View Full Version : Wish List

30-03-2006, 12:46 PM
The political wheelings and dealings are about to start as the major parties go "shopping" for preference deals ahead of the next state election.

TFPQ has a few ideas on its wish list and would appreciate input from interested rec fishers, either on this forum or by PM. You certiaily don't have to agree, we are just running these up the flagpole for feedback.

1. Remove the retrictions on filleting at sea.

Background: Creates problems for onshore disposal and landfill. Creates storage issues for larger fish. Creates potential for shark and crocodile problems around ramps.Surely adaquate meassurements exist to determine how long a fillet is from a legal fish. If a fisho is a "poor filleter" they still have the option of retaining whole fish.

2. Remove 10 day closure periods on reef fin fish.

Background. Only 16% of reef fish attend spawning aggregations. The fish stock is not under pressure. 33% of all habitat is permantently closed. Bag limits apply. Often best weather of year. Extreme impact on rec fishing businesses. There appears no rational behind the closures. Commercials work on quota so little impact on them. This is a recreational restriction which appears plain dumb.

3. Look at alternative methods of protecting fish stocks in Moreton Bay rather than 30 to 50% closures. Suggest inshore fin fish bag limits rather than lock-outs and seasons closures ONLY WHEN fish stocks are being over harvested. Ensure biodiversity protection meassures are based on specific bioregions, not just a "land grab.

4. Ban the comercial exploitation of all billfish species.

5. Additional ROFA's in conjunction with opening up areas to commercial fishing such as allowing a reef fin fish quota to small operators supplying domestic fillet trade rather than live fish export.

Any other wish list items most welcome



30-03-2006, 01:45 PM
Hi KC :)

C&R permits?/permission for present Green/NFZ's's's (eco-tourism)
i.e. No fish onboard ,single 'hook' lures. :-/

Sizelimit "increases" and Bagsize "reductions" to have a 3yr. sunset clause/review (monitored results) >:(

ROFA's replace with NCA.... Non-Commercial Areas. ;)

Divers to pay for wrecks "for" RecFishos , for a change..... ::) :P

30-03-2006, 08:02 PM
Agree with all our shopping list. How about no introduction of a "wild" fishing license. I know pretty much all of 'em have said it's not on the radar but having a public promise is something that can be a little hard to squeeze out of.


03-04-2006, 07:43 AM
good ideas, I particularly agree with 2, 3 and 4.


03-04-2006, 11:40 PM
I agree with issues of spoils at the ramps in 1. as being a big problem.


04-04-2006, 05:27 AM
MinimuMinimum Bream size increased to 25cm

Background - Species minimum size are set at a size that allows them to breed at least once - to ensure survival of the species.

According to “Queensland Fisheries resources Current Conditions and recent trends 1988-2000 “ DPI 2002 at page 118 “The smallest Female yellowing bream are usually found about 24cm TL.”

SO Fisheries staff are aware that the set size is too small – but nothing has been done.

25cm matches the NSW regulation.

PS we are tired of seeing loads of 22 and 23 cm bream at Asian fish shops.

04-04-2006, 05:32 AM
That public consulation times be a minimum of 60 days - which will allow for teh 45 days for an FOI application to be processed.

That Given that 25% of Queenslanders that Fishing be universally recognized as and :intrerested party" when consulation takes place ( eg Desley Boyle and Hervey Bay- Great Sandy Straights consulation that had no Recreational Fishing consultation)

A firm non negotiable Monthly meeting between TFPQ and the Minister

Consulation on nominees on Boards.

04-04-2006, 05:38 AM
Hands off Sips

Freshwater fishing is managed by volunteer groups with fees collected under the Sips Scheme.

Public Servants have their greedy eyes on this money and have attempted to divert funds for other causes.

Even now they take 25% for admin - that’s high.

So reduce their admin costs to 0% or maybe 10%

Allocation to be on volume or surface area of lake - and not biased against large lakes as it is now.

04-04-2006, 05:01 PM
MinimuMinimum Bream size increased to 25cm

Background - Species minimum size are set at a size that allows them to breed at least once - to ensure survival of the species.

According to “Queensland Fisheries resources Current Conditions and recent trends 1988-2000 “ DPI 2002 at page 118 “The smallest Female yellowing bream are usually found about 24cm TL.”

SO Fisheries staff are aware that the set size is too small – but nothing has been done.

25cm matches the NSW regulation.

PS we are tired of seeing loads of 22 and 23 cm bream at Asian fish shops.

Hi Gaz ,mate 23cms is fine......no baglimit is fine.... 8-)

Q. Bream males mature at "what" length???? 8-)
Q. NSW has no-size limit on Mangrove Jack ....we follow????
Q. NSW has lower & higher limits on Duskies....we follow????

Redfin/Talipia ...no bag/no size restrictions.....
Q. why aren't they a "collapsed fishery" :-X

Regards mate.....jmo fine the asian undersize guys, please leave the 23cms plus recfisho alone :'(
(who then makes his own size-kept choice) 8-)

06-04-2006, 11:44 AM
MinimuMinimum Bream size increased to 25cm

PS we are tired of seeing loads of 22 and 23 cm bream at Asian fish shops.

Agree Gary, a 23 cm bream is not worth the trouble to clean, make whiting 25 cm also ,
and bag limits on bream and whiting, even if it is 20 or 30, should help.
Ever wonder why you see 23 cm bream in Asian fish shops, and hardly even see bream at all in other fish shops? They don't buy them. :(

Major beef for me is the penaltys handed out to repeat offenders, you might be ignorant or foolhardy the first time, and may deserve some benefit of doubt so a fine is OK, but subsequent trips to court for the same offence should mean loss of boat, loss of boat lisence for life, life ban on fishing etc. The case of the guy in Caboolture caught with hundreds of female and undersized mud crabs, and then caught a few months later for the same offence comes to mind.

NO rec fishing lisence in Qld.

06-04-2006, 12:43 PM
I don't think I'm giving any secrets away to say that the QLD inshore Fin fish MAC has actually got a full list of size changes and bag limits for bread and butter species but everything is on hold.

I don't think the Fishing Party really needs to worry about those.


1) You'll realise your first point is design to stop ilegal poaching - inparticular from the pro fisherman. I know the pain it causes rec fishos but can you see an alternative?

2) Jury still out on that one with scientific evidence for both sides of the debate - I'm sure you've seen both sides. Personally I'd let it travel for a few - 10 years to see any real difference before making a decision to remove it.

3) agree - All fin fish in Qld WILL have a bag limit as soon as the MAC is able to proceed.

4) totally agree - changing the name of striped marlin just to get a "marketable name" is abhorent. Interesting do you count broadbill swordfish as billfish. Some people do actually target them and it's a hell of a commercial industry.

5) it's hard to direct market force - I'm sure most people wouldn't like being told they'll be limited in the price they can earn from their catch.

Just my thoughts.


06-04-2006, 03:14 PM
What about the Government offering to Buy Back more licences from Commercial Operators who wish to sell.


06-04-2006, 04:02 PM
1. Having the Water Police take a more active role in patroling boat ramp's car parks at night.

2. Having the Water Police spend more time attempting to apprehend those people who steal other people's crab pots.


08-04-2006, 08:55 AM
how bout log books for all qld recco fishers so as to provide a factual account of recco fishing effort. how bout sum form of definition of effort creep in the recco fishing industry to account for plotters/gps/websites such as this one dorecting effort to specific areas. how bout some real regulation 4 the recco industry

08-04-2006, 09:56 AM
Log Books!

Please no!

The green GBRMPA took logs books and use dthem to know exactly where to zoen grren and ban fishing.


08-04-2006, 10:13 AM
1. Having the Water Police take a more active role in patroling boat ramp's car parks at night. - you want them to patrol to prevent car thefts etc????

2. Having the Water Police spend more time attempting to apprehend those people who steal other people's crab pots.


Personally, I could think of the police doing better things than standing guard over crab pots.

08-04-2006, 10:14 AM
how bout log books for all qld recco fishers so as to provide a factual account of recco fishing effort. how bout sum form of definition of effort creep in the recco fishing industry to account for plotters/gps/websites such as this one dorecting effort to specific areas. how bout some real regulation 4 the recco industry

a log book???? There is no way I would fill in any form of log book...the key word is RECREATIONAL...I spend enough time doing paperwork for my business let alone having to do it with a recreational activity.

09-04-2006, 09:58 AM
Without commenting on individual suggestions the purpose of this thread is to get some ideas which can be put before our AGM and adopted as party policy. All "ideas" are welcome but we will certainly be looking to simplify rather than complicate rec fishing regulations.


30-04-2006, 06:22 AM
Re: The two new dams which are to be built

It would be good to see them become stocked impoundments and camp grounds installed.


30-04-2006, 09:25 AM
The log book idea is interesting only from the point of view that I have kept a log for over 40 years.
The log consists of date, time started, time finished, tide status, temperature, other weather conditions including wind direction, barometric pressure, air temperature, water temperature and water clarity (if there has been a runoff etc.), seasonal factors (drought, average season etc) bait used and what bait caught the biggest or highest number of fish, rigs used etc.
The purposes behind this was rather simple. When I retired I was unlikely to have the money I have now so it was important that if I wanted to spend money on going fishing I would need the best chance of a return, that is to say catching something and bringing it home so I could fish on the table until the next time.
As I got more invoolved in work and travelled much more I wanted to ensure that when I finally had time to fish I could select statistically the best time to fish for the best reward. Computer data bases make searches for prior times and like conditions much easier these days.

A few short years ago I was asked to discuss my records and did only to be surprised at the reception I got. I remmebr discussing a large flathead catch in the middle of June. Rather surprisingly I was laughed off and the suggestion was that much of the records were false. The problem with such data is that those who make the laws don't want to hear it because it is not how they perceive things.

So as retirement approachs those who did not keep records, who don't want to know, who have adequate resources to fish when and where ever they please, or who perhaps grasp at any straw to explain why they can't catch many fish have the sway over the eager authorities who are only too willing to increase size limits and decrease bag limits. It's called pandering to the inept and the inept of course fall into line.

As I was told some years ago on another project. 'If we set tough limits many more people will catch those limits and go away happy because they have reached the limit with some ease. Contrast this by setting high numbers for limits and the vast majority of people can't catch them therefore they are unsatisfied. So by setting low numbers we are keeping even the inept which are the vast majority happy."

So much for planning and expertise.

30-04-2006, 10:26 AM
KC good job your doing mate keep it up.

As an average joe who gets to fish once a mth due working (read paying tax) and familly comitments i would like to see the fillet at sea rule change and the bag limits retuned. dont get me wrong i have no problem with the 30 bag limit it is the restrctions within that 30 that sux. when the reds are on keeping only 5 seems a bit harsh i'm thinking bag of 30 , 10 of each speices. to target 3 different species is doable (is that a word?) in one trip, to target 6 different species in one trip is only for the rich & obsessive not the average workin man.

BTW: member 405 so i been on board a while, any ideas on which seats TFP will contest , i realise you would not post em on here but let us know if you have any idea and it will give those inclined to make enquireres as where we may wish to eeeerrr enrole to vote.

Cheers E

17-07-2006, 12:32 PM
There is a lot of debate over the cleanliness or otherwise of the Brisbane River and whether or not it is safe to eat fish and crabs coming out of it.

Perhaps either the DPI, or the EPA, or one of the other Government departments, could do sampling of different species of fish, of different sizes etc, and test them, so as the angling community would know once and for all, the level of toxins and what types of toxins are found in the fish that we are eating.

This would eliminate all the guess work and speculation over whether fish caught in the river are safe to eat or not.


28-08-2006, 02:59 PM
At present access to the Tingalpa Reservoir, Forrest Lake and many other areas is not allowed to fishermen.

It would be good if this could be reversed.
