View Full Version : QB&FP Officers industrial action and more...

15-09-2006, 01:26 PM
I heard that the Officers from Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol may be taking industrial action this Sunday in response to the poor DPI&F offer to their log of claims. Industrial Action may be that no patrols will be conducted this Sunday.

I also heard that QB&FP Officers decided some 2 weeks ago that no officer would be working between 12:00pm to 06:00am. This is still ongoing apparently. This was not industrial action. Merely "work to the rules".

More info may reveal itself tonight on Channel 7 and could be in the Bulletin in Townsville tomorrow.

15-09-2006, 04:30 PM
Where's Peter Reith and Chris Corrigan when you need them. They have form in breaking up industrial action, they could import foreign patrol officers to take over while the Aussies are clubbed and set upon by the hounds. :)


17-09-2006, 10:20 PM
It appears industrial action will also be taken the following Sunday as well. So again no patrols during that day as well.

20-09-2006, 02:52 AM

Who will notice the difference if there not about?


21-09-2006, 10:43 AM
Yeh might as well get rid of all of em as we dont see them anyways

Let the slaughter begin!!!!