View Full Version : Conservationists put record straight - Moreton Bay
26-08-2006, 10:30 AM
The below press release is straight from the Australian Marine Conservation Society website. I notice Mr Bohm is welcoming people to telephone him for more information. ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) Yes, the battle for Moreton Bay is well and truly on.
AMCS Media
23 August 2006
Conservationists put record straight on Moreton Bay’s future
The Australian Marine Conservation Society puts the record straight on Moreton Bay’s future.
Craig Bohm, spokesperson for the Australian Marine Conservation Society said, “The Australian Marine Conservation Society has researched and reported on the health of Moreton Bay for over 40 years. We are part of the Moreton Bay community and want to ensure good information, not political point scoring, guides discussion about Moreton Bay’s future.”
Bohm continued, “Moreton Bay is Brisbane’s aquatic playground and is there for us all. It is important that we continue to access and enjoy all of Moreton Bay’s natural assets. The 10 year review of Moreton Bay Marine Park offers us an exiting opportunity to ensure our collective uses don’t threaten the Bay’s long term health and productivity.”
“Unfortunately, the Bay is under threat from too many competing interests and impacts. On average 200 turtles and 15 dugongs die each year in Moreton Bay from human activities. Increasing population pressure, the drought and pollution are also taking their toll,” Bohm said.
Bohm continued, “Less than 1% of Moreton Bay Marine Park is fully protected and most agree that this is not enough. The Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) recently announced that in less than 2 years after the rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, some fish species are already 60% more abundant in the fully protected ‘green zones’ than in fished areas. The fully protected green zones are clearly working on the Great Barrier Reef and can also offer Moreton Bay great benefits to its marine life and its productivity.”
“This is why the Australian Marine Conservation Society is calling on the Queensland Government to establish a scientific taskforce to advise on what protection Moreton Bay needs,” Bohm said.
“The QLD Government must use scientists to lead the way to ensure public discussion about Moreton Bay’s future is well balanced and based on best available science. It is time we ensure that overuse and abuse do not rob future generations of the economic and social benefits of Moreton Bay,” Bohm concluded.
For more information contact Craig Bohm on 0427 133 481 or 3393 5811
26-08-2006, 10:51 AM
The interesting thing here is that Bohn is actually calling for a review of Moreton Bay based on scientific research. The problem with that is, who will the scientists be.
If you get a group of scientists with a green influence then the AMCS will end up with their 50% closures of the bay.
A group of scientists without a green influence will most likely come up with a totally different result.
Who are the real scientists ................. someone said it on another post ............. we the people who have used Moreton Bay as our playground and respected it for what it is over the years are the ones they should be taking notice of.
Even if they close even only 4% of Moreton Bay Marine Park as they did in The Great Sandy Marine Park ...................... imagine how big an area 4% of the whole of the area of Moreton Bay Marine Park which stretches from Caloundra to the Gold Coast actually is (it is actually 125 miles long).
Open the map and look at the current 1% of green area. Add another three times that and spread that across the areas most people currently fish and see how big an area that covers.
Don't let these people who allegedly call themselves conservationists have their way. Support those who know the real Moreton Bay.
28-08-2006, 10:39 AM
You make excellent points there. The problem with solely scientific research is that it is like paying for a medical opinion for a court matter, you tell the doctor what you need and they do up a report substantiating or otherwise (if that is what you want) whatever you like. They are paid "expert" opinions to give you the "evidence" that you want or need to do something. All these mobs are doing at the moment is touting for the business of doing the research, and if you are telling those that are going to pay for it what they want to here, you are in the shortlist for the job in front of everyone else.
Stinks, doesn't it >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Love your work though Derek.
Cheers ;)
28-08-2006, 10:46 AM
Craig Bohm, spokesperson for the Australian Marine Conservation Society said...We are part of the Moreton Bay community and want to ensure good information, not political point scoring, guides discussion about Moreton Bay’s future.”
Forgive me if I am worng, but I have just read that bit again, and it struck me that those are the phrases I hear alot from Peter Beattup. A labor party's spin doctor assisted quotation...perhaps.
NNnnnnnaaaahhhh, I must have a suspicious mind!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers ;D
& here is a game of connect the dots....out comes the "lobby group", next come the political support. Below from Green Party website
Coalition Moreton Bay policy short-sighted & irresponsible
27 Aug 2006 - “The recently released Coalition Policy on Moreton Bay is short-sighted and irresponsible,” Greens candidate for Lytton, Dr David Wyatt said today.
“The current review of the Moreton Bay needed to ensure marine life was conserved for the next generation rather than the next election. Presently only 1% of the bay is protected as a reserve and the Greens support the call from conservation groups to increase the reserves to 30-50%.
"Continuous review based on adequate scientific monitoring of marine life is an essential part of this process to ensure adequate breeding stocks of fish and habitat are maintained for future generations. We need to learn from sober experience in other places such as the cod fisheries off Newfoundland in Canada where the failure to restrict fishing early enough resulted in what appears to be a permanent loss after over 20 years.
"Despite larger reserves this would still allow access to more than half of the Bay, and is a responsible compromise that should help ensure ongoing sustainability of fishing stocks for the future,” he said.
“It is disappointing that the Coalition seems to have been so heavily influenced by narrow interest groups such as the Fishing Party, who have been missing in action in recent campaigns against new dams, which will have a profound impact on fish habitats in Moreton & Hervey Bays,” said Dr Wyatt.
If there is an upside to all this it is clearly Moreton Bay and access to fishing IS an issue in this election.
Provided we substantially outpoll the greens we can move forward with some confidence and have significant representation during the rezoning process. What can't happen is the shutout mentality used during the GBR rezoning. Also nice to see TFP gets a mention as a "narrow interest group"...I wonder what the good Dr would have called the greens in the early days?
At least we are on their radar..if not their Christams card list. ::)
Amazing that this guy tries to draw a comparison between the North sea cod fishery and Moreton Bay......don't see many 300 foot purse sceiners in Moreton Bay :-/ :-/
Earth to Dr Wyatt, reality check please!!
Our policy is to oppose all and any forms of unsuatinable fishing. It supports bag limits, slot sizes and if required, closed breeding seasons....there are better ways of managing a fishery than putting up a barbed wire fence.
Just struck me why the the good Dr & the greens in general are a bit snakey with us......we are playing in their sandpit.
The Greens, a "narrow interest group", who have "so heavily influenced" the political process for years don't like it that another "narrow interest group" TFPQ are playing the same game. :'(
Dear Dr Wyatt, & your party.................get used to it ;)
28-08-2006, 05:42 PM
Is the fishing party getting any press up there, seems to me the other minors are getting presss out to the public to ill inform the general population. Not hearing any thing way down south, when I do I suppose you are starting to make waves. The internet is so large but also so small.
Hi Blaze,
compared to the last Senate election we are getting heaps of press.
A lot in the regionals and on radio plus a growing amount in the main state paper. Pity we didn't get our registration through in time but still going OK.
Fishing is one of the main sideshow issues in the election. Everyone is talking about it & the more the mainstream parties and green lobby talk about fishing and bag us, the more the press come looking for both sides of the story.
It's all good it's a lot warmer in Qld than Tassy ;)
28-08-2006, 06:22 PM
Dont mind a fight like you have taken on, I reckon if my boss (wife) would live up there we would be there tommorow. My bloody bones ache less.
Stick it to em guys & gals
28-08-2006, 06:36 PM
[On average 200 turtles and 15 dugongs die each year in Moreton Bay from human activities. quote].
Thousands of people die or become injured on our roads from human actrivities each year so therefore we must shut down 30 - 50% of our roads mr speaker
[quote author=kc link=1156552204/0#4 date=1156749011snip.....
Our policy is to oppose all and any forms of unsuatinable fishing. It supports bag limits, slot sizes and if required, closed breeding seasons....there are better ways of managing a fishery than putting up a barbed wire fence.
kc when i read that release that was exactly what i was thinking
why do they make fishos sound like idiots who hoon thru the bay not taking care or respecting the envrioment?
all the ppl i know and fish love the bay and its inhabitans not jsut the fish they catch for a feed but all of it and many would absolutly agree with a sensible practical way of managing the fisheries.
why do they want to take away the last bit of joy and quality of live (ok call it livestyle) that alot of us have left between paying the mortage and putting the kids thru school and are stressful job.
what are we do to when they close it like i said before pay lot of money to go out in a glassbottom boat to enjjoy the bay or stand on the beach with binocluars and tell the next generation what fish and other creatures are there??
this full on hardcore stand of any party is so contra productive
when there are possibilites of reasonable compromises
steaming anya
PS what exactly kills the turtles and dugongs???
29-08-2006, 05:24 PM
Does the good Doctor know that we don't go around depth charging our fish and scooping up everything that floats to the surface. Probably not!!!
Does the good doctor know the difference between a 4 and a half metre runabout and a prawn trawler - Probably Not!!!
Does the good Doctor know what impact desalination will have on our fishing stocks - Probably Not!!!
Does the good Doctor know whether pollution and drought have more of am impact on fishing stocks then recreational fishing - Probably Not!!!
Does the good doctor know if global warming is having as much impact on fishing stocks as recreational fishing - Probably Not!!!
Has the good doctor already done all this research to back up his calims and had it scientifically ratified by other independant scientists - Probably Not!!!
Conclusion - It doesn't matter how many letters a self proclaimed biased academic has after his name, or how he arranges them, they will always spell "Idiot".
Cheers ;) ;) ;)
PS: I'm for conservation - Save the Great White Shark - They eat bloody conservationists ;) ;) ;) ;)
PPS: I will label myself a redneck - just to save the Greenies, Labor and some other tossers the trouble of doing it ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
thanks kc ;)
i should have put it in differnt words
does this doctor have any scientific proof that rec fisching kills dugongs??
IF there is proof that is does that iam sure there would be ways to change that
but i doubt it to be honest
how could the rec fischos be responsible to that kind of killing ???
hornblower mate
redneck has a bad taste in my mouth
just because you are not a greenie doesnt mean you are a redneck ;)
i am all for preserving the enviorment because without it we are nothing
BUT those hardcore greens do it the wrong way
31-08-2006, 01:00 PM
G'day Anya,
I meant the redneck quote very much tongue in cheek :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
I guess the greenies have us labelled with the mindless fools who shoot holes in road signs. The thing you will never make them understand in that conservation is a part of our make. Have a look at the bagging people have gotten on this site for killing fish just to get an Id, or for taking more then their bag limit, or for taking too many fish. It is in our interest that we maintain the conservation of our fishing grounds, and I, like you, are all for it. Taking damn car to release undersized fish so they survive, and not taking breeding flathead etc, look at us. We have a more conservative attitude then the bloody greenies, whose only concern it is, is to stop people enjoying themselves or restricting area access for themselves, in the name of "research".
I like to call it the way I see it, and I don't think I am wrong on this.
Sorry Anya, got a bit off the subject there, but you are right, I shouldn't have used that term tongue in cheek and I apologise for it.
Cheers ;) ;) ;)
memo to myself
use more smilies :)
hornblower you are sweet i did get what you were saying :)
and i think you and i are very much on the same page when it come down to conservation
i just have problems, sometimes, expressing that :-[
no need to apologise at all
but you are right it seems like they really think fishos are all hoons on the water
killing for the the thrill of killing something
wich is pardon my language utter B*llSh*t
yes there are black sheep out there but i do believe the ones that arnt, keep an eye out and give those black sheep an earfull if we see them
like you said hornblower the greens want to take out the enjoyment out of everday life
putting bubblewrap around everything and that, if you ask me doesnt work,
we have to learn to live with nature and conserving as we go not shut ourselfs out of it
that doesnt solve the problem only eases the symptoms
i wish i knew more about it all and have ideas but as yet i dont
i think what really gets to me is this attitude you are bad so we (the good ones (greenies) ) have to protect the enviorment from you and protect you from yourself
i coud go on dribbling but i better stop
just again hornblower its all good mate ;)
I Have to share this
The definition of a redneck
"A person displaying a glorious lack of sophistication" ;)
err. Guilty as charged!!
31-08-2006, 04:17 PM
It's raining !!!..... Thankyou Fishing Party :D ;D ;D ;D
31-08-2006, 04:18 PM
[On average 200 turtles and 15 dugongs die each year in Moreton Bay from human activities. quote].
Thousands of people die or become injured on our roads from human actrivities each year so therefore we must shut down 30 - 50% of our roads mr speaker
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Beattie must be using the same logic in our hospitals... hence the closedowns... ;D ;D ;D
31-08-2006, 11:45 PM
and another view Countbaysea
Hundreds of people die in our hospitals from poor (LABOUR) management and doctor malpractice, so why don't they close 50% of the hospitals so 50% of these people won't die. :-?
They could shut off 50% of the pollies too, at least 1/2 of them are useless and won't be missed. ;D ;D
& a yuppie Redneck??
The car on blocks in the front yard is a BMW
01-09-2006, 11:57 AM
if moreton bay is partially closed to rec fishers we can all thank the idiots who vote for beattie, which is the same as voting for those far left morons the greens.
sorry for the politics but im sick and tired of all the bullshit from this mistake riddled governen
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