View Full Version : Anglers fear ban on 'cruel' live bait will spread
07-01-2007, 06:01 PM
This from the Sunday Telegraph UK
Anglers are to be banned from using live fish as bait after politicians decided it was cruel.
The ban, which will apply in Scotland, has angered fishermen south of the border who believe it has handed a major victory to animal rights campaigners calling for similar legislation in the rest of Britain.
Steve Greenway, a leading angler from Staffordshire who has been on 105 fishing trips to Scotland, said: "If I thought live bait was cruel, I wouldn't use it. Where will it all end? Do you stop using maggots and worms as well?"
Mark Barrett, the general secretary of the Pike Anglers' Club of Great Britain, said: "To have the law change like this on your doorstep is going to be a concern for people in the rest of the UK."
The blanket ban was a last-minute amendment to the Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill, which has just passed through the Scottish Parliament without any objections.
It has already been strongly endorsed by Scotland's deputy environment minister Rhona Brankin and will pass through the legislature for a final time in the next three months before becoming law.
Green Party MSP Eleanor Scott, who is deputy convenor of the environment and rural affairs development committee and an architect of the Bill, said: "Anglers won't like me saying it, but fish do feel pain and we felt there was a cruelty issue here."
The politicians also believe live bait threatens fish stocks by introducing alien species into their habitats which may bring diseases and parasites.
Putting live small fish such as roach on a hook is a common tactic for catching larger, predatory fish like trout, perch and pike, which are drawn to the movement.
The coarse fishing industry contributes up to £7 million a year to the Scottish economy. Ron Woods, a policy officer from the Scottish Federation for Coarse Angling, said: "This will hurt fishing tourism."
But Yvonne Taylor, from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said the ban was a "massive first step" in the group's fight for one in the rest of Britain.
Angling is the nation's most popular participation sport, with an estimated four million devotees. In recent years their hobby has been increasingly targeted by animal rights activists. Last summer saw a spate of attacks on fishermen.
Scientists are divided on the issue of whether fish can feel pain.
By Jasper Copping, Sunday Telegraph
If this comes in a legislation in Australia you won't be able to catch a whiting on worms to a Marlin on bonito and so on
Don't kidd yourself's here this is what green's are pushing for here as well in the long run
08-01-2007, 10:39 AM
Yes, Mitch. this will be on our doorstep before you know it.
This is why it is so important to support people like " The Fishing Party Queensland ".
Apathy will defeat you, if you let it.
08-01-2007, 10:55 AM
This will be something that will defintely come up in the future, for instance is you have snakes at home any animals you feed them like rats or mice have to euthinazed?? before they can be fed to them. Although i dont know the exact reasons behind it, the issue would have some relevance to the live baiting issue i would presume?
To be honest the majority of people would think that putting a hook in the back of a live fish is cruel.
09-01-2007, 01:00 AM
the la :-?w of nature is the bigger eat the smaller if the smaller just happends to have a hook in :-? :-?. where dose it stop we cant fish because it might kill a fish, if u providing a feed for u or your family I dont see the harm in that.after all we are hunters and gathers :)
09-01-2007, 09:41 AM
Yes, Mitch. this will be on our doorstep before you know it.
This is why it is so important to support people like " The Fishing Party Queensland ".
Apathy will defeat you, if you let it.
I am one of the people that stay behind the scene's here in Brisbane/SEQLD
you may have not realize help informing Brisbane South Branch of the TFPQ (The Fishing Party Queensland ) in the role treasurer first then took over as secretary when Matt left to go to Maryborough and vice chairman and acting chairman of the branch when Shane Boese run for the seat of Cleveland at last state election and help run his campaign by getting the booth workers and doing many other things to help run the campaign
Also I spent every day at the Tinny&Tackle show and Brisbane Boat Show last year informing people in what's happen with marine parks closures and restrictions and telling them this will come eventually to Moreton Bay and others issues to do recreational fishing , and meet with prominent political leaders in all forms of government with Shane Boese + to 7 Inshore Fin Fish DPI review meetings from Nossa to the Gold Coast out to Inala gathering information for the TFPQ and when Shane did his talks to fishing clubs around Brisbane area I was signing up new members for the party and so on
I was even a State Executive Committee member of The Fishing Party Queensland because of the political bullsh#t going on's and people having there own agenda's in north Queenland and not communications with us ( I don't what to air all the dirty laundry of the party here :-X) which no longer part of at State or Branch level
So Don't tell me about apathy at least done something about the future of recreational fishing issues and inform people and when I find new information will keep informing people like here on ausfish affects fishing& Outdoor matters
Also I spent my own money and taking time off work to do all of this above
because I belive in keeping Fishing & Outdoor Activty's open to all
I still support TFP (The Fishing Party) and will be back one day in the fold again when things change
Ps I am still a member of the TFP and my only agenda has been in all of this is too take my Niece and Nephew fishing in Moreton Bay I am only a recreational fisherman
i feel Phils comment was a general one & not aimed at you Redspeckle.
i think it was meant for those that do nothing.
anyone who is a member of this board knows you have been well involved in TFPQ.
09-01-2007, 11:40 AM
i dont think phill was referring to you mitch.
hearing more and more reports like this is terrifying! you're dead right - the fishing party is our vehicle to combatting these outta control hypocrites! here's hoping.
09-01-2007, 09:29 PM
The politicians also believe live bait threatens fish stocks by introducing alien species into their habitats which may bring diseases and parasites.
Putting live small fish such as roach on a hook is a common tactic for catching larger, predatory fish like trout, perch and pike, which are drawn to the movement. "alien" species is the key here imo...
It's up to the FP and other bodies ,to keep scottish par-larf-a-minute stupidity and environmental threats in perspective ,and be 'ready' to put it in perspective ,anytime, anywhere.
Live-baiting with translocated species is a no-no ,actually makes sense.....within reason :-/
Our politicians can understand that jigging/netting "local livebait" is NOT A PROBLEM !!!!
[smiley=laola.gif] [smiley=laola.gif]
This new law is about 10 to 20 years behind the Fishing laws in Germany (home of the Green Party)
In Germany:
- No live baiting
- No catch and release ( I haven’t worked out what they do with undersized fish)
- No fishing tournaments of any kind
- Fishing Licence ( Fishereischein )- I mean some 30 hours of study and a tough exam to pass. Its all environmental stuff – nothing about tying knots.
- See below if you want to read the original regs.
Because this all started in Germany - look to this example as the major threat.
Some people think we should have a fishing licence in Qld - so that we get more and better Fisheries management. But experience in other states is that its just a revenue raiser.
Fishing licences wont slow down you guys - but it will stop the occasional and first timer … well many of them.
A Fishing licence is just the thin edge of the greenie wedge. First a cheap, over the counter licence. Then the price rises and after some time they introduce a test - that gets tougher and tougher. ( A bit like the history boat licences … but I am not opposed to good training and licences for boats, cars and aircraft)
Most anti fishing groups, and especially the two main ones in Qld are Buddhist based – and they have a very long term philosophy. So they are happy to have a very slow, long term approach to their goal of banning fishing (and having world vegetarianism)
So … look overseas for a hint to the future. I am therefore strongly opposed to the introduction of any fishing licence, no matter how innocent it looks.
Fishing regulations for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (East Germany)
(1) Unbeschadet sonstiger Vorschriften ist verboten:
1. das Angeln ohne sinnvolle Verwertung des gefangenen Fisches,
2. die Verwendung lebender Köderfische,
3. das Wettangeln oder andere fischereiliche Veranstaltungen mit Wettbewerbscharakter durchzuführen,
4. die Lebendhälterung gefangener Fische in Setzkeschern in Ausübung des Angelns,
5. das Aussetzen maßiger Fische in Gewässer gemäß § 1 Abs. 3 Satz 2 zum Zweck des Wiederfangens und des Angelns der zu diesem Zweck zuvor eigens maßigen ausgesetzten Fische, wenn nicht zwischen dem Aussetzen und dem Wiederfang ein Zeitraum von mindestens vier Wochen eingehalten wird.
(2) Die zuständige Fischereibehörde kann Ausnahmen von Absatz 1 Nr. 2 zulassen, wenn es für die Ausübung der berufsmäßigen Fischerei zwingend erforderlich ist.
(1) Not regarding other rules the following is forbidden:
1. fishing without a meaningful utilisation of the caught fish,
2. the utilisation of living baits
3. fishing for competitive purposes or other events having a competitive nature
4. keeping living fish in a live well when practising fishing
5. releasing fish in seas following Paragraph 1 Line 3, Sentence 2 to catch them again and fish for them again if there is not a period of at least four weeks between releasing them and catching them again.
(2) The administration can allow exceptions from the rules if it is compulsory for professional fishing.
[quote author=Gary Fooks link=1168156880/0#8 date=1168361866]
[ quote Gary Fooks] A Fishing licence is just the thin edge of the greenie wedge. First a cheap, over the counter licence. Then the price rises and after some time they introduce a test - that gets tougher and tougher. [end quote]
This is exactly what happened to duck shooters in Queensland.
After some years of a gradual ramping up of the test criteria necessary for a shooter to obtain a licene to shoot ducks, the number of people that applied for a seasonal licence declined from year to year to the point where the Government could say the applications for licences had reduced to the point where it was obvious that interest in duck shooting had declined, so duck shooting could be banned. The ban was in response to Greenie political lobbying.
The same system of white-anting over an exteneded period will work to ban or drastically reduce recreational fisher numbers too and then watch the number of closed areas etc escalate.
Just look at the reduction of recreational fishing effort in north Queensland as a result of GBRMP green zones and draconian punishments.
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