View Full Version : Caboolture River Marina?
27-10-2006, 06:18 AM
Interesting article in this mornings Courier Mail, page 12.
A planned marina 8kms upriver from the mouth of Caboolture River. also includes dredging 3km long channel into deception bay.
Visionary planning for the future? or a disaster in the making?
27-10-2006, 06:34 AM
Any intervention by man is a disaster in the making in my books Mike. Mankind's impact on the environment over time has resulted in depletion of the ozone layer, greenhouse gasses, and countless problems. Every day I see more bushland vanishing to make way for new industrial and housing estates which I am convinced upsets the balance. It also worries me to see development for marinas and dredging as well. But what can ya do? It will happen regardless. :-/ Best just get out on the water and enjoy our fishing to relax and not think about it. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
27-10-2006, 08:09 AM
Hey Poodroo,
and yet our population has exploded and we're all still alive-how could this be possible if the planet is so stuffed?.Around cities and other pop centres there always will be environmental damage to make way for people but have a look at some aerial photos of most cities and the amount of bushland for thousands of miles nth,sth and west of a city and you start to see a different perspective.It's true we should be more aware of environmental impacts for sure and we ARE compared to the bad old days of the industrial revolution with all new proposals requiring expensive impact studies etc before getting the green light.
Anything we do from breathing to building skyscrapers has some kind of impact on the planet-can't be helped if we want to exist at all and taking a boat out for a days fishing involves many kinds of pollution from the basic exhaust fumes etc right through to what the boat and engine factories spewed out building a rig and trailer and tyres and engine oil and instruments and safety gear etc etc etc.
Unless we want to live like aborigines did thousands of yrs ago(basic subsistance) we will have to accept that we will impact our environment and anyone who sits in their power hungry home using their throwaway computer and later jumps in their polluting car or boat for recreation is just as guilty of accepting our impact on the planet.The Caboolture river area where this proposal for a marina is aimed is far less important than somewhere like Dux creek on Bribie which was a very well known fish hatchery and mangrove complex and got completely bulldozed without even a murmur to make way for the Pacific Harbour development. I think any development in the proposed area will be quite a challenge as the Beachmere area where the river mouth is located is basically a tidal flat requiring extensive dredging for a project like the one proposed.The potential for a real nightmare is very possible with this project. Cheers! Jace.
27-10-2006, 09:59 AM
Isn't every plan a visionary one, then a decade later with 20/20 it was a disaster?
Considering the Gold Coast is pretty much all swamp land recovered, then most of the real land dug out to make way for canals, then major development on to the flood plains, tonnes of building within the sand dunes area (prime example Surfers Paradise) . . . . THAT is a disaster in the making (I grew up on the Coast and seen it all happen even in my short time on this planet)
Personally, I have my own opinions about development and planning within preservation vs sustainable scope.
But we all know that QLD, and most of Australia for that matter, is a build now, fix later government.
27-10-2006, 10:45 AM
Poodroo...did they clear bushland for you house? Did you portest against that.
There is a large shortfall of marina berths around these parts..I know I paid ofr 3 months for mine before I even got the boat..just so I was sure I had somewhere to put it.
Blame our climate...why wouldn't people want a boat and enjoy the Bay and surrounding areas with the wonderful climate we have...therefore development will take place...unfortunate perhaps in some areas ut alas it will happen.
I used to dig yabbies at Pt halloran...nothing but housing estate there now..such is progress.
There is one way to stop the land back from the developer and then you can do what you want with it.
27-10-2006, 12:15 PM
PinHead - mate I agree on that one, first thing I do when I win lotto is buy a nice big slab of Coast/Estuarine land mid QLD Coast and leave it be.
27-10-2006, 02:33 PM
Been floating around for a while, the Council had knocked it back on environmental grounds, but apparently the Ghost of Russ Hinze still lurks in George street, because the state government are doing something shonky to over ride the council.
I believe it will be good to see it, as long as the dredging is done properly. Anybody who buys in there (it is much more than a marina) will need wellies though, is all low lying and flood prone. (And probably acid sulphate soils)
27-10-2006, 02:54 PM
I work as a Town Planner in one of the local Councils in SEQ (not Caboolture) and I would have to say that is one of:
a) the largest developments I have seen; and
b) the most constrained eg flood prone.
More details can be found at
Have a read it is not just a marina but a full mix of uses including industrial, commercial and residential.
27-10-2006, 02:59 PM
27-10-2006, 07:33 PM
Too late. They are still buying more land around there for residential development. The land purchase cost them hundreds of millions but will make them that back easily over the long term.
27-10-2006, 08:45 PM
It is a bit of a laugh after watching the struggle that Beachmere boat hire had a few years ago to put in a pontoon next to their ramp and they would not allow a liitle bit of dredging to clear a passage to the ramp that silts up with mud but its ok to dredge the whole river if you have enough money. Have not been up there for a while but if it has not changed it is going to take serious dredging of the river to get the big boats up there, on the other hand I would not mind a marina berth there.
27-10-2006, 09:18 PM
It is a bit of a laugh after watching the struggle that Beachmere boat hire had a few years ago to put in a pontoon next to their ramp and they would not allow a liitle bit of dredging to clear a passage to the ramp that silts up with mud but its ok to dredge the whole river if you have enough money. Have not been up there for a while but if it has not changed it is going to take serious dredging of the river to get the big boats up there, on the other hand I would not mind a marina berth there.
true to a point,,,,,but the current operators knew about this prior to taking it over,,,,
how do i know that,,,,had joff and his wife in my kitchen a while back checking out options of putting my bbq boat down there for them to hire out as part of there fleet,,,,,it was only the bull@#$% associated with insurance red tape that stopped it happening
28-10-2006, 04:43 AM
I meant that they are happy to dredge right up the river but they would not let them dredge 100m to stop it silting up and allow use of the boat hire ramp at real low tide. Double standards.
28-10-2006, 09:57 AM
the development has a huge golf course as well lets hope the use of chemicals doesnt run off and we end up with fish kills cheers barfly
28-10-2006, 02:58 PM
I knew of this developement along time ago, as I'm in "that" industry.
The problem I have here is that once it is tabled, sooner or later it is gonna get up, the stupidity of this whole farce is that, the original developer was Australian own and operate, this was knocked back on "lack of funding" and a few other issues which the current developer would have to walks though anyway.
So why is it that we knocks back one of our own and allows a multi national firm from England to develope this site?
I wonder who is going to be Labour new "cash cow"
In the world of multi million/billion dollars developements, the enviroment is only a smokescreen to keep the general public happy, but the water run deep murky in the back rooms.
28-10-2006, 10:10 PM
I caught up with the old man last night and he mentioned one of his mates had bought down that neck of the woods recently and a marina was going in.
My first thought was they'd have to dredg the Caboulture River and further for access :-/
There must be some money behind it with some sort of study done to see if it's feasible ??
It will be interesting to watch, as my thoughts were it couldn't be possible without constant maintenance (the channel) which is part of the article in toady's paper was eludeding too, (who will pay for the regular dredging if it's required ?)
Mind you, this is a minuscule engineering project if you compare it to what they are doing in Dubai with their man made islands at the moment :o
30-10-2006, 03:02 PM
Once the State Government is involved it's all over for the local council.
Harbour Town (the big shopping place down at Runaway Bay/Labrador) was pushed through by State Government with it's own act of legislation, actually named Harbour Town Act.
It is actually listed as a Tourist Attraction!
06-11-2006, 01:15 PM
luckily for me i live on the relatively untouched (for now) north side of the river. i do know (through a mate) one of the investors involved in the development on the southern bank and he seems pretty certain that it's going to be pushed through by the state government. very smart move by these investors, the one thing that is seriously lacking in se qld is industrial land, so apparently if you propose an industrial estate and then attach a whole heap of other stuff to go with it, the development suddenly gets pushed forwards at a state government level. as far as dredging is concerned it's going to return the river to the depth it was supposed to be before they put the wiers in up at caboolture, but at the same time it'll wreck the river (my opinion here). burpengary creek has been all but destroyed by the runoff from the industries up in the narangba industrial estate and now it's looking like there's going to be more industrial runoff into the caboolture river. at a time that the government people are scratching their heads trying to figure out why the water quality is falling, why would you then go and bung an industrial estate on a river like ours >:(
like i've said in another post, at least i won't have to worry about hitting sand on my way out the river any more if it all goes ahead. ;)
06-11-2006, 05:24 PM
A bit of de-ja-vu here, kinda anyway.
When I was living in Coffs Harbour the NSW gov't stepped in to protect the foreshore from developments within 1km of the ocean, as the local gov'ts were passing plans willy nilly.
This harks back to old Bjelke/Hinze days of backroom deals and brown paper bags.
10-11-2006, 06:05 PM
i read in one of the caboolture local rags that the marina has hit a snag ;D
apparently there is a proposed bypass that goes from boundary road through to beachmere then through to link up with the b.island road it has been in the pipe work for around 5 years
13-11-2006, 12:53 PM
that link road has been talked about for years and nothing has happened, probably because there hasn't been enough population to warrant the huge pricetag that would come for bridges across king john creek (if it goes where i think it'll go), burpengary creek and the caboolture river.
interesting though kleyny, i didn't read the local rags last week.
i won't be crying if it (industrial estate) doesn't go ahead :)
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