View Full Version : ken brown

21-08-2006, 09:09 PM
did any-one hear ken brown sending netters and rec fishermen up the creek today on the tv, regarding moreton bay closeures? only confirms what i,ve always thought of him. hubby

21-08-2006, 09:46 PM
no hubby didnt hear any news today
could you elaborate on that


21-08-2006, 10:26 PM
did any-one hear ken brown sending netters and rec fishermen up the creek today on the tv, regarding moreton bay closeures? only confirms what i,ve always thought of him. hubby

Would love to know what he said as well

Shane Boese
The Fishing Party Candidate for Cleveland

22-08-2006, 10:17 PM
Come on Guys, what did he say???????????? :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/

23-08-2006, 04:58 PM
will try to get a copy of email , which was received by a friend regarding the interveiw. hubby

24-08-2006, 02:49 PM
thanks hubby :) cant wait ;)


24-08-2006, 05:08 PM
Post from Hubby has been removed - It is against the law to reproduce or redistrubute an E-mail in Australia. Dave Batemans E-mail address was also included in the post which I am sure he would not like every spammer in the world to get hold of.

Hubby, please feel free to put the post up in your own words, sticking to the facts, remembering you are liable for whatever you post.


24-08-2006, 06:22 PM
If what was 'allegedly' reported was true and Ken is sponsored or has joined a group that wants up to 50% closures of the bay, I don't really see a problem with that. Surely it is his opinion and he is entitled to it. He has always rowed his own boat and seems to be doing it in this instance as well.

I don't agree with their way of thinking but still respect someones right to a point of view.


24-08-2006, 09:00 PM
fair enough i didnt realise that what i did was wrong , very sorry. hubby

07-09-2006, 09:00 AM
I'd urge all Ausfisho's to avoid Brownies Coastwatch website. The fewer hits on the site, the less likely advertisers will want to use it.

The site only really provides links for weather forecasts and fishing, there's nothing original there, and nothing that can't be found elsewhere.

The guy is a SCAB and he's batting for the other team it seems.

Don't provide him with more income and advertising revenue that he can use against fishos.


08-09-2006, 02:47 PM
what i resent is him saying greedy commercial fisherman and greedier still rec fisherman. where the ones that put this prick where he is today. and he still pisses in our pockets with his bullshit reports etc . stuff him, will never go to his site and will encourage others to do so as well. hubby

08-09-2006, 02:51 PM
I heard his opening comments on 4KQ (Thursday morning) following the
reports of the Tuesday night meeting on the news. The announcers on 4KQ
gave him the lead in by asking "Whats this about the government wanting
to close half of Moreton Bay?"

Ken quickly came back with a line that the greedy pros and even greedier
recreationals just want everything for themselves and wont be happy
until they have taken every fish from the bay. He stated that the 50% is
just an ambit calim from an unknown conservation group, however everyone
knows the fishery is in dire straits and needs urgent management to
maintain it for the future. He then went on with his Fishing/ boating

Should come as no surprise that all weekend, his reports on 4KQ were
sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency. Not hard to work out
who pays him these days..hubby

08-09-2006, 09:29 PM
Sponsered by the EPA - speaks volumes doesn't it. So if he gives boating and fishing reports to greedy fishermen, what does that make himself?

Cheers ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

08-09-2006, 10:26 PM
I used to listen to 4KQ. Then I heard Brownie attacking rec and pro fishers.

I was totally astounded by his attitude to fishers particularly since his weather forecasts are aimed at fishing people. This is hypocritical is it not ?? >:(

As a responsible fisher and boatie I am very very insulted by his comments.

I now listen to a different radio station.


09-09-2006, 06:59 AM

09-09-2006, 08:50 AM
Is the epa not a government agency. Why are they paying brownie????

10-09-2006, 09:47 PM
Now I may not know much...but sounds to me like Mr. Ken needs some publicity help....Ausfish style. You say his website has links....you say the EPA sponsor him. Well get busy people...start sending those messages to these sponsors and departments. Use your collective voice as they say!

I can just see the sponsors board meeting now...."Sir we are receiving hundreds of emails with negative sentiment" Fight PR with PR I say! ;)

11-09-2006, 07:55 AM

11-09-2006, 09:50 AM
i stopped listening to Browns reports years ago. how many times have you believed his drivel only to get to the ramp & find a wind that would blow a dog off a chain, or more importantly been told by him that it will be a crap day & find it turns into a perfect one & you missed it. these days i still go ( unless it's obviously bad ) & pull the pin at the ramp if it is bad, usually it's ok..

always second hand, second rate reports for both weather & fishing....

11-09-2006, 03:51 PM
can anyone please tell me when he appears?


11-09-2006, 04:16 PM
1 if you have listened you can go to step 2. If not you can listen at these times

Thursday and Friday: 6.30am & 5.05pm
Saturday : 6.30 and 8.30am & 12.30 pm and 5.05pm
Sunday: 6.30 and 8.30am & 12.30 pm

2 Download the complaints form
http://www.4kq.com.au-complaints-complaints_4kq.pdf or if that doesnt work go to http://www.4kq.com.au/ then go to teh right, almost at the bottom of the page and click "COMPLAINTS"

3 Print out the form and post it in.

Hubby would probably write soemthing like:

During the Qld election campaign last week Ken Brown made negative comments about closures to Moreton Bay. Closures that EPA, the sponsor of Coastwatch wants to introduce.

This was a hot political issue - look at the media releases by the Labor Party, Nationals Party and the Greens and the Fishing Party
This is “cash for comments” which is illegal under the Broadcasting Services (Commercial Radio Current Affairs Disclosure) standard 2000.

It was also a paid political advert but not properly approved and authorized as under the Electoral and Broadcast Acts

11-09-2006, 05:26 PM
Learn from the Vegans and what they do: say something to his sponsors:


Brownie used to be the Queensland fisherman’s friend but now we have him being paid by Environmental agency saying fishermen are environmental bad guys. – on 4KQ,

I understand that you advertise with him or 4KQ

I have decided that I can’t support him or the products he advertises. I am therefore refusing to buy any products advertised or associated with Ken Brown until you cease using his services.


Send these to












And Call:

Channel Seven Brisbane
GPO Box 604

Switchboard: (07) 3369 7777

4KQ (07) 3394 0693

12-09-2006, 10:57 AM
Complaints form downloaded and being sent off tomorrow. Guys, we only have a few days to do this as there is a 30day window for complaints which is fast approaching. Dont let Brownie do this to us - Many of us have supported him for years by watching his lame reports on TV and checking his website.

Now he is trying to turn on us - not because he truly believes that we shouldnt catch a fish but because the EPA is paying him - thats cash of comments... very poor form and unless we complain officially he will get away with it.

Just my thoughts,


12-09-2006, 11:45 AM
Hi All

Finally his true colours are coming out for all to see! I was an initial member of the DPI sponsored and managed 'Fishcare' volunteers group.

DPI approached him about airing a segment to promote us to the fishing community however Mr Brown wanted a significant sum of money to do this! Here we were as volunteers in our own time going out and visiting boat ramps and jetties and parting with rulers, stickers and info relating to legal sizes and catches and he wanted money to promote us!!

Hmmm, so it's no surprise that i see this is happening! Complaint form sent!

Take Care T

12-09-2006, 01:29 PM
Could anyone please tell us the date that he said this on 4KQ. We are sending in a complaint and we need the time and date for the form.

12-09-2006, 02:10 PM
Is that "cash for comments" or "trash for comments"?

12-09-2006, 07:01 PM
Could anyone please tell us the date that he said this on 4KQ. We are sending in a complaint and we need the time and date for the form.

Yes please!! The original time and date was on the post which had to be removed by Ausfish.... without posting the original email, - can we please have the time and date of the TV spot and the 4kq spot - we can send in separate complaints about both - as long as we have factual information.


14-09-2006, 04:32 PM
hi all,
sent my e-mails.
got one very hostile reply. can't post it here, pm e-mail address and i will forward it to you

14-09-2006, 08:09 PM
Ok... I have the details.... unfortunately it looks like we're a few days late for an "official" complaint however we can still make a general complaint about cash for comments.

The comments were made Wednesday 2nd August after the big meeting at the sands in Cleveland

The announcers asked him the question " Whats this about the government wanting to close half of Moreton Bay?"

Ken apparently came back with something like... The Pros are greedy and the rec fishos are even greedier and we wont be happy until we have taken every fish from the bay. He went on to say that everyone knows that the Bay is in dire straits and needs urgent management to save it for the future.

Those weren't the exact words - I have rephrased them to protect the original copyright holder

Of course Ken is entitled to his opinion but the report was apparently sponsored by the EPA. Therefore what Kens says is sponsored by the EPA - if his comments were his own opinion and not the opinion of his sponsor then he had an obligation to inform the public of that - according to broadcast regulations.

This is where the problem lies - its cash for comments and thats why we should complain in the first instance to 4KQ. Its too late now to go further, i.e to the broadcasting commission - but at least Ken and 4KQ will be on notice and he will shut his mouth in future - which is what we want him to do.

Hope that helps and thanks to hubby for getting me the info - so I could post it here. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]


14-09-2006, 08:41 PM
Hi all on the side of things with Mr Ken Brown when he was just doing the sigment on Tv fishing reports my wife us to work for a community centre here in Logan and they where having a fund raising day for the comunity centre in which had queit a few kids there the wife ask me if i could ring Ken and ask if he would donate some thing or could he attend the day his comments $5000.00 for the day and no he would not donate any thing now remember this was for kids and the same thing with jamey done (spelling) agro!!
any way people from all over gave things Tigers footy club along with a few other clubs
now i even explain to Ken that there where queit a few kids and there parents in the area that fished still the answer was no always round so from that day on i have never listened to nor will i listen to his radio broadcasts i however get the beacon to beacon as it does have some good info in it but that is as far as it goes the man to me is so S#### up (no sorry want go there)

now with this i think moeny is his only passion not fishing or even protection as long as the almighty Dollars are there

Cheers ;D ;D
Steve 8-) 8-)

15-09-2006, 03:38 PM
Heres a copy of my complaint that I have sent off... feel free to copy some of it... lets shut Ken up from making such statements!!! It may be a little "technical" but that is the nature of the complaint... hope it helps.


Attn: The Station Manager 4KQ
PO Box 693,
Coorparoo DC,
QLD, 4151

To whom this concerns,

This complaint is in regards to comments made by 4KQ personality Ken Brown on the 2nd August 2006. I understand that according to the commercial radio code of Practice, more than 30 days has elapsed since the comments were broadcast and therefore I am restricted in my ability to lodge a formal complaint. However I want to register with you my displeasure over comments which could be construed as “cash for comments” under the code and I will be closely monitoring future broadcasts to ensure it doesn’t happen again. The facts surrounding the issue follow:

In November 2005, the EPA (Environmental Protection Authority) announced that the EPA and Brownies Coastwatch were joining forces, the press release can be found on the EPA website at: http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/about_the_epa/public_reporting/epa_bulletin/issue_27_1_november_2005/ To quote the press release regarding the format of their messages: “EPA messages will feature in a mix of 30-second commercials, community service announcements and throughout the popular ‘Brownies Coastwatch’ reports”. The reason they gave for joining forces is that “Ken Brown is a well-known and respected local ‘boatie’, presenting boating, fishing, surfing and other water activity reports for over 15 years on Channel 7 and 4KQ”.
Under the Broadcast Standard 2000 Broadcasting Services (Commercial Radio Current Affairs Disclosure) Standard 2000, Brownie has a responsibility to disclose commercial agreements between sponsors and presenters that have the potential to affect the content of the programs he is presenting. In addition 4KQ has the responsibility to ensure that a condition of employment of presenters is that they comply with relevant obligations imposed by the Act.
On the 2nd August following a political meeting at the Sands Hotel in Cleveland which was discussing proposed closures of up to 50% of Moreton Bay, Brownie was asked a “Dorthy Dix” question about the meeting. His response was something like “The Pros are greedy and the rec fishos are even greedier and we (recreational fishers) wont be happy until we have taken every fish from the bay. He went on to say that everyone knows that the Bay is in dire straits and needs urgent management to save it for the future”. This is not an exact transcript – but the subject matter stands.

As a paid representative of the EPA, Ken Brown has an obligation to the public to disclose when he is or isn’t making comments which could be construed as a political advertisement, which within the code is defined as material broadcast a substantial purpose of which is to draw public attention to, or to promote, directly or indirectly, an organisation, a product, service, belief or course of action.

By making these comments without adequate disclosure Ken was in breach of both the advertising and current affairs standards within the code. Therefore it can be construed as “cash for comments”. This is but one example of Ken Brown making such comments, I’m sure others can highlight more, however it stood out in my mind due to the fact that it had the capacity to affect public opinion and in light of a looming state election with fishing as one of the side issues, it was a serious breach of the code.
Additionally it was a breach of Broadcast subsection 125 (1) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 and as it had the capacity to affect the voting habits of the public it was also a breach of the Political advertising requirements of Broadcasting Services Act 1992.
Of course people are entitled to their own opinions, however when these opinions are expressed on air and the individual making those statements has received consideration from an advertiser, then it is the obligation of that person to fully disclose their relationship with the advertiser and how consideration has affected the comments they choose to make.
I am calling on Ken Brown to either retract the statements he made at that time and reveal publicly the extent to which his professional relationship with the EPA and the consideration they paid to Ken affected his ability to make unbiased and objective statements regarding the political issue of fisheries management and in particular Bay closures which the EPA may oversee. As previously mentioned, any future comments made by Ken Brown will be closely monitored for political or financial motivation and if not correctly disclosed will result in an official complaint being lodged.

Thank you for your time and attention and I’m sure that this complaint will be given its due consideration.

Thank you,

Adam Young

16-09-2006, 07:37 AM
hi adamy
mate very well placed together and might i add with a lot of integrity and just straight to the point

Cheers 8-) 8-)
Steve ;D ;D

16-09-2006, 08:50 AM
spot on adam

well done ;)

22-09-2006, 06:44 PM
i've recieved varying replies, a fantastic one from Graham wilson, not so positive from the rest, paticularly opposite lock, and the manager of 4kq, with the opposite lock one in paticular very derogatory. anyone else recieved replies yet?


26-09-2006, 06:25 PM
Heres a copy of the response from 4KQ... I was quite surprised to receive it in the mail - rather than email.

What they are saying is - they are taking brownies word for it... fair enough.... BUT...

Have a read and let me know what you think.



26-09-2006, 06:29 PM
Page 2.....

27-09-2006, 09:31 AM
well, now what?

27-09-2006, 11:52 AM
Good question Pete...

Cant go into too many details here... but now they are on notice. We should be on the listen out for any comments Brownie may make that are "his opinion"... if that "opinion" is influenced by his affiliation with the EPA, then we have to call him on that - specifically we need to know the exact words and the exact time of day, radio segment etc.

Leave the burden of proof that Brownie's comments are influenced by his association to "us". We just need to have the complete details in a timely fashion.

We also need to act much faster as we were late getting out the gate on this, Brownie may not slip up again for another year - but when he does we have to be there and pounce.

Hope that helps, this letter is not a closed gate - its an opening, it tells us how they will defend any complaint against them.

Hope that helps,


05-10-2006, 09:59 PM
I haven't read Brownies comments, so I can't say much about what he has said. I agree to some extent with some closures, but not the 50%, whether or not that was Brownies belief. It's a really difficult line to tread, because I want some protection for fish stocks, but you give a little and you're afraid how big the take might be... If he really said greedy recreational fishermen, when he has made a living from this industry, then I must say I am disappointed, though lets not forget how he did fight to keep the fish farm out of moreton bay. Just my thoughts.

06-10-2006, 07:04 AM
Good old Ken Brown, 20 yrs ago he was being well paid to promote the outdoors in Morton Bay,showing the fish being caught by local charters and fisho's alike, so now a back flip to wanting to be paid well once again to put closures in place........sorry Ken but you should not bite the hands that have fed you for so long....

08-10-2006, 03:47 PM
media watch boys - media watch

13-10-2006, 03:16 AM
I'm shocked!! such a well known recreational fisherman has turned his back on his fellow fisherman.

I for one won't be going anywhere near his website again!!

Thanks for the info guys

17-10-2006, 03:55 PM
What a joke this guy is!! he speaks for HIMSELF when he says that rec fishos are greedier than commercial fishos.He is the greediest mongrel of all and completely without any consideration for the vast majority of rec fishers who do the right thing and are genuinely concerned about the bay.Making a blanket judgement of all rec fishers is totally unfounded and unsupported by factual evidence-it's heresay and his own biased opinion.
I never liked the bloke and now hopefully he will be so unpopular that he will just fade away like he should have done years ago.What a disgrace-he's nothing but a greedy money whore who has turned his back on the very people who have given him his 'name' in the first place.Jace.

25-10-2006, 10:51 AM
I have known for a while that the man is a dog.

I have friends that were abused by him whilst having a quiet walk on the foreshores of Manly because they were walking where he wanted to do his report. Obviously the world revolves around him.

Reading this post has just reinforced what I already suspected. W@nker.


26-10-2006, 07:08 AM
boycott anything to do with him in this country you dont bite the hand that feeds you or turn on your mates

26-10-2006, 07:11 PM
Off topic replies have been moved to This Thread

03-11-2006, 03:23 PM
Had a bit to do with him where I used to work and agree entirely ...... money talks boys and as long as people like channel seven are giving him gigs, he won't change.. just remember that you don't see someone like that talking to any of us ausfish members ....

12-11-2006, 07:24 AM