07-09-2006, 09:24 PM
“Premier Beattie must come clean on the deal he has made with the Greens to close large chunks of Moreton Bay to commercial and recreational fishing,” said Queensland Senator Ron Boswell today.
Senator Boswell asked the federal Minister for Fisheries whether there were threats to fishing access to Moreton Bay.
“The Minister, Senator Abetz, said that if Mr Beattie is re-elected, Queensland’s fishers will lose significant access to this great Bay.”
Senator Abetz recently attended a public meeting of some 400 people concerned about Moreton Bay closures.
“A Greens’ spokesperson confirmed that existing fishing rights as supported by the Coalition, were ‘in contradiction to State Labor’s plans for no go zones right across Moreton Bay’.”
“The community has a right to know where the proposed ‘no go’ zones are and they have a right to know before the election, not after.”
“There’s a great sticker on many cars that says ‘I fish and I vote’. If fishers vote Labor on Saturday, they won’t be fishing for much longer in the Bay.”
Senator Boswell said that it was important that Moreton Bay remain accessible to local fishers. “Moreton Bay has been home to generations of fishing Queenslanders.”
7 September, 2006
Contact Senator Boswell’s Canberra office 02 6277 3244
07-09-2006, 09:28 PM
A0686 7 September 2006
Beattie will close Moreton Bay
Peter Beattie will cut recreational and commercial fisher access to Moreton Bay if he
is re-elected this Saturday, the Federal Minister for Fisheries, Forestry and
Conservation told the Senate today.
“Make no mistake, if Mr Beattie is re-elected this Saturday, Queensland’s fishers will
lose significant access to this great Bay”, the Minister said.
The Minister highlighted Mr Beattie’s weasel words on the issue last week:
“There would be no mass bans…there is no plan… to shut out recreational fishers
from 50 percent of Moreton Bay” (Beattie press release, 2nd September).
He also pointed out that in a letter to the Moreton Bay Access Alliance (also on the
2nd September), the Deputy Premier, Ms Bligh, pointedly refused to rule out closures
of the bay.
“The truth is, the Green’s have blown the whistle on Labor on this”, the Minister said:
The Coalition’s plan to keep Moreton Bay open is “in contradiction to the State
Government’s – [that is Mr Beattie’s] – plans for no go zones across sections of
the Bay.” (Greens press release, 27th August).
“Moreton Bay should not be closed to fishing simply to gain Green preferences.
“Only a vote for the Coalition will ensure Moreton Bay stays open to sensible and
sustainable fishing”, the Minister concluded.
07-09-2006, 09:45 PM
Hi Shane this is the chance for TFPQ to come out fighting on this one
Idea for all Independents take the two comments the one above and the one place in the other part of the news section by Gary Fooks and blow them up to corflute size and place them at all TFPQ booths on saturday there is nothing illegal about doing this will give all fisho's and boaties to whom use the bay some thing else to think about
just a thought but will also show how many lies the Beattie is telling
Well all the proof is in the pudding for all those that doubted the position it is no longer writing on the wall a vote for Beattie is a Vote for Closer but there is also more to think about guys was at a meeting last with local candidates for question time one Question in particular caught my attention
was for all candidates but the ones that came out on top wasthe NAT/LIB candidates
Question on tthe Legislation of House of Rep or Parliamentary Rep on no account abilities and the states of being able to lies to the public with no recourse or actions being able to against the Members where do you stand
Answer: within the first 100 days of being Elected we will rule out this piece of legislation and bring back the account abilities and creditbilities for all members of both the House Rep or any member of the State Government to be answerable to all members of the public
this i thought was a good answer the labour party candidate would not answer other than to say that her department was not in touch with the Beattie office and he had no idea of her daily duties(more lies)
please think hard and clear as to where our votes are going yes we have more than the bay to think but if one lies leads to the next then where are the Beatties Government lies leading us to
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)
07-09-2006, 10:15 PM
Cmon guys you're starting to sound like the national party fishing party.
It is great for the coalition Federal ministers to buy into the debate and add to their scare campaign but cast your mind back to the great barrier reef debacle.
The Libs/Nats were responsible for that, not Labor.
So people like boswell and abetz shouldn't throw rocks when they live in glass houses.
08-09-2006, 02:25 AM
You have lost me on this one. Are you talking Federal or State Government ?
The House of Representatives is the lower House of the Federal Government. Was the question regarding State Members or Federal Members???????
08-09-2006, 09:26 AM
Hi pinhead
mate i was just replying the question as it was ask, so that in the case of any one from the candidates night was on the board i could not be accused shorting the question or making it look better, sorry for the confusion but that was the whole question and answer ;D ;D
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)
08-09-2006, 12:08 PM
I'm not sure of the legality of posting a corflute outside a polling booth unless you are a candidate standing in that electorate.
Can anyone clarify this for me.
I don't have a TFPQ candidate in my electorate, I have assessed the candidates I have on offer (Lib, ALP & GRN) and have therefore made my decision, but if its legal I'd like to put up a poster explaining the fishing issue so others in my electorate are aware and can make an informed judgement.
Can I do that?
if its legal to do so then I commend to my fellow fishers to do likewise in their electorates.
Its legal - talking posters it s all legal as long as you stay outside.
Dont wear any political t shirts when you go in to vote.
Just be aware that unless you guard your posters then others will cover them.
One Party in partucular is famous for that .. and stealing street signs etc.
08-09-2006, 01:37 PM
OK so what you are saying is that I can only put up a sign if I stay there with it.
Can I put up a sign at one booth, then go to another booth (obviously taking the risk that the mob mentioned above might interfere with my unattended sign)
08-09-2006, 05:36 PM
Hi Luvinit
it doe not matter if you have a candidate in your area so long as the Party is registered and so long as that corflute is outside of the 6mtr barrier of the polling booth wher the rest of them have there signs in other words and it is perfectly legall mate
hope this helps
Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)
08-09-2006, 11:48 PM
Its way too late now... but almost anything is legal as long as its outside the 6metre zone of what the issuing officer considers the polling booth. You wait till you see the crappolla both parties are putting up - I've seen some of it already (Yellow and Black) and its pretty insulting (not to TFPQ - but to another major party)- if they can get away with that - we should be able to do what we want.
09-09-2006, 12:23 AM
Geez Adamy,
thinking back to all the junkmail and newspaper ads I'v seen. I wonder which party would be putting up Yellow and Black banners/posters. Who could you be referring to???? (sarc) LOL
10-09-2006, 12:07 AM
I wonder which party would be putting up Yellow and Black banners/posters. Who could you be referring to???? (sarc) LOL
Hmmm I wonder ;) So what did we think of the pollution "they" put up today.... expect to see that kind of bully boy tactics much more often now as they think its helped them win. It made some voters very angry - perhaps not angry enough - they still voted for them.... This same "party" had the gall to protest about some of our signs and how to vote cards - they tried to pull us off a few of the booths... they are just bullies in my opinion - plain and simple.... almost all the guys who worked on the booths had some kind of experience where someone from that party abused them in some form.
On the other hand the other major party was ultra friendly... fed me lunch (and lollies) - gave me sunscreen for my Rudolf... the rednose - sent voters my way to talk to me and even handed out our HTVs in my absence. They were just decent people - whereas the "other" party - decency was few and far between (there were exceptions... usually the younger ones). Shame that isnt it!!
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