View Full Version : AMCS post objecting to our rally

03-09-2006, 03:07 PM
Attached is a link to the AMCS website expressing their disappointment at our rally yesterday.

They have even seen the need to bring the recent, needless slaughter of the Victorian seals into the argument over the protection of Moreton Bay.


03-09-2006, 03:43 PM
From link:

Bohm continued, “Less than 1% of Moreton Bay Marine Park is fully protected and most agree that this is not enough. The Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) recently announced that in less than 2 years after the rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, some fish species are already 60% more abundant in the fully protected ‘green zones’ than in fished areas. The fully protected green zones are clearly working on the Great Barrier Reef and can also offer Moreton Bay great benefits to its marine life and its productivity.”

Who the hell is most? There is no declaration as to what data pool he is refering to. The rest is just repeating the anecdotal BS that is never referenced or proven for the likes of those who don't/can't put their heads under the water.

If their seriously is an overuse problem in Morton Bay wouldn't the Transport Department or better still VMR be the best qualified to produce data (boating activity, accident data due to proximity/concentration of vessels)? I've seen none.

I'm sure it exists and I'm sure usage has increased but there would then be a requirement to verify their BS by matching % increase usage with % decrease in bioavailability (pro fishing data will be flawed due to poor reporting & historical industry changes which will be misrepresented in the data to protect personal and industry interests.)

Myself, being a layman can only hear what I've been told but I'm wise enough to understand that we'll only ever be told what suits the preconceived outcome by these regulatory bodies that are and should not be representative of the interests of all users.

However, I've never seen or heard of any data existing (as with RAP in GBR) of historical numbers of fish stocks, population decline or increase that any increased values can be examined against. And if they do exist, don't send me a bloody PDF or CD containing the data; tell everyone, in plain language, reference it and be prepared to dabate it openly in the public arena!

We're not all intelectuals but we do know what BS is.

03-09-2006, 04:13 PM
i dont get the link between the rally yesterday and the slaughter of the seals???

i havent heard from anyone that they condone the seal slaughter

its unbelievable to me it seem the imply all fishos would simply open another can of beer whilst enjoying wathcing the news with the footage of the carcasses of fur seals

03-09-2006, 04:25 PM
its unbelievable to me it seem the imply all fishos would simply open another can of beer...

Maybe the curent XXXX and BCF ads are not helping the cause as a lot of people think that the sort of person being portrayed in the ads is typical of rec fisherman.

03-09-2006, 04:55 PM
I noticed they (AMCS) are still quoting the sham survey on the Byron Bay Marine Park which claimed the locals (including recreational fishers) supported the Park. The survey was conducted by uni students asking 200 people on the beach if they supported a park. Most of them were backpackers and tourists who could not give a local postcode. The full extent of the park was not revealed at this time.

When the time came for actual submissions on the park 95% of local responses were against it!

The AMCS are liars and charletons!

03-09-2006, 05:25 PM
its unbelievable to me it seem the imply all fishos would simply open another can of beer...

Maybe the curent XXXX and BCF ads are not helping the cause as a lot of people think that the sort of person being portrayed in the ads is typical of rec fisherman.
fully agree
doint get me started on ads one of my pethates because of the clichees >:(


03-09-2006, 06:39 PM
What the likes of AMCSW, AIMS and GBRMPA continually do is shoot themselves in the foot by using dodgey science and connecting such stupid and non representive issues like the seal slaughter to rec fishing in general.

Here we had all the best "science", typically doom and gloom, telling us the sky was falling and it would take 5 to 7 years before we saw any improvements in fish stocks on the GBR..then.bugger me, 2 weeks before an election with rec fishing & Moreton Bay access suddenly an issue......all is well after just 2 years.

They might fool the press and the general public but these "witch doctors" will get what's coming to them.

As TFPQ grows in profile and the mainstream press start to take notice, all will be revealed. They have had it too bloody easy for too long and it is about time their lies were exposed.


03-09-2006, 06:56 PM
Would not surprise me if that statistic was true. If the same number if people are forced to fish a smaller area, there will naturally be more preasure on that area compared to a non fished area. Is a bit of a catch 22. If they use that as an argument to increase protected zones, then the fishing area will be less and thus the percentage will go up.

I was once told that there are lies, and there are damn lies, and then there are statistics.

03-09-2006, 06:59 PM
Sounds like Mr Bohm is worried ::) That is quite a long bow linking the seals to the rally yesterday.

Has he actually talked with any of the Fishing Party or Moreton Bay Alliance ::)

Looks like I will be throwing out all my Powderfinger CDs too >:( >:( >:( >:( Onya Bernard 8-)

03-09-2006, 07:08 PM
And what a load of bullshi? they bring up to object with.

Well the fisherman/folks must be getting under their skin if this is all they can think of.

Well the rally is what is needed, Media is the way to go but to bring out that type of BS they must be getting desperate.
If you cant fight with facts, bring on the hysteria .

That would be their motto wouldn't it

Must be heading in the right direction with rally, if that is there reasoned argument.


03-09-2006, 07:08 PM
Absolutely!! - Amen to what KC said!!

In addition to that when they say "most agree that 1% is not enough" the data pool they are drawing off is their own skewed "survey". The way their survey is worded indicates if you do not agree with their point of view then you are an environmental vandal.

They use questions like: Do you believe we should protect endangered species in Moreton bay?

Then they ask a follow up question like what percentage of these creatures should we protect? with the tone of the previous questions, if you answer anything under 100% - you look like an evil killer.

The survey is skewed (not even) and so the results do not reflect the opinions of the average person. Their "science" is similarly skewed. It sounds pretty obvious but its this kind of "science" and "public opinion" is what is getting our fishing grounds closed. When they release the findings of the survey or scientific data, they seldom publish the methodology and the questions used to obtain the data. If they released this info - it would be very obvious how the data is irrelevant to the outcomes they are trying to achieve. In statistic terms we call this a type 1 error...

I hope that helps explain some of their rhetoric... so whenever you see a claim - or "survey result" ask to see the methodology or a copy of all the questions asked.... the devil is in the detail.

So when Billfisher says that AMCS are liars and Charletons - I couldn't agree more - this is HOW they do it.

Any of you greenies here who are monitoring this site care to refute?? If so please supply the list of survey questions - the responses and methodology behind your "scientific data". Unfortunately I didnt save your stupid survey when I filled it out...

Oh yes... AND at the end of the survey they asked how many people you were representing with your thoughts - so one individual (tree hugger) could have filled in it 100 times and said he was representing 1000 or more people each time - so each reply was biased - may have looked like the whole of Queensland wanted Moreton Bay closed.

I notice the survey was removed last week along with the claim of wanting 30-50% closures. Sneaky little greenies >:(

03-09-2006, 07:14 PM
I was once told that there are lies, and there are damn lies, and then there are statistics.

Statistics show that 49.725% of all statistics are made up ;D

03-09-2006, 07:20 PM
I was once told that there are lies, and there are damn lies, and then there are statistics.

Statistics show that 49.725% of all statistics are made up ;D

I recently had this discussion with Gary Fooks - I thought it was 49.726% Now I'm confused ;D ;)

03-09-2006, 07:42 PM
From the AMCS website

"The 10 year review of Moreton Bay Marine Park offers us an exiting opportunity ..."

Does that mean they will leave the issue alone now ;D

03-09-2006, 07:43 PM
I saw that also Steve..had a chuckle over it. Sent them an email.

03-09-2006, 07:59 PM
Dissapointed in our rally are they? Well they can go to hell! Did they consult us and all the other stake holders when they suceeded in closing off vast areas of our coast line?

What in the name of God has the seal slaughter got to do with our rally? are they accusing us of being seal killers?
I do not believe for one micro second that any of our members would support such a senseless act of stupidity.

They are saying that in two years some fish species have increased 60%?? this is not the story that i am getting from my contacts up North!
I am told that nothing has changed, that the GBRMPA really made a great balls up of the whole thing, many areas had to be changed.

Several months ago i was talking to a Qualified Marine Biologist, who actually worked for the QLD Gov. for many years on the Reef recording fish species, numbers, movement and spawning times among other research. When the GBRMPA came into being he offered them all his research. It was rejected, why? because it did not support their aims and objectives to lock the reef up.

The lack of real scientific is a common thing with these people, not only in this state but in all the other states. I am told that the Greens will use people who are willing to make outlandish statements about conservation, if they are sucessful they will use them again, if they fail the Greens dump them.

There is room for conservation and fisherman but all claims must be backed by REAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH not crap and all reports should be available for all to see, not just some hairy armpited waste of fresh air and the mate who has a good grip on all things important up north.

A great result yesterday for fisherfolks and i believe if we have to do it again i reckon it will be ten times bigger.

I have a bit more to say about this but i am getting to striired up at the moment so i will come back later?


03-09-2006, 08:14 PM
I heard an experienced fisherman who has been on many advisory committees was asked what he thought of the greenies. He said:

"They lie. When you point out they are lying they lie again. When you prove they are lying they just lie again. They just lie".

03-09-2006, 08:29 PM
In a previous post i suggested that maybe we should all take a Greenie fishing.

Now i don't know why i said that? maybe it was my soft side coming out?
Post edited. Please do not resort to such posts. I know we can all get emotional and pasionate about this but please keep it respectful and peaceful. Don't give them any statement they could use against you/us.




03-09-2006, 08:46 PM
Post edited. Please do not resort to such posts. I know we can all get emotional and pasionate about this but please keep it respectful and peaceful. Don't give them any statement they could use against you/us.



03-09-2006, 08:51 PM

Good idea, i don't know if you could find a shark hungary enough, if you did how would the poor bloody shark get the taste out of its mouth?????


03-09-2006, 09:01 PM
[quote author=Obi _ Wan link=1157260064/15#15 date=1157277586]
There is room for conservation and fisherman but all claims must be backed by REAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH

Agreed 100%. Most fisherpersons want to see a sustainable fishery. If it means closures, bag limits etc so be it. But they must be realistic and be based on something real, not somebodies ideal.

On the way to and from the rally, my daughter(9 years) was becoming more and more distraught about the prospect of the closures. What would we do on the weekends? What would they do with all the boats? And then the big one hit home. Would she ever be able to see/help her brothers (now 1 year old) catch their first fish???? This realistaion brought her very close to tears, so you can imagine the emotion in our vehicle.

03-09-2006, 10:01 PM
Sorry Admin, :-[


I hope your's and everybody else's children and their children etc etc can enjoy the bay as much as we have.

Hope the little one is OK now.


03-09-2006, 10:43 PM
Re AMCS objecting to the rally ...to bad so sad
At least fishing folk are calling for scientifally substantiated findings, meaningful consultation with all affected stakeholders not just the backdoor deal brigade.

Unlike our State gov who disregarded this democracy concept, outlined above, or our Federal Government who dismissed the CSIRO findings as they didn't support their desired Green Vote outcome, the majority of fishers act responsibly.

The AMCS pitiful attempt to tag all fisher folk with the same tarbrush as the loser scum who shot the fur seals only serves to put them at the same level. Of the fishing fraternity I know and speak with regularly, all have stated their repulsion to this mindless act.
It just goes to show that the AMCS is a bunch of zealots prepared to use whatever unsupported data, words, means or deception to get their way.


03-09-2006, 11:32 PM
Maybe the next rally should target AMCS.

04-09-2006, 12:05 AM
I think they have realised that you can only push someone so far before they push back >:( this bit gets up my nose

The reality is, the Bay is under threat from too many competing interests and impacts. On average 200 turtles and 15 dugongs die each year in Moreton Bay from human activities. Increasing population pressure, the drought and pollution are also taking their toll,” Bohm said.

I think steve you hit the nail on the head. Statistics show that 49.725% of all statistics are made up especially mr Bohms.

Under the ESP Act, ‘key threatening processes’ may also be listed. A key threatening process is a process that threatens, or may threaten, the survival, abundance or evolutionary development of a native species or ecological community. For listing purposes, the process must adversely affect two or more listed species or ecological communities (or be likely to cause native species or communities to become endangered

dugong (Dugong dugong)—nomination as a vulnerable species was rejected, however, its conservation status will be reviewed by the ESSS in 5 years; Might add that the population is increasing! There were two confirmed and two unconfirmed reports of dugong sustaining injuries from boat strike in 2005.10 November 2005: between the boat passage and St Helena Island, Moreton Bay; adult male drowned in tunnel net. Fisheries bycatch.

Ah hell can some one explain to me what this guy is going on about the more i went into it the more frustrated i got his stats dont add up and fully protected green zones have nothing to do with turtles and dugongs not in the sense he is implying unless all boats are banned from moreton bay. And ill quote him “Moreton Bay is Brisbane’s aquatic playground and is there for us all. It is important that we continue to access and enjoy all of Moreton Bay’s natural assets.

04-09-2006, 09:08 AM
I thought is was very relivent the comment about how rec fisherman are portrayed in the media eg BCF add, most of the fishing shows and some of the beer adds. It all adds up.

I though the same thing about the AMCS website what was the shooting of seal had to to do with Moreton Bay???

04-09-2006, 10:47 PM
Hi All ,
I just sent Mr Craig Bohm a letter I will try to attach.

05-09-2006, 08:21 PM
Back again ,
After I sent a email to Craig Bohm yesterday I am surprised to get a answer today from him BUT, If you now go to his article you will notice he has gone ahead and retracted most of his statement .
He has pulled the bit about the seals and changed the rest of his statment taking out the bit he said the bay is there for all to enjoy.
Maybe I hit a nerve .

05-09-2006, 08:37 PM
Well done Bruce [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

05-09-2006, 08:51 PM
Hi all
it's about time some one sat him back on his ############

very well done

Bruce like most of them they do not like to be prove wrong and shot in the foot

Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)

05-09-2006, 11:07 PM
Well again we have some peanut who tries bring in something totally irrelevant to try to shore up his own BS issues. Isn't it funny how the scumbag minorities come out and issue public statements expressing disappointment when another group stages a protest that it, to say the least, spectacular and responsible in the way it is conducted.

They are really clutching at straws making a link between the issues here and the slaughter of the seals. Like I have said in another post, they would have people belive that we go fishing in naval destroyers rolling depth charges off the stern as we go.

I wonder what sort of grasp on reality Mr Bohm has - or doesn't have??

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

06-09-2006, 07:38 AM
Looks like someone out there has taken a real disliking to the AMCS web site

06-09-2006, 12:35 PM
Change their tune a bit

Sept 2

AMCS Media
2 September 2006
Conservationists disappointed in anti-marine park rally
The Australian Marine Conservation Society expressed disappointment at a rally being held today in protest of the rezoning of Moreton Bay Marine Park.

Craig Bohm, National Fisheries Campaigner with the Australian Marine Conservation Society said, “All Australians would be appalled by the slaughter of 40 protected fur seals in Bass Strait this week. The Australian Government should finally ban guns on boats and stop this senseless killing of our protected marine life.”

Craig Bohm, spokesperson for the Australian Marine Conservation Society said, “Moreton Bay is Brisbane’s aquatic playground and is there for us all. It is important that we continue to access and enjoy all of Moreton Bay’s natural assets. The 10 year review of Moreton Bay Marine Park offers us an exiting opportunity to ensure our collective uses don’t threaten the Bay’s long term health and productivity.”

“Unfortunately, the rally organisers, whoever they are, have not take the time to really consider the future health of Moreton Bay, and this is most disappointing,” Bohm said.

“The reality is, the Bay is under threat from too many competing interests and impacts. On average 200 turtles and 15 dugongs die each year in Moreton Bay from human activities. Increasing population pressure, the drought and pollution are also taking their toll,” Bohm said.

Bohm continued, “Less than 1% of Moreton Bay Marine Park is fully protected and most agree that this is not enough. The Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) recently announced that in less than 2 years after the rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, some fish species are already 60% more abundant in the fully protected ‘green zones’ than in fished areas. The fully protected green zones are clearly working on the Great Barrier Reef and can also offer Moreton Bay great benefits to its marine life and its productivity.”

“This is why the Australian Marine Conservation Society is calling on the Queensland Government to establish a scientific taskforce to advise on what protection Moreton Bay needs,” Bohm said.

“The taskforce should also tell us which habitats in what areas need protection. Many of those areas are likely to be critical fish nurseries and critical habitats of threatened species. It is time to stop rallying and take collective action to protect the economic, social and environmental benefits Moreton Bay offers us all,” Bohm concluded.

For more information contact Craig Bohm on 0427 133 481 or 3393 5811


AMCS Media
2 September 2006
Conservationists disappointed in anti-marine park rally
The Australian Marine Conservation Society expressed disappointment at a rally being held today in protest of the rezoning of Moreton Bay Marine Park.

Craig Bohm, spokesperson for the Australian Marine Conservation Society said, “Moreton Bay is Brisbane’s aquatic playground and is there for us all. It is important that we continue to access and enjoy all of Moreton Bay’s natural assets. The 10 year review of Moreton Bay Marine Park offers us an exiting opportunity to ensure our collective uses don’t threaten the Bay’s long term health and productivity.”

“Unfortunately, the rally organisers, whoever they are, have not take the time to really consider the future health of Moreton Bay, and this is most disappointing,” Bohm said.

“The reality is, the Bay is under threat from too many competing interests and impacts. On average 200 turtles and 15 dugongs die each year in Moreton Bay from human activities. Increasing population pressure, the drought and pollution are also taking their toll,” Bohm said.

Bohm continued, “Less than 1% of Moreton Bay Marine Park is fully protected and most agree that this is not enough. The Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) recently announced that in less than 2 years after the rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, some fish species are already 60% more abundant in the fully protected ‘green zones’ than in fished areas. The fully protected green zones are clearly working on the Great Barrier Reef and can also offer Moreton Bay great benefits to its marine life and its productivity.”

“This is why the Australian Marine Conservation Society is calling on the Queensland Government to establish a scientific taskforce to advise on what protection Moreton Bay needs,” Bohm said.

“The taskforce should also tell us which habitats in what areas need protection. Many of those areas are likely to be critical fish nurseries and critical habitats of threatened species. It is time to stop rallying and take collective action to protect the economic, social and environmental benefits Moreton Bay offers us all,” Bohm concluded.

For more information contact Craig Bohm on 0427 133 481 or 3393 5811

06-09-2006, 03:23 PM
Well he likes to walk the talk, but what a lot of rubbish.

Sounds like he doesn't like any opinion that does not agree with his current thinking.

Well Mr Bohm the people fishing and using the bay for leisure have been around a lot longer on the water, and better understand the system.

Qualifications are great but you need to take the blinkers off and see what the bay is used for.

Yeah, lock it up, chuck em out, concentrate them in a smaller area and then we can claim "Look at the damage all those people are doing in this small area."

Consultation and science base of full consultation, with input from all users and then we might believe that he has the Bay at heart.
At the moment he seems to like the attention that he is getting.

Poor soul, really feel sorry for him, all his qualifications??? and no one taking his word as gospel.

Regards Trev

08-09-2006, 03:35 PM
I emailed Craig Bohm about my concerns and he has taken the time to reply. I have written back to him, and asked for his permission to post his communications for all to read. Will let you know what he says.


08-09-2006, 09:48 PM
It is interesting to note how he describes the organisers of the rally "whoever they are" like they are some anonomous band of outlaws and that only HE has the full picture. I have asked to receive their e-mail updates and I urge all others to do the same so that we can then question them from their own interest groups.

Cheers, ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

PS: I will be posting whatever I hear as well of course to alert everyone. They no doubt, have their stooges on this website as well.

09-09-2006, 10:09 AM
Craig Bohm has given me permission to post up the emails I have received from him. I just have to work out now how to do it. :-/


09-09-2006, 11:42 PM
Just do a select all, copy and then paste into your normal message.

10-09-2006, 09:19 AM
From: "Craig Bohm" <craigbohm@amcs.org.au>
To: "'Sue McGuiness'" <usweirs@bigpond.com>
Subject: RE: Moreton Bay
Date: Friday, 8 September 2006 3:40 PM

No problems, David. This if public information if you choose to make it so.

I have been known to wear towelling and have a long family history of
fishing and spearfishing. My grandmother could cast, haul, land and rebait
for whiting with a fag in her mouth without dropping the ash once (chain
smoker). We use to sit in the boat staring at her and the ash which at times
beat the fishing.

Scientific data - yes we need to find what we can. I think we are missing
many basic data sets for Moreton Bay fish species and alot of data has only
begun to be collected in the last decade or so. I am desperately concerned
about Shifting Baselines - long term trends that are masked by poor
information and poor memories.

I find the latest DPI State of the Fisheries Report very difficult to read,
not specific regionally and open to very wide interpretation. We clearly
must do better but also should apply the rule that the less we know the more
precautionary we need to be with our exploitation rates. A bit like an
insurance policy I suppose.

Anyway, we will have to do the best with what we have. Some decisions from
the rezoning process wont be clear and obvious and will be highly
politicised - unfortunately. The best we can do is focus on discussing how
we ensure the health and productivity of the Bay is maintained, and where
possible enhanced, and constructive outcomes may be found. AND, as my old
man says, we should play the ball not the man.

Kind regards

Craig Bohm, Australian Marine Conservation Society


From: Sue McGuiness [mailto:usweirs@bigpond.com]
Sent: Friday, 8 September 2006 3:23 PM
To: Craig Bohm
Subject: Re: Moreton Bay

Thank you for your reply Craig

It is not just public access that really concerns me, it is closures to
fishing which are not based on 'factual' evidence. 'Scientific' studies have
a proven history of flawed assessments, the recent closures of parts of GBR
are in itself testimony to that. If a study is to be real, genuine, honest
and as accurate as possible, then I believe fishermen should be brought
right into the assessment process. Size of catches, numbers, species, moon
phases, season, etc etc etc. They are the ones who are frequenting the
habitat, look after it, and know more about it's content than a few so
called 'experts' called in to have a quick look at things. Sustainable
marine habitats are supported by all, fishermen included, but it should not
automatically be to their exclusion. We were taught how to fish by our
forefathers and their forefathers, don't you think we want a sustainable
environment for our children and their children? Some of us might wear
towelling hats, some of us might stink of bait, and some of us might enjoy
a beer with our friends, but we are not fools or careless 'vandals' who
don't care about the future of the bay.

Consider us please, and with the respect that we deserve.

Cheers and thank you

David Weir
----- Original Message -----
From: Craig <mailto:craigbohm@amcs.org.au> Bohm
To: usweirs@bigpond.com
Cc: 'Craig Bohm' <mailto:craigbohm@amcs.org.au>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 1:50 PM
Subject: RE: Moreton Bay

Hi David

Thanks for your email.

I support your call for actual facts, hence our call for a scientific
committee to lead the review of Moreton Bay Marine Park.

You may want to read more information on our website regarding our position
on marine parks and public access. I'm sure you will find we actually have
alot in common regarding the desire to maximise the health AND productivity
of places like Moreton Bay.

Kind regards

Craig, AMCS

-----Original Message-----
From: Sue McGuiness [mailto:usweirs@bigpond.com]
Sent: Sunday, 3 September 2006 8:13 PM
To: amcs@amcs.org.au
Subject: Moreton Bay

With reference to the trivel Mr Bohm posted recently about Moreton May I
submit to you my comment.

When you people start discussing actual facts and researching your subject
thoroughly and legitimately, you may gain some credence. In the meantime,
many of the public are wising up and looking for substantiated facts. This
is what will, without doubt, bring your deception of so many to an end.

David Weir
Rockhampton. Qld

(Thanks BB. As you would all be aware the bottom email is the first I sent.)



14-09-2006, 08:09 PM
i suspect mr bohm either doesn't know about the submission some of his peers have made to the national conservation parks enquiry or he is stretching the truth when uit comes to including fishermen in the consultation process, if you follow the link and wade through a fair bit of crap you will find a paragraph that states,\
Fisheries managers require more finally tuned direction from fisheries policy
makers about what sustainability targets they should achieve.
Fisheries management committees must be restructured to reduce the
number of fishers directly sitting on influential fisheries management
page six of the document i think
"1. Stakeholder consultation
AMCS has been involved in the countless working groups, committees and
workshops as part of the government process to deliver a CAR system of
MPA in the southeast. For over 6 years, stakeholders have contributed
significant time and resources into the process and have received little in
return outside of the fishing sector and oil and gas industry. Stakeholders
have been subjected to too many meeting with limited or no outcomes,
impossible expectations and infeasible negotiations.
A general lack of commitment and ongoing changes to timelines has
resulted in stakeholder burn-out and frustration."
are they not significant stakeholders?
link follows
184 Australian Marine Conservation Society (PDF 66KB)
hope it works
obviously the amcs has a hidden agenda of it's own

15-09-2006, 07:24 AM
I was once told that there are lies, and there are damn lies, and then there are statistics.

Statistics show that 49.725% of all statistics are made up ;D

I recently had this discussion with Gary Fooks - I thought it was 49.726% Now I'm confused ;D ;)

Sorry to add levity to this discussion but given that the standard deviation for this statistic is 2.38, you could both be considered to be correct. ;D ;D ;D

15-09-2006, 12:10 PM
I was once told that there are lies, and there are damn lies, and then there are statistics.

Statistics show that 49.725% of all statistics are made up ;D

I recently had this discussion with Gary Fooks - I thought it was 49.726% Now I'm confused ;D ;)

Sorry to add levity to this discussion but given that the standard deviation for this statistic is 2.38, you could both be considered to be correct. ;D ;D ;D

;D ;D ;D ;D Ah Bruce... thats levity that only a statistician would get...... loved it!! ;D ;D ;) For those who are saying... what the...?? I run Business Statics course at GoldCoast campus of Griffith Uni... be happy to explain.

sorry not trying to insult anyone else here... I wouldnt have got it either if not for bus stats. ;)