View Full Version : Fishing Policy

04-09-2006, 08:59 PM
Recieved this email today.

04-09-2006, 09:08 PM
Yeh so what. Doesn't look much different to Labor's position. No guarantees from this side of the fence either.
It is all in the way it is written depending on which political party you support.
I dont see the words "no closures" in there do you?

04-09-2006, 11:08 PM
Thats right there are no guarantees either side of the fence... so just my opinion but we should be very vigilant whoever gets into Govt... and all the more reason to support the Fishing Party... at least you can guarantee that these guys will fight to keep the Bay open. Yeh I know they cant win - but no reason not to try!!

05-09-2006, 12:11 AM
. Yeh I know they cant win - but no reason not to try!!


I seem to remember, a little while ago, a certain red-haired lady who started a political party in Queensland. None of the major political parties took much notice of her or her party and thought she was a joke ( you remeber the media making fun of her "please explain" comment). When the next election came around, she and her party won 11 seats in the Queensland Parliament.
KC , in his speach at Cleveland on Saturday just before the rally, quoted Admiral Yamamoto's famous comment as he sent the Japanese air fleet to bomb Pearl Harbour. I believe it went something like this ...
"I fear we will wake a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."
Beware the sleeping giant .... and also the silent majority.

Look at the impact TFPQ had in the last Federal election, with very scanty preparation.
If our fishing rights continue to be jepoardised by back-room dealing politicians and rabid greenies, I can see a serious political backlass coming.
It would be well for Federal Government politicians to take notice also, and do something, fairly quickly, about righting the wrongs that have been done to fishing interests on the GBRMP, because this thing has only just started and it is not too long before another Federal election is due.


06-09-2006, 02:41 PM
No politician will ever give an ironclad guarantee on any subject, but I'd have to say that this policy at least hits the key points of consultation with rec fishing groups and others. The tone is also a lot more pro fishing.

Given that none of them will promise anything outright, it comes down to who you trust more.

I dont trust Beattie as far as I could throw him, has a track record of lying in general, locking people out of public land (eg. the horse riders in state forests) and even then he backflipped (good luck to the horse-riders, but watch out he does backflip again!)

End of the day, Beattie CANNOT be trusted, put him (or his ALP mate) last on your preferences, or better still