rezoning on the recreational fishing sector in NQ.
The executive was returned unopposed with the addition of Shane and Mitch from the Brisbane South branch.
As part of the process of registering the party in Queensland many members
will receive a letter from the State Electoral Office asking them to confirm
their membership of The Fishing Party Qld. Please make sure this letter is
returned the day you receive it, as failing to do so could slow down the
registration process and prevent TFPQ from standing candidates in the up
coming state election.
TFP will also vigorously contest the next federal election with a stronger
chance in the Senate. If the results of the previous election are any indication, then you may see a Fishing Party represented in the Senate.
Several press releases will be issued later in the week outlining some issues of candidate selection and an industry support program.
The sleeping giant of all recreational voting blocks is finally wide awake and to quote General Yamamoto after he bombed Pearl Harbour….he is “filled with a terrible resolve”
The party executive briefed members on a significant number of issues including the process of registering the party at a state level to allow it to contest the 2007 State elections.
It also worked through a number of issues important to members including.
The zoning of the Great Sandy Straights
Structural Adjustment Packages for businesses affected by RAP
The criminalisation of marine park breeches and Government action on this front.
The soon to be made public review of the GBRMPA
The setting aside of the results of the flawed survey document into community expectations for future reef management commissioned by GBRMPA and being undertaken by CQU.
The Reef Grief forum held in Brisbane at which time TFPQ was able to brief the leaders of industry as to the effects of rezoning on the recreational fishing sector in NQ.
The executive was returned unopposed with the addition of Shane and Mitch from the Brisbane South branch.
As part of the process of registering the party in Queensland many members
will receive a letter from the State Electoral Office asking them to confirm
their membership of The Fishing Party Qld. Please make sure this letter is
returned the day you receive it, as failing to do so could slow down the
registration process and prevent TFPQ from standing candidates in the up
coming state election.
TFP will also vigorously contest the next federal election with a stronger
chance in the Senate. If the results of the previous election are any indication, then you may see a Fishing Party represented in the Senate.
Several press releases will be issued later in the week outlining some issues of candidate selection and an industry support program.
The sleeping giant of all recreational voting blocks is finally wide awake and to quote General Yamamoto after he bombed Pearl Harbour….he is “filled with a terrible resolve”